What's Bothering You?

Feeling under the weather today. Can't wait to get onto the sofa and have a cuddle with Blossom.
please give Blossom a kiss for me and I hope you feel better soon 🫂💗

I'm thinking I may need to get in touch with my family doctor again. I didn't talk about this on here before, but almost two weeks ago I slipped and fell on my back porch, and I didn't think much of it at the time because I felt okay and got right back up (though I have a history of having a very high pain tolerance). but the problem now is that I have had a headache every day since then. sometimes it turns into a migraine and it really sucks. I've also dealt with radiating back pain a few times. I've also also been feeling excessively tired, I usually feel tired anyway but lately it's been more than usual so I wonder if it has something to do with my fall. I didn't hit my head, but I must've jolted my neck when I fell.
I talked to the doctor on Friday about it, and he said that if it gets worse, or if I experience unordinary neurological symptoms, then I would need to go to the ER. thankfully it didn't get to that point, but while it hasn't technically gotten worse, it certainly hasn't gotten better. I might need to have an x-ray done and see a chiropractor. my mum has issues with her back and has for a long time, so it would probably be a good idea for me to do that anyway. I'm just hope I can get something figured out, dealing with a headache every single day for nearly two weeks straight is awful honestly. 😔 thankfully Tylenol does help a bit, but it's obviously not a permanent solution.
had a bit of a bad mental health day and ended up taking the day off work (just took it as AL as didn't want to take a sick day), i'm just so sick of my own self destructive behaviour, i do nothing to help myself when i get in this state
So, I just remembered to upload a dream address or even visiting someone else's dream address; you need an online subscription...
I've been making a new Island on my friends switch, and she doesn't have a membership :/ And I don't expect that she ever will. So, I'm kinda stuck since I wanted to make this kingdom, and once finished, delete and do another idea.

My account is on her switch as well, I dunno if that changes anything? Could I do a dream address that way?
That person who lets the cats out. It's raining and there are lightnings, the door was locked with a chair in front of it and they just let all of them out. They are always doing that, even when I tell them not to, sometimes I manage to catch them back right away, all dirty, and as soon as I"m not looking they let them out again. What pisses me off the most is when I put them all in their beds, go to bed myself, then get waken up by the bunch of them all at the window outside begging me to let them in, so I will get up to let them in, 2 hours later, same thing! We can do that 3-4 times per night. I'm so tired!
Looking back at the person I was 2-3 years ago, hell maybe even last year is physically painful for me to see, I'm left wondering why the whole forum doesn't hate me for my insufferable behavior.
Please don't comment on this, I don't want your pity and I don't want attention.
We do cooked breakfast at my shop, but there's never anyone here till after 9am, and I get frustrated when I have to sadly inform people just that so they don't come back. Ugh.
I'm going to try 10mg of Lexapro.

I'm reluctant but I'm biting down and doing it anyways.

I asked my doctor if there would be side effects and she said there shouldn't be. But I had a terrible reaction to buspirone. I kept getting these horrid brain zaps. Like my a shock going through my head that would jolt me forward each time I took it.

I'm eager to try this and aware of how bad effects can be. I have mixed feelings. I'm ready for the prescription to be ready so I can get it over with.
I'll live but like. last night I got up to get a sip of water, and since my bed isn't far from my desk I didn't bother turning on the lights.

so then when I tried to get back into bed, I misjudged how far I was from it and just. slammed my knee into the bedframe 😭 I figured it'd be fine in the morning so I went to sleep anyway. and like, it's not serious, but it is bruised as hell and I've been having to use an ice pack on-and-off all day aaaaa. no ringfit for me for a few days ig

edit: also I could tell ragweed pollen season had begun the moment i woke up this morning. help
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My entire ****ing family is getting on my case about my sleep schedule and it's starting to piss me off. I can understand my parents doing it because they want what's best for me (even though it did spark a couple arguments)... But why does my brother care? Maybe I'm more reluctant to listen to him, but he's being real annoying about the whole thing.

Every day, he tells me the same crap: "You should go to bed earlier, it's just better for you", "you should be in bed right now", "try to sleep earlier"... And EVERY ****ING MORNING he wakes me up (too early, in my opinion) to ask, "When did you go to bed?/How many hours of sleep did you get?" **** off.

And my family assumes that I've been sleeping late because I wake up late, which isn't even the case most of the time. I just like to sleep in (or I don't want to see/deal with them right away). I didn't think I'd type up a whole rant about something so trivial, but this happens every day and I'm getting tired of it.
my traditional drawing pad broke.... a big chunk of the paper on the inside.... i haven't drawn in forever.. i forgot how easily that can break... 😑 😑 😑 😑 😑 😑 😑 😑 😑:mad: 😖😫🥺

edit at 6:24 pm: but... i have something i want to draw, so i'm gonna try... :>
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I'm going to try 10mg of Lexapro.

I'm reluctant but I'm biting down and doing it anyways.

I asked my doctor if there would be side effects and she said there shouldn't be. But I had a terrible reaction to buspirone. I kept getting these horrid brain zaps. Like my a shock going through my head that would jolt me forward each time I took it.

I'm eager to try this and aware of how bad effects can be. I have mixed feelings. I'm ready for the prescription to be ready so I can get it over with.

I hope this medication works for you! This is the medication I take and if memory serves I didn't have troubles adjusting. The medication I was trying beforehand had some weird side effects so I remember being nervous about the escitalopram too.
Got sent to the hospital in an ambulance from work today and was there for 8hrs. Pumped full of morphine, x-rays, and many blood tests. They offered to keep me overnight but said I was safe to go home if I wanted, so I did. Would much rather sleep in my own bed!

Scary, exhausting day. Thankfully I had my own room for half of it. Overstimulation and emetophobia made being in the communal waiting rooms more difficult than the procedures!

Achy, tired, hungry. Glad to be home.
i physically feel terrible and i need to go to the doctor, i think. 😓 two days ago, i had the worst time sleeping. i was up until 3am. it was so bad that i think i nearly ended up crying myself to sleep. not to mention, i think i have a cavity 😓😓😓 i'm supposed to be calm and resting throughout summer, and i can't even do that properly :confused: