my current situation is honestly awful. I have about an hour before I have to leave for work, so I don't have much to do besides wait around, and my anxiety is running rampant. sitting around is really the last thing I should be doing when my anxiety is acting up, but I don't have time to go anywhere or do stuff before I have to leave. it wouldn't be so bad if I could leave for work now, but my shift doesn't start for two hours and sitting around there won't be much better than sitting around here.
I hate my anxiety so much. it makes me feel miserable. I'm working on trying to pull myself out of it, and a few days ago I was actually miraculously able to, but today I'm struggling a lot again.
it actually reminds me of something I realized a few days ago, idk if anyone here can relate. two things, actually. one, that I somehow feel like I deserve to deal with these issues (probably bc I've been dealing with them for years and only very recently started to get better), and two, that I feel really alone when dealing with them (because many people have simply dismissed my depression and anxiety over the years).
I know I'm not alone, though. I know there are people who try to help, even though I've expressed that they really don't have to do that for me. I need to remember and appreciate them more. my anxiety gets in the way of me being able to fully appreciate what others do for me. god I wish I could get my anxiety under control, it's so incredibly frustrating to deal with and it makes me feel weak. I just want to live like a normal person, not have my anxiety disorder pick and choose when I do live normally and when I'm being strangled by it.