What's Bothering You?

I have to stay with one of my moms in this awful town for an extra week. She cried when I mentioned moving to the city so I promised to stay with her a little longer. Most of my stuff is already at the new apartment. Thankfully my other mom is doing most of the unpacking while I stay here. Now I just have to avoid getting harassed for one more week. Oh boy...
i wanna join colorguard for indoor season next year but i’m already stressing out over it because i’d have to practice so much from now till november (auditions r in nov) and i’m freaking out that im not even gonna make it and i’ll feel like my practicing was a waste :/ i just want to have a fun end to my senior year and i want to actually do something,, besides go to school and back home.. also i’m dreading telling my parents about it because they never let me do what i want to do 😭 i did guard my sophomore year and they made me quit 😐
Jumpsuits, why do they always have overly much room for the bust area but tiny ass measures like, bruh what the **** lol
The jumpsuit thing is way too relatable. So frustrating.
Ikr! I've been able to wear some stretchy tighter ones but if you want like, retro 70s-esque ones you basically have to order an UK size 14 because your ass like???
Ikr! I've been able to wear some stretchy tighter ones but if you want like, retro 70s-esque ones you basically have to order an UK size 14 because your ass like???

yeah it's so uncomfortable- especially when you're tall. Wedges can be a problem as well. Sizing is such an issue when the item size doesn't correlate for both bust and ass. I often have to make adjustments by sowing. So frustrating, I really like a nice jumpsuit!
yeah it's so uncomfortable- especially when you're tall. Wedges can be a problem as well. Sizing is such an issue when the item size doesn't correlate for both bust and ass. I often have to make adjustments by sowing. So frustrating, I really like a nice jumpsuit!
Yeah it really is, why can't they make stuff for people looking like pears... like me... :/ Also those you probably have to measure and take to a tailor which is also...yeah :(

What also stinks is finding denim jacket cause most today even if you find used are either small ones for babies or those weird baggy ones that looks bad unless you actually are plus-sized. ugh. Or too dark washes.
A bit depressed and extremely anxious. The mouth on a character in my flag design is bothering me 😔.

I had no idea my mom was going to my sister’s today; I thought I was going with her tomorrow. So not looking forward to doing cat treatment and the car ride with my dad. He weaves in and out of the lanes like he’s drunk but he’s not and it is so scary.

There are some other things on my mind too. Just wish the anxiety and discomfort would go away.
have two canker sores in my mouth really close together, they've been there for the last 2 days and it's getting annoying now.

also idk why but I've been getting really tired around 3-4 pm for the last week or so, too bad my energy only lasts for like 8 hours and then my body just poops out lol
I spend way too much time thinking about this person, who probably hasn’t thought about me. I need to put my energy towards things that actually matter, and not towards a person who I will most likely not see again, as we were just coworkers.
i’m probably gonna delete this but i just need to
vent. i’ve been a member of this forum since 2014 and i haven’t made a single friend on here. i love the events that tbt does and stuff and i actually have a strong interest in drawing and art so the challenges where you have to design or draw something are usually the ones i spend a lot of time on. however i feel like no one ever recognizes what i do. i know it sounds whiny and stupid but i feel ignored by everyone and just pathetic in general and it sucks man. i cant make friends or form bonds and i see everyone else doing it so easily and it makes me so sad. i’ll spend hours on something and put hella thought into a creation and get 2 likes or something. i appreciate what likes i have gotten but i can’t help but feel like i wanna just delete everything when my hard work just gets buried in the posts. i think the whole “your cabinmates’ reactions will decide the winner!” thing is exaggerating my feelings and forcing me to realize this even more bc a lot of the people in my cabin are very close and i just feel like a piece of trash that no one cares about. anyways i know this is the saddest thing ever and i sound pathetic but i’ve felt this way for years and idk what’s wrong with me, i just want to fit in. but i never do, and this doesn’t only apply to tbt. ok rant over im gonna go get some 85c to cheer me up now.

hey there,

i know we aren't in the same cabin but i was kind of in the same boat as you, atleast when we first got assignments. i've never really kept in touch with people on here and this is my very first event, so coming into it i was worried i'd be an outsider. even now when i am getting along with people in my cabin i still feel it sometimes but it does get better, and im sure people in your cabin see you as part of their group and recognize all you've been doing to help them succeed, while i do feel you on getting low likes for submissions i like to look at it more as a contribution to the team, and that makes me feel a lot better about it.

if you want to reach out my dms are open too, always open to making new friends
i’m probably gonna delete this but i just need to
vent. i’ve been a member of this forum since 2014 and i haven’t made a single friend on here. i love the events that tbt does and stuff and i actually have a strong interest in drawing and art so the challenges where you have to design or draw something are usually the ones i spend a lot of time on. however i feel like no one ever recognizes what i do. i know it sounds whiny and stupid but i feel ignored by everyone and just pathetic in general and it sucks man. i cant make friends or form bonds and i see everyone else doing it so easily and it makes me so sad. i’ll spend hours on something and put hella thought into a creation and get 2 likes or something. i appreciate what likes i have gotten but i can’t help but feel like i wanna just delete everything when my hard work just gets buried in the posts. i think the whole “your cabinmates’ reactions will decide the winner!” thing is exaggerating my feelings and forcing me to realize this even more bc a lot of the people in my cabin are very close and i just feel like a piece of trash that no one cares about. anyways i know this is the saddest thing ever and i sound pathetic but i’ve felt this way for years and idk what’s wrong with me, i just want to fit in. but i never do, and this doesn’t only apply to tbt. ok rant over im gonna go get some 85c to cheer me up now.
Hi, please don’t apologize for expressing your feelings. I’ve only become an active part of this forum recently, but I’ve been member for a few years. I’ve never had close friendships, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t slightly jealous of how close some people seem to be on here. I know I’ve only been active recently, but the people who are close probably have history. They might have been friends for months or even years. I try not to think about the numbers.

I can relate to some extent. I haven’t had any close bonds with people in real life either and I sometimes feel like the third wheel in a group, as if I’m just the other friend. I’ve honestly gotten okay with going through life without having close friends, or friends in general. Yes, I talk with people, but I try to be careful with who I consider a friend. I definitely don’t make friends at work because those rarely work out and y’all leave each other eventually.

I’m sorry you’re experiencing this and I hope it’s okay I’ve replied. 😰 I personally just try my best to fit in. I’ll reply to people and be nice with everyone, but you really never know how someone feels about you over a screen. That’s the reality… I do think there are lots of nice members on this forum though…

My honest thoughts though (and I hope I don’t get any backlash for this), I think the reacts on some posts would be drastically different if we had no idea who posted them. If the posts were anonymous, for example… That’s just a random assumption though, what do I know?
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I have to get up 5 or 6 to the morning to go to my sisters and if i am allowed to take a nap there when I get there, it is never for more than an hour (and it takes me that long to fall asleep) :/. I hate this. No place to retreat if I have a panic attack or when I want alone time. I know it is my niece’s bday but that won’t stop my dad from lashing out because he doesn’t take medicine for his anxiety. and he says such inappropriate things in front of my nieces too.

This website that I use to help me with a game is down. I hope it it is back on tonight. And shoot another event starts in the game and missing even one day just sucks. my phone helps me with my anxiety and dealing with boredom and my dad there so hopefully it’ll be okay.

I hate how my dad keeps saying over and over when we give the cats their iv treatment that it is going good when it is going three times or more slower than it does with my mom. my cats get upset because it takes so long and sense that he’s anxious and i am.

still pretty crappy.

frustrated about two other things. not sure what else to do about them or my anxiety
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i’m probably gonna delete this but i just need to
vent. i’ve been a member of this forum since 2014 and i haven’t made a single friend on here. i love the events that tbt does and stuff and i actually have a strong interest in drawing and art so the challenges where you have to design or draw something are usually the ones i spend a lot of time on. however i feel like no one ever recognizes what i do. i know it sounds whiny and stupid but i feel ignored by everyone and just pathetic in general and it sucks man. i cant make friends or form bonds and i see everyone else doing it so easily and it makes me so sad. i’ll spend hours on something and put hella thought into a creation and get 2 likes or something. i appreciate what likes i have gotten but i can’t help but feel like i wanna just delete everything when my hard work just gets buried in the posts. i think the whole “your cabinmates’ reactions will decide the winner!” thing is exaggerating my feelings and forcing me to realize this even more bc a lot of the people in my cabin are very close and i just feel like a piece of trash that no one cares about. anyways i know this is the saddest thing ever and i sound pathetic but i’ve felt this way for years and idk what’s wrong with me, i just want to fit in. but i never do, and this doesn’t only apply to tbt. ok rant over im gonna go get some 85c to cheer me up now.

Hey there, cabin ma-... Wait, who cares about cabins? We're all people!

Okay, I'm not that good at comforting people, so I'm just going to be honest. First, nobody is ever pathetic for expressing their feelings. NOBODY EVER, you hear me? Whoever told you that should be called the pathetic one. Feelings are what we humans are made of, more than cells and anything else. And from someone who has gone through depression a couple of times in her life, I think I know a bit what I'm talking about. Don't ever feel ashamed of them!

However, the best advice I can give you at this moment is that perhaps you should seek out other places more appropriate to show your art? The TBT forums, while having a wide range of threads, is primarily for gamers to meet with one another; even more specifically, Animal Crossing players. Other sites that are focused on artistic skills might prove to be a better choice for you on that side.

About the friendships made on TBT, I can only speak for myself, so please keep it in mind if this was not your own experience. I have met many, many nice people here, and hardly ever had a real problem with anyone (in fact, only once in my 7 years here). But the thing is, most of those are not to stay forever, not even to stay for a long time. Devoting yourself to one game or franchise from months and years onward is not common. People get eventually bored and try other things, no matter how much the liked it or enjoyed it, so they leave. And ocasionally, they remember how much fun they had and come back for a while. Just like that: people come and go, and it's not your fault at all.
hey there,

i know we aren't in the same cabin but i was kind of in the same boat as you, atleast when we first got assignments. i've never really kept in touch with people on here and this is my very first event, so coming into it i was worried i'd be an outsider. even now when i am getting along with people in my cabin i still feel it sometimes but it does get better, and im sure people in your cabin see you as part of their group and recognize all you've been doing to help them succeed, while i do feel you on getting low likes for submissions i like to look at it more as a contribution to the team, and that makes me feel a lot better about it.

if you want to reach out my dms are open too, always open to making new friends
thank you for being so kind, i’m gonna try and look at it that way instead. i tend to be really hard on myself i always have so that’s why this is hitting me in such a deep way (and i felt the same way in the tbt event last year so it’s dragging up old feelings for me) but yeah tysm for caring it means a lot
Hi, please don’t apologize for expressing your feelings. I’ve only become an active part of this forum recently, but I’ve been member for a few years. I’ve never had close friendships, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t slightly jealous of how close some people seem to be on here. I know I’ve only been active recently, but the people who are close probably have history. They might have been friends for months or even years. I try not to think about the numbers.

I can relate to some extent. I haven’t had any close bonds with people in real life either and I sometimes feel like the third wheel in a group, as if I’m just the other friend. I’ve honestly gotten okay with going through life without having close friends, or friends in general. Yes, I talk with people, but I try to be careful with who I consider a friend. I definitely don’t make friends at work because those rarely work out and y’all leave each other eventually.

I’m sorry you’re experiencing this and I hope it’s okay I’ve replied. 😰 I personally just try my best to fit in. I’ll reply to people and be nice with everyone, but you really never know how someone feels about you over a screen. That’s the reality… I do think there are lots of nice members on this forum though…

My honest thoughts though (and I hope I don’t get any backlash for this), I think the reacts on some posts would be drastically different if we had no idea who posted them. If the posts were anonymous, for example… That’s just a random assumption though, what do I know?
hey it’s totally ok that you replied :’) thank you for your helpful words. and i totally relate to that i’ve just always had a hard of time making friendships/felt like the third wheel so i notice stuff like this extra now. i’m trying harder to not take stuff personally but sometimes my mind gets the best of me. and btw i completely agree with your last paragraph, i feel as though people are always gonna be partial to their friends so yeah. ty again for your advice :’)
Hey there, cabin ma-... Wait, who cares about cabins? We're all people!

Okay, I'm not that good at comforting people, so I'm just going to be honest. First, nobody is ever pathetic for expressing their feelings. NOBODY EVER, you hear me? Whoever told you that should be called the pathetic one. Feelings are what we humans are made of, more than cells and anything else. And from someone who has gone through depression a couple of times in her life, I think I know a bit what I'm talking about. Don't ever feel ashamed of them!

However, the best advice I can give you at this moment is that perhaps you should seek out other places more appropriate to show your art? The TBT forums, while having a wide range of threads, is primarily for gamers to meet with one another; even more specifically, Animal Crossing players. Other sites that are focused on artistic skills might prove to be a better choice for you on that side.

About the friendships made on TBT, I can only speak for myself, so please keep it in mind if this was not your own experience. I have met many, many nice people here, and hardly ever had a real problem with anyone (in fact, only once in my 7 years here). But the thing is, most of those are not to stay forever, not even to stay for a long time. Devoting yourself to one game or franchise from months and years onward is not common. People get eventually bored and try other things, no matter how much the liked it or enjoyed it, so they leave. And ocasionally, they remember how much fun they had and come back for a while. Just like that: people come and go, and it's not your fault at all.
hii, these are some really important things for me to remember, thank you for your in depth response i really appreciate it. i agree i should probably show my art somewhere else but i’m afraid of being ignored yet again. to be honest i’m a sensitive person and things affect me more than they should a lot of the time. i’ll try to stop using the word pathetic i just feel like it sometimes you know :/ and it’s true that people in the site come and go, but it would still be nice to feel connected to the people themselves and not just the fact that i play animal crossing and so does everyone else here. but yea, tysm for taking the time to respond :’)
My ears are plugged up and I can still hear someone’s stereo blaring somewhere nearby. Sorry for posting again. Not feeling good today (anxious about tomorrow) and noise bothers me so much.
i’m probably gonna delete this but i just need to
vent. i’ve been a member of this forum since 2014 and i haven’t made a single friend on here. i love the events that tbt does and stuff and i actually have a strong interest in drawing and art so the challenges where you have to design or draw something are usually the ones i spend a lot of time on. however i feel like no one ever recognizes what i do. i know it sounds whiny and stupid but i feel ignored by everyone and just pathetic in general and it sucks man. i cant make friends or form bonds and i see everyone else doing it so easily and it makes me so sad. i’ll spend hours on something and put hella thought into a creation and get 2 likes or something. i appreciate what likes i have gotten but i can’t help but feel like i wanna just delete everything when my hard work just gets buried in the posts. i think the whole “your cabinmates’ reactions will decide the winner!” thing is exaggerating my feelings and forcing me to realize this even more bc a lot of the people in my cabin are very close and i just feel like a piece of trash that no one cares about. anyways i know this is the saddest thing ever and i sound pathetic but i’ve felt this way for years and idk what’s wrong with me, i just want to fit in. but i never do, and this doesn’t only apply to tbt. ok rant over im gonna go get some 85c to cheer me up now.
Hey, I'm sorry that you feel that way. Tbh I can understand how it feels to just not get any attention. Before I met all of my good friends like Kirbyz and SpaceTokki77, and roxxy, I didn't really get any attention either. And it's ok. But no one is pathetic here. Sure some people may not be as famous as others, but no one is worthless. Hey, you gave me the September birthstone in my lineup! Words can't express how much I appreciate that! Despite how common it is, that's one of my most treasured things on here ever! Honestly I understand it can be hard to make friends on here, but here's a tip: Try not to always care about what others think, because then it can make you want to spend all this time fixing what you did wrong when it was fine. As for the event, most of the people who liked and loved my post weren't my cabinmates, let alone friends. I think if you just be yourself, you'll be sure to get friends
  • Dino
Reactions: rip
My friends mute me/deafen or make fun of and tell me to shut up when i sing, and it makes me feel like i cant improve at singing
i really want to be good at singing but when my closest friends don't support me for it it hurts