The problem is that there isn't really a Federal gun law. It's handled by each state. Like my state has the strictest gun law that (exaggerating) you could get in trouble for having a rubber band gun, but another state a stone throw away is super loosey-goosey.everything i learn about the texas shooting. the fact that y'all haven't even at least tried gun control is astonishing. "but the constitution-" what, the dusty piece of paper that was written 300 years ago when automatic and assault rifles didn't even exist? give me a break. society is constantly evolving and progressing, and the law should do the same to keep up, and yet we keep going backwards. absurd that people are more concerned about fetuses and what women choose to do with their own bodies than the children getting massacred in the place they go to learn.
The other problem is that the police froze up. Yeah taking a bullet is not something anyone wants to do or should ever have to do, but this is the screwed up world we live in. And they knew what they signed up for.
The state I live in with the strictest gun law is also the state with the most gangs and crime. So it is just a complete and utter mess that should had been handled a long time ago and it's probably too late to get a handle on it now. People should be able to protect themselves and purchase a firearm if they want to, but there is no reason anyone needs an automatic weapon. You can't get those kind of guns in my state, but this was in Texas. One of the most red-states their is. Don't take their rats away.
I used to know hardcore Republicans on a discord that would always jump in to say how the shootings always looked staged to take their guns away. These people exist. They are delusional and stupid.
I know it's insane. I bought a 40 ft roll of chicken wire mesh a few years ago and it was $40 and I needed some more and it was $90.I hate this stupid inflation that is going on in America. Prices are going up like crazy and it makes it harder to spend money on stuff that I need.