Naps suck, they’re like ok you can sleep some of your cramp away, but you get a mild headache and feel even more tired
My bad if you didn't want a response to this, but something I like to do with impulse purchases that helps me is just waiting a week. If I want the item a whole seven days later, it may be worth it. Sometimes treating ourselves to something is good, but there's a time and place for it. It doesn't mean that you can't ever get an item, but maybe treat yourself to them when the situation is better.-snip-
Have you tried any supplements? I've been using CBD* products for the past six months and my ability to fall and stay asleep has improved.I’m trying to sleep, but I cannot fall asleep. In fact, I’ve been unable to sleep for over 48 hours.
I may have to see the doctor. I need a permanent cure for insomnia.
I’m already taking anxiety medicines every night. But I haven’t been taking melatonin.Have you tried any supplements? I've been using CBD* products for the past six months and my ability to fall and stay asleep has improved.
*Specifically ones that contain no THC (the psychoactive property in cannabis) so they aren't considered drugs.
Please don't click below if you've a history with eating disorders.
For the past week I've struggled with eating solid food. I do it, but it's a real challenge motivating myself to do so. And as a result I tend to give into cravings rather than eating properly. Dinner tonight was three slices of bread dipped in spicy srichicha mayo. I bought the ingredients to cook a healthy and filling meal on my way home but couldn't motivate myself to make it.
I've no history of disordered eating and this is very short-term in the grand scheme of things, so I don't think it's concerning, but it is bothering me. I've a doctor's appointment on Monday so I'll raise it then if still ongoing.
I'm a foodie. I love cooking and eating. This sucks.