Add conjuctivis to my ever extending list of infections and illnesses. This is not my month. Also currently fighting a skin infection and a viral chest infection.
Add in an ear infection that, according to my doctor, is the worst of them all - even though I didn't experience the clogged feeling and numbness in my face/neck until about 3hrs ago.
Just kill me now.
Whatttt what happened? D:
My phone acted weird for hours today, I fixed it somehow and when I opened up PC it acted like as if my account never existed. I tried a few times to get back my account via the Nintendo account and all but nothing happened. Weird thing was it also asked me to do a update but there was no one available? Don't know wtf just happened but guess I will restart now... ._.
ppl never text me back
Also right-winged besserwissers(like a co-worker) as well, like you don't have to twist everything I say to your perspective and clank down on black power, leftist, lgbtq+ stuff or whatever just stfu you probs read fake news anyway.