What's Bothering You?

Sending you a big virtual hug as I've been in your shoes more times than I can count and knowing how horrible the feeling of loneliness can be as well as feeling like your annoying everyone even though your not. All in all it sucks but I can tell you right now you are not alone in your thoughts and feelings. ❤
thank you! and it really does suck ): im tired of feeling this way but i can only hope it will go away soon 😔
I finally told my family about the job I applied for being away from home...it went okay I guess. But I hate making people feel upset, especially because of me.

If I get offered this job, it'll be a huge step for me moving out of home, out of town and living on my own. It's gonna be expensive lol, but I do have the money.

I'm not upset, just contemplating a lot of things rn
I am sneezing so much and I don't know why. It makes me go crazy, because my scar likes to rip open in my nose and give me heavy nosebleed when I'm sneezing, ahhhh
touching back on my Nookazon incident yesterday, this user came online 10 minutes ago and gave me a one star review

not only does this break Nookazon TOS but this person says “gave me a bad review Bc I was busy so he is mean” and no, it’s not because you were busy, it’s because I got no response as to your availability over a fourteen hour time period. You can’t expect me to hold a villager for 14 hours.

I hate Nookazon now.

Not only that, but my one star review on her profile didn’t change her overall rating at all, while it changed mine by half a star. Which is really deceiving, because I checked and this person has two other one stars, a two star, and a four star, yet their overall rating is still five across the board.

touching back on my Nookazon incident yesterday, this user came online 10 minutes ago and gave me a one star review

not only does this break Nookazon TOS but this person says “gave me a bad review Bc I was busy so he is mean” and no, it’s not because you were busy, it’s because I got no response as to your availability over a fourteen hour time period. You can’t expect me to hold a villager for 14 hours.

I hate Nookazon now.

Not only that, but my one star review on her profile didn’t change her overall rating at all, while it changed mine by half a star. Which is really deceiving, because I checked and this person has two other one stars, a two star, and a four star, yet their overall rating is still five across the board.

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after reading this I'm p positive this person is a 7 y.o. lmao
after reading this I'm p positive this person is a 7 y.o. lmao
yep, a one star review for a mystery grab bag reads “Worst trade, gave 1 mil bells and for her to just take her time and then Beat around the bush when she got to my island. Most of the bags were basic fruit abs shells nothing of value. Was a scam.”

And this person reviewed back to say “I thought she was nice but she gave me the worst review so I am sad and mad”
touching back on my Nookazon incident yesterday, this user came online 10 minutes ago and gave me a one star review

not only does this break Nookazon TOS but this person says “gave me a bad review Bc I was busy so he is mean” and no, it’s not because you were busy, it’s because I got no response as to your availability over a fourteen hour time period. You can’t expect me to hold a villager for 14 hours.

I hate Nookazon now.

Not only that, but my one star review on her profile didn’t change her overall rating at all, while it changed mine by half a star. Which is really deceiving, because I checked and this person has two other one stars, a two star, and a four star, yet their overall rating is still five across the board.

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Nookazon is full of little children who give reviews like that. You can report it since that’s a pretty invalid reason to give a negative review- villagers need to go quick. No one’s gonna hold it for 14 hours.
Similar story-
I was trying to buy a crown, and this person offered to sell me one for 500k bells. I accepted. I waited...and waited...and waited. It had been over 2 days. I completed the trade, after messaging them that it had been too long. Immediately after, i got a 1 star review saying “omg he’s so mean, he finished the trade without giving me bells because I was busy”. And through those 2 days, they were trading with others. I reported them and the review was removed, however I was still angry. And i stated that my pronouns were she/her, by the way. But yeah, overall, nookazon is super annoying and not really worth it.
I don't have all the parts to some of my old toys that i loved to death. When i was a kid they had this Hasbro made star wars toy line called Galactic Heroes and i had so many of them, some figures like Jango Fett and Chewie are in near perfect condition, as well as some vehicles too :D

But yet pieces go missing and i hate that, i have the Darth Vader's TIE Advanced vehicle set and aagh i don't have the wings and it pains me (I still have Vader himself which is nice)

here's what it looks like btw
touching back on my Nookazon incident yesterday, this user came online 10 minutes ago and gave me a one star review

not only does this break Nookazon TOS but this person says “gave me a bad review Bc I was busy so he is mean” and no, it’s not because you were busy, it’s because I got no response as to your availability over a fourteen hour time period. You can’t expect me to hold a villager for 14 hours.

I hate Nookazon now.

Not only that, but my one star review on her profile didn’t change her overall rating at all, while it changed mine by half a star. Which is really deceiving, because I checked and this person has two other one stars, a two star, and a four star, yet their overall rating is still five across the board.

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I can kind of relate with how Nookazon functions. It was on Nookazon’s Discord and I wanted to ask for something (I don’t remember, maybe a villager or DIYS, who knows) and I tried asking a person through DM if they were selling a certain item that they had posted, and they denied ever making that post even when I showed them a screenshot? It’s all so weird.
I’m having such bad anxiety today that I feel like I’m suffocating and I feel like either nobody cares or that I’d be bothering some others too much with it if I told them about it. I kind of just want to make it all stop.
literally i can't stand my brother, he is so rude to my parents and is constantly insulting them and me but nobody says anything about it!
then if i say one thing wrong to him, my parents shout at me and call me a bad person, my brother is horrible to everyone and i'm sick of having to put up with him every day of my life

i wish my sister still lived at home because then i'd have at least 1 person in my life who i could just talk to without stressing out 😭
literally i can't stand my brother, he is so rude to my parents and is constantly insulting them and me but nobody says anything about it!
then if i say one thing wrong to him, my parents shout at me and call me a bad person, my brother is horrible to everyone and i'm sick of having to put up with him every day of my life

i wish my sister still lived at home because then i'd have at least 1 person in my life who i could just talk to without stressing out 😭
oh my god that's actually horrible, i condemn their behavior to the highest degree and i hope you can overcome these wastes of flesh...
oh my god that's actually horrible, i condemn their behavior to the highest degree and i hope you can overcome these wastes of flesh...
tbh i love my parents so much but it just seriously bothers me when they keep sticking up for my brother
i mean like, understand if they want to support him in life but it's annoying that they're ok with letting him be horrible to everyone online and irl 😔
Still mad that today my boss said she's basically fire me (those weren't her exact words but that was the intent ig for lack of better words) for like, idk, someone else not being able to prioritize?
My boss said that if the three of us (two other coworkers and myself, who, btw, all get along just fine) can't work together that she will find three other people who will. Idk it just makes me mad to my stomach that she said that.

Because we can't 'work together'??? We work together perfectly fine it's actually someone else's fault for scheduling ****ing FIVE DIFFERENT GOLDEN RETRIVERS, each who all act crazy and are a PAIN in the *** to dry off on one day, PLUS A HUSKEY, plus TWO dog aggressive dogs, plus another aggressive dog, plus all the other big dogs, on top of everythin else we do.

I'm getting real ****ing tired of people taking out their anger on me when ultimately is comes down to their fault. If they write down the notes and times of dogs, it would make life easier. They've ALREADY been told to write down these things but they forget to do it next week. Yet I can't say anythin about it cause 'it's not my place'.

I shared my complaints to my parents last week who basically said 'if it bothers you that much get a new job'. Gee yeah I'll just get a new job in a pandemic, that will not stress me out, have no contact with customers and the coworkers will actually be nice and admit their faults. Yeah sure that will be SO easy🙄

I feel like due to my previous job, I can find the aggravations and stressors of jobs much more easily now. Like, I've been working there for five months and I'm already complaining about people taking their anger out on me, not owning up to their faults which makes other people's lives harder, and basically saying they will FIRE ME(???) because THEY are making things harder for not only me but other coworkers? Excuse me???

Oh and ALSO lately these last two weeks or so, it just seems the weeks have been getting more and more stressful, esp as it nears Saturday. Last week was stressful, this week even more so. I hope this trend doesn't continue.

Boi am I sure full of 💫positivity💫
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