What's Bothering You?

woke up to air conditioner out when were supposed to finish packing and cleaning today.. its already 81 and its florida so only going to get hotter o-O; hopefully it starts working again bc im already sweating lol

edit: its blowing a tiny bit of air but not cool air. oh well, ill take it over nothing at all

yessss its thundering now so the sun is going away finally ;-; at 83 currently and was expecting at least a few more degrees before nightfall but this is good news. also thank goodness for ice packs

update: repair people cant come until tomorrow and the sun is back out. sadly it never stormed.. im a really hot natured person and am dreading trying to sleep tonight already .-. the heat and humidity is too much

final update: the repair people are able to make it tonight in the next few hours i think ;-; im so happy
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:( i’m sorry you’re feeling depressed, friend. if it makes you feel any better, i wasn’t able to contribute to the riddle either. those things can be tricky as hell, especially since we don’t know whether we’re looking for a clue or puzzle this time.

i know we’re supposed to be ‘rivals’, but i’m sure you’re doing an amazing job with your cabin and the tasks we’ve been doing. even you being worried about not doing enough shows just how amazing and considerate you are. try not to be too hard on yourself; you’re doing the best you can. 💙

i hope your drawing works out, too! trying out new ideas and techniques can definitely be intimidating and frustrating, so props to you for giving it a go! i’m sure it’ll turn out amazing. <3

i... actually would have punched them? i’m so sorry. :(

i completely understand what you mean, though; being talked down to or having things explained to you like you’re an idiot is not only irritating, but also demeaning af. my father does it all the time to me, too, or will even tell me to do things that are blatantly obvious (ex. after dinner, i’ll be on my way to the sink to rinse off my plate and he’ll hit me with “clear off your plate” like?? you can clearly see me on my way to the sink 😭). it sucks lol, i’m sorry you gotta put up with that.

also, hope you don’t mind me replying heh. >_<

Thanks so much Xara! I appreciate it :)
I really REALLY want to get Korean Fried Chicken for dinner tonight but I feel hardcore judged by my family every time I get it. Even though they help themselves to a couple of wings! :(
Life, and all the preasure to be a better person. Im trying with no results, just failure. At this point it doesn't surprise me that im failing
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can’t stop thinking about that cat outside that my parents are trying to get so we can find it a new home since it had no collar. i want to find it now but it is dark out :(
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Less than 36hrs until I find out my degree classification. 👻

Also I've been in severe and non-stop pain for three days. D:
It’s too warm and I’m so grumpy.

Edit so I’m not posting again but oh I’m so dizzy today?? Super lame. It’s not uncommon to stand up and have a bit of dizziness the odd time but it’s like. Every time I stand up and if I’m walking around I feel dizzy. Oof.
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Due to my fiancé's and I schedules, we decided to try a meal prep food delivery service. Trying to save money for our wedding, we went with Dinnerly over the perhaps more well-known service, Hello Fresh. Big bust, do not recommend (n)

Half the stuff didn't come and others were way too small. Can't find a faster way to cancel our subscription than that :LOL:
My chicken Noodles aren't done yet and I'm hungry lol.
On a serious note it does bother me that the research being done on covid is immensely helping mine and a few others' illnesses. Maybe it wouldn't appear that way if Trump didn't stop the research of these illnesses in his term. Turns out my illness in particular provided some important information that can help the covid situation... by providing a possible treatment and preventative for covid and relief for those suffering from long covid because of a deeper understanding of the immune system. So maybe it doesn't seem as one sided as it feels. Most things have at least 2 sides. I guess it's just unreasonable irrational guilt. Or maybe I am just tired. I've been "tired" for a very long time..
Well thanks for listening.
It gets so hot here in the mid-afternoons, I just feel like a zombie. It's too warm to think or do anything, even with the AC and all the fans on full blast.
Idk what to tell my mom. she caught my gray cat peeing with her butt out of the litter box. i told her what Chris said before 🤷‍♀️

still worried about that cat
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I am a bit jealous of everyone’s art skill. I feel like I’m not making any progress on getting better at drawing.

I have a lot of art tips to go back to but there is so much idk where to focus on first and then there is the suggestion to try tracing but idk how to do that traditionally when i don’t have anything i can trace.

Still worried about the kitty.

Don’t want to go grocery shopping tomorrow.
I’m still mourning the ending of a friendship, even if the person in question wasn’t great. I reached to them for the first time in several months and got curt replies. Over time they became increasingly aggressive. They also changed their Discord bio to “Why can’t some people take hints.” This was obviously about me, so I unfriended them everywhere. Just a few days later they changed it back to normal. I know I shouldn’t have ghosted them for several months. Being and recovering from a toxic relationship isn’t an excuse to ghosy my friends. I just wish they were upfront about not accepting my apology (and understand that I can’t recognize subtle social cues to my autism).
I’m still mourning the ending of a friendship, even if the person in question wasn’t great. I reached to them for the first time in several months and got curt replies. Over time they became increasingly aggressive. They also changed their Discord bio to “Why can’t some people take hints.” This was obviously about me, so I unfriended them everywhere. Just a few days later they changed it back to normal. I know I shouldn’t have ghosted them for several months. Being and recovering from a toxic relationship isn’t an excuse to ghosy my friends. I just wish they were upfront about not accepting my apology (and understand that I can’t recognize subtle social cues to my autism).
Oh my, I’m sorry. It suck when someone sends an indirect message like that, when it’s obviously directed towards you. So many issues can be solved by good communication. Toxic relationships can really take a toll on you but consider it a lesson learned: friends are more important than relationships.
I am a bit jealous of everyone’s art skill. I feel like I’m not making any progress on getting better at drawing.

I have a lot of art tips to go back to but there is so much idk where to focus on first and then there is the suggestion to try tracing but idk how to do that traditionally when i don’t have anything i can trace.

Still worried about the kitty.

Don’t want to go grocery shopping tomorrow.
Hey, I know it's been a while since you said this, but I just wanted to say, it's ok. A good tip if you think your art isn't improving, is to just focus on what you're good at. Nobody is born Bob Ross, or Pablo Picasso. We all start off bad. Though I've seen your art gallery, and I think you've improved! Even if you don't see it, your art is definitely improving, and your skill is great!
I am a bit jealous of everyone’s art skill. I feel like I’m not making any progress on getting better at drawing.

I have a lot of art tips to go back to but there is so much idk where to focus on first and then there is the suggestion to try tracing but idk how to do that traditionally when i don’t have anything i can trace.
I know it's cliché but try not to compare your work to other peoples' work. No one starts out being great at art, it takes a lot of time and practice. You more than likely are making progress, you just can't see it because well it just takes a long time!
Just keep at it, try different mediums if you can, and do lots of research! There's tons of great tutorials online. And drawing from life is the best way to practice your skills imo. Draw people and draw still lifes. You will get better, just be patient!
I know it's cliché but try not to compare your work to other peoples' work. No one starts out being great at art, it takes a lot of time and practice. You more than likely are making progress, you just can't see it because well it just takes a long time!
Just keep at it, try different mediums if you can, and do lots of research! There's tons of great tutorials online. And drawing from life is the best way to practice your skills imo. Draw people and draw still lifes. You will get better, just be patient!
Hey, I know it's been a while since you said this, but I just wanted to say, it's ok. A good tip if you think your art isn't improving, is to just focus on what you're good at. Nobody is born Bob Ross, or Pablo Picasso. We all start off bad. Though I've seen your art gallery, and I think you've improved! Even if you don't see it, your art is definitely improving, and your skill is great!

Thank you both so much for taking the time to reply! And for the encouragement! I keep trying to tell myself that and I do realize it took all of these artists many years to get to where they are and I definitely don’t expect to be that great within a few months. I still just feel like I am going about improving a bit aimlessly and am feeling a bit discouraged from time to time after looking at more advanced/experienced art.

I will try to keep what you both said in mind though and try to maintain a positive mindset :). tysm for you kindness! :) it means a lot to me