I didn't forget about you! I know we're not bffs and I know I'm on team purple and you're on team red, but if you need to vent, my pms are opentfw u realize all ur friends forgot about u and found new friends
Just heard my uncle had a stroke and wrecked. He’s not doing too well.
aww ty, i rlly needed to hear this. i meant my irl friends heh, i just started in person school again today and well, yeah.I didn't forget about you! I know we're not bffs and I know I'm on team purple and you're on team red, but if you need to vent, my pms are open
I feel this so much. Ever since the pandemic, all my irl friends found new people and kinda moved on, but I haven't met anyone new or moved on at all. It really sucks horribly knowing that there's not many people to turn to after that ._.tfw u realize all ur friends forgot about u and found new friends
As someone who has already went through that phase, it's really scary to think about, but honestly it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be tbh. It seems really scary as first, but as long as you take it easy and don't rush yourself despite what your school pressures you to do about college. Honestly if anything, I despised how much pressure school puts on college and how it impacts life in general, because it's very exaggerated. Just enjoy what you have now atm and when the time comes, you'll be ready for it. Good luck! ^-^im gonna be a senior in like a few months and it’s just hitting me now ?!?!? omg :/ i’m not ready to grow up and have to go to college and stuff![]()
Ooof I can relate to that so much. Whenever I post on a certain LGBTQ server people just ignore me. Even when I’m discussing a struggle on the venting channel I get blown off. It’s always important to find people who will give you the time of day!I feel this so much. Ever since the pandemic, all my irl friends found new people and kinda moved on, but I haven't met anyone new or moved on at all. It really sucks horribly knowing that there's not many people to turn to that ._.
As someone who has already went through that phase, it's really scary to think about, but honestly it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be tbh. It seems really scary as first, but as long as you take it easy and don't rush yourself despite what your school pressures you to do about college. Honestly if anything, I despised how much pressure school puts on college and how it impacts life in general, because it's very exaggerated. Just enjoy what you have now atm and when the time comes, you'll be ready for it. Good luck! ^-^
Anyways, I just wish I wasn't ignored. I feel silly trying to vent this out but it's small things people do that slowly build up and start to hurt after a while. From people not noticing me until hours later to ignoring my replies on discord chats. I know it's extremely petty and that the world doesn't revolve around me, but sometimes, I kinda just wish I had support sometimes. From my art getting no likes online to group chats immediately becoming silent once I say something. Is it even worth continuing on my ways anymore or should I just keep going?
My province officially opened up vaccines for everyone 18+ but there are no available appointments. Maybe I’m misunderstanding my areas vaccination website but we only show appointments for 14 days in advance and it says nothing is available. I’m from a small town so it’s really just the one centre offering vaccines because it seems like Shoppers only had Astra Zeneca which has now been pulled.
I was up past midnight last night and checked as soon as June 1st appeared as a booking date but it was already full. Like 12am, it just became an option - and full. I was up again early because technically 8am is when the province allowed for 18+ people to apply (although last night my cities website did say 18+ could apply!) and everything’s still full.
I’m not sure if it’s maybe that my city is “full” in advance from vaccinating essential workers maybe? But it’s frustrating not knowing what I’m meant to be doing.