What's Bothering You?

keep on sneezing and my nose is so itchy but i refuse to take antihistamines only bc im lazy to get up and find them

also the hospital committee for our internship year is so bad like are the people even talking to each other. they want us to go back to town to process our papers (most of us are out of town rn), essentially rushing us of the deadline when they initially said we could do it in september. no one’s gonna suddenly book a flight since everyone’s on vacation, plus we got to process our papers online last year so i dont see what the problem is not having the online option this year either? what do they desperately need to see in person? 😭 idc anymore they should sort their own deadlines out since they’ve been so contradictory with their own statements.
i need to go to a gastroenterologist so bad :( my nausea has been getting worse and worse everyday to the point now i cant think about food without getting nauseous. idk if it’s anxiety or something medical-related but either way i’m scared to know the answer, and i know it’s probably necessary but i’m scared if they want to do an endoscopy on me ;__;
my current situation is honestly awful. I have about an hour before I have to leave for work, so I don't have much to do besides wait around, and my anxiety is running rampant. sitting around is really the last thing I should be doing when my anxiety is acting up, but I don't have time to go anywhere or do stuff before I have to leave. it wouldn't be so bad if I could leave for work now, but my shift doesn't start for two hours and sitting around there won't be much better than sitting around here.

I hate my anxiety so much. it makes me feel miserable. I'm working on trying to pull myself out of it, and a few days ago I was actually miraculously able to, but today I'm struggling a lot again.

it actually reminds me of something I realized a few days ago, idk if anyone here can relate. two things, actually. one, that I somehow feel like I deserve to deal with these issues (probably bc I've been dealing with them for years and only very recently started to get better), and two, that I feel really alone when dealing with them (because many people have simply dismissed my depression and anxiety over the years).

I know I'm not alone, though. I know there are people who try to help, even though I've expressed that they really don't have to do that for me. I need to remember and appreciate them more. my anxiety gets in the way of me being able to fully appreciate what others do for me. god I wish I could get my anxiety under control, it's so incredibly frustrating to deal with and it makes me feel weak. I just want to live like a normal person, not have my anxiety disorder pick and choose when I do live normally and when I'm being strangled by it.

edit: I think part of my problem w my anxiety is that I become somewhat emotionally distant when I'm really anxious. and that honestly sucks so much. but the people who recognize that and understand that it's not who I really am, and still appreciate me despite my anxiety issues, are people worth holding onto 💕
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i hate when i have to do something and it’s hard and my dad is like “you’re 15 now. you should be able to do this.”
me turning 15 doesn’t make the task any easier :,)
i hate when i have to do something and it’s hard and my dad is like “you’re 15 now. you should be able to do this.”
me turning 15 doesn’t make the task any easier :,)
People mentioning this always reminds me of this comic.

Spoiler because image is big.
I'm getting so freaking sick and tired of my mom invalidating my feelings and making me feel like I can't do anything right. At this point, I'm past my breaking point; I'm nearing my shatter-into-a-million-pieces point. I'm so FREAKING done.
I’m contemplating if I should just tell my mom I’m trans because I have a feeling she knows but I wanted to wear my pronoun pin on our trip to Disney World. I know it’s Florida but the park itself is way more trans-friendly. I don’t think I can just come out of nowhere with the pin without confusing my mom, so I don’t know what to do, lol.
A few days ago, I decided to come out to my mom and I texted this to her:

Welp, it seems that Shang from Mulan has successfully made a man out of me 🏳️‍⚧️

Woke up at 5am cause of cramps and the same headache from last night not going away. Couldn't go back to sleep, got up at 8am to go eat food cause I got hungry. Didn't even finish the muffin, went neck to sleep after taking NSAIDS or whatever they are called.

I have been wanting to paint my nails for days now but somethin seems to come up and prevent me from doing it. Painting my nails takes time and they take literal hours to fully dry so they don't get smudged, and I seem to not be able to get the time. Other things keep popping up that I have to get to first and then I no longer have time to sit down and paint them.

Also the other day I bought a 5$ tanktop and didn't see it had a red alarm tag on it. I went throu self checkout so no one took the tag off and now I have a tanktop I can't wear cause it has the damn tag on it. I can't drive myself so now I have to wait for my parents to take me back or my sis to happen to go back even thou we were just there.
Who in their right mind puts an alarm tag on somethin so cheap😑
My mom is going through a sad/angry phase from her stroke. I know she's going through the different levels of grief from becoming disabled and now needing a wheelchair, but I just wish I could give her some hope. My dad is getting a chairlift put on the stairs in the house so my mom won't be house bound, but she still feels like her life is over. Shes still stuck in the hospital right now so it's hard to have hope in that place. Hopefully once she's home she will start to feel like her self again, at least partially.
I'm thinking of leaving a groupchat I'm in. One of my online friends invited me a week ago, but I feel like an outsider because everyone else in the group is her IRL friends and I'm just kinda there.
Plus, some of the members send a ton of really hurtful and explicit 'memes', comments, GIFs, etc. There's one person in particular who likes to tell me things like "non-binary isn't a gender" and "just pick a gender". Not to mention some... Explicit comments from them as well. And as weird as it sounds, I can't tell if they're joking/trolling or being serious half the time.
I don't wanna leave 'cause my friend and I don't talk much in DMs, nor do I wanna make her feel bad. But at the same time, there's just some people in the group who are really rude and I can't stand. The logical thing would to leave, but I feel like I can't or shouldn't.
It felt good getting it out of my system but now this comment has to go.
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I lost my left AirPod. I hope it’ll turn up soon. I can’t even use the Find My feature since it’s dead. I know it’s somewhere in the house, hopefully. I don’t remember having it when I left the house.