My college has a gaming discord so I thought it would be fun to join, but the issue is that my dad freaked out when my brother told him about it (I was asking my brother to join but he ended up telling him instead) because it's a "waste of time"
I try to join something that interests me and where I might be able to talk to others/make friends and he doesn't like it lmao how else does he want me to interact with other people because he's free to offer suggestions (which he hasn't)?? I feel bad because I
do want to join in voice chat and stuff (which might also benefit me if it helps me improve my social skills/anxiety?), but so far it seems I'll just need to keep making excuses as to why I can't join vc. I'm hoping my mom might be more understanding and convince my dad since these are people from school rather than random online strangers
they've been letting my younger brother go out with his friends whenever he feels like and let him stay out as long as he wants (~
curfew~ is 10pm, dude stays out past 12am), but they've never met his friends that he's always with nor have they ever pried into what he does/where he goes. So I honestly see no problem with me talking to people online especially since I'm 20?? Obviously I'll try meeting people when I have to go to school in-person, but please at least let me stay in the gaming group where I feel less anxious