What's Bothering You?

I don't feel like I'm a good team member

Aw Koopa :/. I’m sorry you feel that way. I am not on your team but seeing your cheer posts that you didn’t have to make and seeing your other posts, I can tell you are putting extra effort into the event which I am sure your team appreciates :). You are always a pleasure to chat to and I have seen a lot of others say the same thing :). Feel free to dm me if you want to vent some more. I honestly felt the same way last event since i didn’t have any of the games except for animal crossing.
Aw Koopa :/. I’m sorry you feel that way. I am not on your team but seeing your cheer posts that you didn’t have to make and seeing your other posts, I can tell you are putting extra effort into the event which I am sure your team appreciates :). You are always a pleasure to chat to and I have seen a lot of others say the same thing :). Feel free to dm me if you want to vent some more. I honestly felt the same way last event since i didn’t have any of the games except for animal crossing.
Yeah, I'm sure they appreciate it too, it's just that it makes me sad and mad that everyone else is doing great but we're far behind. It doesn't help that we have inactive people, which will make it even harder for us to catch up. There really isn't anything that can be done, as I don't want to move to a different cabin, as the buzzy Bees will call me a traitor, and that will be worse for my mental heath. So I guess I'm just going to have to lose then
Yeah, I'm sure they appreciate it too, it's just that it makes me sad and mad that everyone else is doing great but we're far behind. It doesn't help that we have inactive people, which will make it even harder for us to catch up. There really isn't anything that can be done, as I don't want to move to a different cabin, as the buzzy Bees will call me a traitor, and that will be worse for my mental heath. So I guess I'm just going to have to lose then

I don’t see anyone on the Buzzy Bees calling you that even if you could change cabins. I honestly don’t think anyone on the team would call anyone that. The active members that I know are super kind and awesome and I have never seen them insult anyone. I am sure you aren’t the only one frustrated. If you give up though and stop trying, I think that wouldn’t make anyone happy including yourself. Maybe try to take a break and do something else before working on your next entry.
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Yes let me just use my teleportation abilities to jump to one place to another in 0 seconds. Not to mention it actually takes 30 minutes to get from one place to another. Not looking forward to tomorrow at all.

Dripped water twice today on my drawing and this time on something that was colored

I don’t know how to contribute to the mountain riddle when I have no idea what any of the clues mean or any guess. i did post something but edited it because it was stupid.
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Reading books at my new library and taking walks is fun, but I feel like I’m just killing time until college starts. The repetition is making me a bit depressed. Maybe adding new routes to my walks might help…
I'm up like 3 hours past my bedtime and I can't fall asleep but I feel like poo bc I'm up so late 😔
depressed. i keep messing up.

still have no idea how to contribute to riddle.

messed up my drawing trying to draw fire with different colors and also not sure if this ide i M trying is going to work.
depressed. i keep messing up.

still have no idea how to contribute to riddle.

messed up my drawing trying to draw fire with different colors and also not sure if this ide i M trying is going to work.

I am sorry you are struggling. Depression is such a terrible place to be and it makes everything it touches just feel hopeless. I am sure you are contributing though. I am also bad at the kind of riddles we get - idk why, and my life was super hectic last week and I felt bad, even though I ultimately completed all the events for the week that I could. But I don’t want to let my team down.

all that to say, I think the fact that you are showing up and trying is worth a lot!

it is great that you are trying something new with your art too, though I am sorry it is frustrating you right now. I feel like to be trying anything new and still being interested in things is an important achievement while you are struggling with depression.

hope you feel better soon, but don’t be too hard on yourself!
depressed. i keep messing up.

still have no idea how to contribute to riddle.

messed up my drawing trying to draw fire with different colors and also not sure if this ide i M trying is going to work.
I’m sorry you’re feeling this way! I know I’m on the rival cabin, but we’re also in the mountain and that riddle thing is confusing. What matters is that everyone has fun and although I don’t feel I can efficiently contribute to the riddles, I can help out in other ways like with the other tasks! Not everyone is going to be great at everything and I think our cabin mates understand that.
I am sorry you are struggling. Depression is such a terrible place to be and it makes everything it touches just feel hopeless. I am sure you are contributing though. I am also bad at the kind of riddles we get - idk why, and my life was super hectic last week and I felt bad, even though I ultimately completed all the events for the week that I could. But I don’t want to let my team down.

all that to say, I think the fact that you are showing up and trying is worth a lot!

it is great that you are trying something new with your art too, though I am sorry it is frustrating you right now. I feel like to be trying anything new and still being interested in things is an important achievement while you are struggling with depression.

hope you feel better soon, but don’t be too hard on yourself!
I’m sorry you’re feeling this way! I know I’m on the rival cabin, but we’re also in the mountain and that riddle thing is confusing. What matters is that everyone has fun and although I don’t feel I can efficiently contribute to the riddles, I can help out in other ways like with the other tasks! Not everyone is going to be great at everything and I think our cabin mates understand that.

Thanks so much, both of you. That is exactly how I felt. I’ve definitely had a lot of fun. I can’t help but feel disappointed in myself and be anxious about how my team feels since I can’t post even a single reasonable suggestion what the clue could be 😓. I just was hoping to be able to help my team with everything and the fact i can’t think of anything to even brainstorm with my team in the thread makes me feel like I’m not a good team mate in spite how much time and effort i put in everything else. I like the mindset you have and I do agree but it is so hard when I expected more of myself.
Idk why but my absolute pet peeve is when someone over-explains something when I want the topic to be lighthearted. Like okay I get it, you don't have to explain everything to me again like I'm 5. I'm okay with over-explaining when the topic is more on discussion and long talks, but otherwise man don't do that. It kills the mood and makes me feel stupid (which the latter is probably my fault bc I always feel insecure and feel that people think I'm stupid enough that I need an explanation for everything).

Still can't get over what my rather over-explainer friend said to me last year, one of my hamsters died at 1.5 years old and the first thing she said is "Hamsters usually live up to 2 years, 3 at most," like... man a pet I love just died and somehow you think it was in the best taste to tell me about their lifespan? The ****.

I was annoyed with my boyfriend as well the other day, we were watching anime and 3/4ths into the first episode he started explaining the premise and what had happened so far. And I was like, you know, I get it? You don't have to spoon-feed me information if I don't ask. I'm not stupid lol.

And lastly oh my god my dad. He has a bad habit of over-explaining things. I was tutoring a kid last week and mispronounced something, so he told me I had said it wrong and I said oh okay sorry. But then he proceeded to explain the meaning of the word, the etymology, examples, etc. and I got annoyed. Like I know what everything else means, and I slipped my tongue when I mispronounced it but that's it. Stop explaining every single aspect of the topic like I'm 5, I literally just lectured this topic a while ago so you don't have to repeat everything to me like I don't know.

God okay I hate it when people do that to me. Don't explain simple things to me if I don't ask.
depressed. i keep messing up.

still have no idea how to contribute to riddle.

messed up my drawing trying to draw fire with different colors and also not sure if this ide i M trying is going to work.

:( i’m sorry you’re feeling depressed, friend. if it makes you feel any better, i wasn’t able to contribute to the riddle either. those things can be tricky as hell, especially since we don’t know whether we’re looking for a clue or puzzle this time.

i know we’re supposed to be ‘rivals’, but i’m sure you’re doing an amazing job with your cabin and the tasks we’ve been doing. even you being worried about not doing enough shows just how amazing and considerate you are. try not to be too hard on yourself; you’re doing the best you can. 💙

i hope your drawing works out, too! trying out new ideas and techniques can definitely be intimidating and frustrating, so props to you for giving it a go! i’m sure it’ll turn out amazing. <3

Still can't get over what my rather over-explainer friend said to me last year, one of my hamsters died at 1.5 years old and the first thing she said is "Hamsters usually live up to 2 years, 3 at most," like... man a pet I love just died and somehow you think it was in the best taste to tell me about their lifespan? The ****.

i... actually would have punched them? i’m so sorry. :(

i completely understand what you mean, though; being talked down to or having things explained to you like you’re an idiot is not only irritating, but also demeaning af. my father does it all the time to me, too, or will even tell me to do things that are blatantly obvious (ex. after dinner, i’ll be on my way to the sink to rinse off my plate and he’ll hit me with “clear off your plate” like?? you can clearly see me on my way to the sink 😭). it sucks lol, i’m sorry you gotta put up with that.

also, hope you don’t mind me replying heh. >_<
i... actually would have punched them? i’m so sorry. :(

i completely understand what you mean, though; being talked down to or having things explained to you like you’re an idiot is not only irritating, but also demeaning af. my father does it all the time to me, too, or will even tell me to do things that are blatantly obvious (ex. after dinner, i’ll be on my way to the sink to rinse off my plate and he’ll hit me with “clear off your plate” like?? you can clearly see me on my way to the sink 😭). it sucks lol, i’m sorry you gotta put up with that.

also, hope you don’t mind me replying heh. >_<
Thanks for hearing me out; i dont mind you replying at all! It feels nice to be understood. ❤️ Some do it out of habit I guess and it’s not something really bad, but idk it peeves me so I’d rather not be treated that way at all. 😭
I just ate and yet my hands and arms are shaking as if I have low blood sugar rip
(I'm not diabetic but I do have hypoglycemia)
I am so tired of Story of Seasons/Rune Factory/any life sim with romance not including gay marriage. I just. Want to be the femme lesbian I am!!! I don’t want to play as a guy in order to marry a girl. Frustrating.

I’m also so sleepy and I feel like I’ve been so sleepy forever it’s annoying 😴