Hi, please don’t apologize for expressing your feelings. I’ve only become an active part of this forum recently, but I’ve been member for a few years. I’ve never had close friendships, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t slightly jealous of how close some people seem to be on here. I know I’ve only been active recently, but the people who are close probably have history. They might have been friends for months or even years. I try not to think about the numbers.
I can relate to some extent. I haven’t had any close bonds with people in real life either and I sometimes feel like the third wheel in a group, as if I’m just
the other friend. I’ve honestly gotten okay with going through life without having close friends, or friends in general. Yes, I talk with people, but I try to be careful with who I consider a friend. I definitely don’t make friends at work because those rarely work out and y’all leave each other eventually.
I’m sorry you’re experiencing this and I hope it’s okay I’ve replied.

I personally just try my best to fit in. I’ll reply to people and be nice with everyone, but you really never know how someone feels about you over a screen. That’s the reality… I do think there are lots of nice members on this forum though…
My honest thoughts though (and I hope I don’t get any backlash for this), I think the reacts on some posts would be drastically different if we had no idea who posted them. If the posts were anonymous, for example… That’s just a random assumption though, what do I know?