This is a study based on people who DO NOT HAVE diabetes. Judging by your posts over the last few months your doctors seem to think you have (or are flirting with) type 2 diabetes.My doctor some reason gave me medication called Atorvastatin 10 MG to help lower cholesterol levels since they found out that it was a bit high. I taken this mediation and all of a sudden I'm feeling all these muscle pains all over my body, I'm feeling tired most of the time, and my blood sugar readings have spiked a bit. I did a research and found this Article that says that staking this medication increases the risk of insulin resistance. I am going to call my doctor about this because this is becoming more of recurring issue of doctors not doing their research.
Above is my chart regarding the potential side effects for as you can see at most 6% of people who take this medication can have muscle pains, and while fatigue can be a side effect it doesn't occur in enough people to have concrete numeric evidence.
Constantly blaming the doctors for being 'wrong' or 'not doing their research' isn't going to help your situation...and honestly, from my perspective (a pharmacist) a statin drug for someone with early onset diabetes is a good call.
FYI: ANY statin drug CAN (not will) create insulin resistance, it comes with the territory with that kind of medication. You're either going to have to deal with taking this kind of medication if your cholesterol is a concern, or fix your diet.
Moving forward I'm just letting you know, if I think anyone is posting medical misinformation I will jump on them, because that can be dangerous. When dealing with medication, the terms 'CAN' and 'WILL' regarding the frequency/severity of side effects are about as different as night and day.
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