Trading in Animal Crossing is like trying to wait patiently to get stuff done and when you feel like hours and hours have been passed it seems like no one is responding to you when you're trying to sell stuff or get stuff you really want. I can only be patient for so long up until I have to do important life stuff and when the day is done I have to go to bed. I know people have stuff to do their life and I understand that so well, but what really bothers me is that when they have their status set to "Online" you would assume they would respond, but for whatever reason they take forever to respond.
Usually when they do its always "Sorry for the late response and thanks for being super patient" I mean okay but you could just set your status if you were "Busy" doing other stuff while online, but if you were to set it to "Offline" it would make much sense. This would not bother me so much if people on (certain site that must not be named) do that more often so that way it would be easier to tell who is online and who is not.
No offense to anyone out there who has busy lives and they have important stuff to do. I understand that being patient is important, but when you have to wait like 6 to 10 hours for someone to get to you while you're trading it can be a time waster and the worst thing can happen if the seller or buyer gets to you while you're a sleep due to the issue of different time zones. I just have to get this off my chest because ever since I started back trading this is the issue I have to deal with most of the time. I try my best not to let bother me but man it puts me in a really sour mood.