• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

august 3rd
checked the mail; received a natural floor seat from del!
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected my daily weeds, tree branches and rock materials
checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach
got a gong diy from my daily diy bottle
talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from - got an avocado explorer shirt from bunnie and del’s photo!! 🥳🎉💙
did some fishing, bug catching and diving
crafted a shovel
customized del’s photo and added it to my photo wall
checked the recycling bin
collected my daily bonus nook miles and checked nook shopping
checked to see what kicks was selling; he didn’t have anything that i need, though :c
checked the shops; bought a green balloon and 10 pieces of brown wrapping paper from nook’s
completed some nook mile achievements
Time travel to get some of my missing seasonal items
Asked CJ to make me a model
Did the fishing tourney once
Caught some pond and ocean fish that I still need to make models of
Cleaned up the beach of some seashells
Popped some balloons, still trying to get the missing summer shell rug DIY recipe
Ordered some items to catalog them
Make some fishing poles
Orderable clothing and furniture catalog is now complete
Gave gifts to my villagers
• Recieved a tubeteika in the mail from Gulliver.
• There was a visitor at the campsite today: Rudy the Cat. He wasn't particularly a villager I was looking for, however, so he wasn't invited to stay.
• Marshal has started calling me Pumpkin because of Pekoe.
• Found Gayle and Harry enjoying popsicles behind Resident Services.
• Chatted with Kitty (who warned me Rex had come down with a cold), Patty (who gave me some striped tights), Pekoe, and Pashmina (who asked if I'd be willing to help her catch a stinkbug).
• Stopped by the store to pick up some medicine for Rex.
• Went Island-hopping for our next resident; met Becky the Hen, Tybalt the Tiger, Rod the Rat, Croque the Frog, Sprocket the Robot Bird, Candi the Rat, Samson the Mouse, Tex the Penguin, Simon the Monkey, Boyd the Gorilla, and ran into Biskit for the second time (if I run into him a third time, I've decided I'll be inviting him next time). I finally ran into Mathilda the Kangaroo (it's been so long! I had her in New Leaf!), and our search finally reached its end.
• Also, Mathilda's Island turned out to be a money-rock island 😆
• Label was back again, this time with a Comfy Fashion Challenge. All I had to do was change my current color scheme (purple when I talked to her, changed to red) and I passed with flying colors! I recieved a Labelle knit shirt as thanks.
• Poor Harry had fleas! :( (speaking of which, can hippos even GET fleas?)
• Cleaned up and put away Marina's items (I'll likely repurpose them later), started setting up Mathilda's yard.
• Helped Harry deliver an apology gift to Patty after they got in an arguement. He got her an accessories stand, and she just about fainted from excitement (needless to say, apology accepted!)
• Luckily had an extra stinkbug in storage, so I brought it to Pashmina after being unable to catch one (...and after remembering that I'd forgotten to go after one after finishing up...how embarrassing! 😣 )
Another short day today
-Label's two thank-you tickets arrived today
-Talked to villagers + Gave presents but no photos yet
-Picked up star fragments from last night. I got a Leo fragment and was confused for a second until I realized it's August and not July anymore
-Gayle and Lolly shared poems they have written. Both were pretty interesting. Better than what I can come up with anyways
-Turnip price shot up to 372 bells, which is my highest record yet. Some people asked to come over to sell their turnips and one person tried to come to my island twice but the connection broke both times so we just called it off
-Nooks Cranny was selling autograph cards and a throwback table. I thought the table looked weird enough to be cute so I bought it and I liked all of the autograph cards so I bought that as well
-Today's visitor was Leif. He was selling tulip and pansy seeds but I didn't really like pansies so I only bought the tulip ones. Planted them in front of Rodeo and Zell's houses
-Always thought the bench swing is kind of in the way (right next to my road) but I never bothered to move it till I realized today that there's a whole bunch of space behind it so I moved it back away from the road and the world is just a bit better now
-Afternoon turnip price fell to 169, which is expected thanks to the almighty Turnip Prophet. If I didn't use this tool then I would've saved my turnips for afternoon cuz I thought the prices between AM and PM are not that much different so I would've waited and see the afternoon price
-I bought 3 rugs, a wallpaper, and a flooring from Sahara
-Got two tailors tickets in the mail from Label from doing her fashion check yesterday
-Went to the Able Sisters and bought all of Label's caps
-Bought all colors of punk pants
-Bought all the colors of mage dresses
-Dug up all the fossils
-Got my DIY recipe in the bottle but it was one I already have
-Got a DIY recipe from Cube but it was also one I already have

I still need to go back on later to have the fossils assessed then sell all of them, and then buy some more stuff from the Able Sisters, check what K.K. song is available in the Nook shopping catalog and buy it if I don't have it, fish and catch bugs
-Checked the mail, collected the things that I ordered
-Leif was in the plaza so I checked out what he was selling today, he had tea-olive starts which I always need more of so I grabbed some of those
-Visited both shops, bought some more customization kits
-Talked to my villagers
-Gave wrapped fruits to Lolly, she gave me a bowling shirt
-Moved some more trees around in the area near my campsite, I removed a lot of items to get rid of the lag so I'm reworking the whole area
-Completed some Nook Miles tasks
• Recieved two tailor's tickets in the mail from Label.
• Ran into Celeste on the beach, who gave me a recipe for the star pochette!
• Gayle taught me how to make a gold rose wreath!
• Chatted with Kitty (who has also started calling me Pumpkin), Patty, Pekoe, and Pashmina (aaaaand now she's calling me Pumpkin, too).
• Poor Plucky had fleas! :(
• Mathilda moved in today, so I dropped by to say hi! (And also put some finishing touches on her yard)
• Redd was visiting today; I got to walk out with a graceful painting!
• A few stars fell, so I made some wishes!
• Bought some more customization kits.
• Pashmina asked me to catch her another bug, this time one that likes flowers. Luckily for her, I stockpile daytime bugs for moments just like this; I gave her an Orchid Mantis I'd been saving in storage.
• Sent a housewarming gift I'd crafted to Matilda through the mail. (It was a terrarium. I hope she likes it!)
all i did was decorate genjis house :c props to all who got so much stuff done !
Started ordering villagers posters so they are in my catalog at Harvs
Finally cleared out most of my unread mail and deleted them
Requests some models from Flick and CJ
Caught some bugs and fish that I still need models of.
Started working on a new custom design
Gave a lot of gifts to Nan and Del to get their photos, still no luck yet
Bought a real mystic statue from Redd

Almost at present day
Today I did a bit:

I started to delete all the areas I want to change
Picked up most of the weeds
Got rid of a lot of flowers that were going so wild
Decorated my new housing area
Planted a lot more trees
Collected 3 more bugs that I needed for my museum
Attended my first firework show
Had Henry the frog in my campsite, which was one of the few smugs I was actually considering to invite at some point. Did the thing with the resets until he suggested the right villager to leave, and now all personalities are represented on my island again!

Also did some minor redecorating on the beach
-Isabelle announced shooting stars tonight! I might not have time to play later and truthfully I don't really need more star fragments but it was nice to have her announce this anyway because I haven't seen a shooting star announcement in so long!
-Saharah is visiting so I bought everything she had to offer, didn't get anything too exciting this time
-Talked to my villagers
-Gave wrapped fruits to Lolly, she gave me an athletic jacket
-Found a lost item so I returned it to Axel and he gave me a zap suit
-Visited both shops, didn't buy anything today
-Emptied the recycle box inside Resident Services
-Found the glowing spot so I planted a money tree
Short summary of the last two days:
-Caught a ray and donated to the museum
-Caught a fly and donated to the museum
-Flick came and I commissioned a honeybee model. It's actually looks better than I had expected
-Dug up fossils but none is new to the museum
-Bea asked to move. I don't have her photo yet but during her stay here I didn't really reminiscent/bond with her so I decided to let her go

-Kicks came! Bought a couple of shoes and a blue backpack
-Bea got packed up and I posted about her and someone came to get her onto their island. I thought Bea will wait till tomorrow to leave but when I checked her house after the visitor left she was already gone
-Dug up fossils but none is new to the museum
-Planted some bushes
-Was trading a blue cute bed for some bells and I got to the island, dropped the bed and picked up the bells like normal but apparently the other person did not see the bed I had dropped as soon as I entered. She said "Where's the bed" and I answered "it's here" but either she didn't see my text or she didn't care to see my text because she said "that's okay 35000 bells isn't a lot anyways" (she thought I was a scam). So I said "it's right here" and ran in circles for about 10 times until she finally bothered to move and as soon as she did she saw the bed and all was well again
• Took the graceful painting out of the mail and brought it straight to Blathers.
• C.J. was back with a freestyle fishing challenge; upon completion, I brought him three butterfly fish for a collectible.
• Gathered a few star fragments off of the beach.
• Chatted with Kitty, Patty, Pekoe and Pashmina.
• Gayle had decided to start calling me Cupcake...I wonder how long it'll take before that one catches on...
• Found Mathilda in the butterfly exhibit, so I stopped by to chat.
Oh! I forgot to mention ~ yesterday I attempted making a flag for my island which is good because I usually ask people to make me one.I think it looks very good but we’ll see when I can use it :)
- Placed the date for August 1 so I could participate in Redd's raffle. Got some of the new food items.
- Traded
- Ordered through nooks. Time traveled back and forth to get items faster.
- Placed photos on walls and put a rainbow dance floor with floor lights all over.
- Decorated a bedroom.
- Tore down an old design for a room and started to make a cafe / flower boutique.
I ended up completely redoing my campsite area and it looks remarkably better than before. I also went mystery island hopping for supplies and just generally tidied up my island after not playing for a few days.
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