one heart shaped braincell
i feel like i’m gonna vom oh my gosh it’s such an awful feeling like come on get it over with already
please give Blossom a kiss for me and I hope you feel better soonFeeling under the weather today. Can't wait to get onto the sofa and have a cuddle with Blossom.
I'm going to try 10mg of Lexapro.
I'm reluctant but I'm biting down and doing it anyways.
I asked my doctor if there would be side effects and she said there shouldn't be. But I had a terrible reaction to buspirone. I kept getting these horrid brain zaps. Like my a shock going through my head that would jolt me forward each time I took it.
I'm eager to try this and aware of how bad effects can be. I have mixed feelings. I'm ready for the prescription to be ready so I can get it over with.