Changing my icon got me thinking on something... what's the nicest thing someone's ever done for me? There's a lot of things, but one in particular stands out to me. It comes with a long story too, yay!!
This one in specific was my icon, which was made by a friend for me as a gift. It features my favorite oc in the world, Taffy, with four of my fish. The one she's holding is Fuit Gummy, which is my only living fish, while the other three are Cheesy Alfredo, Squid Ink Spaghetti, and Marinara Sauce, who all passed away between December and June. Alfredo I had for two whole years, the oldest fish I've had to date, and I raised him from a baby, so of course I was heartbroken when he finally passed away (though peacefully and simply of old age which is rare in bettas ngl). My buddy Bear dropped this picture on me as a gift to commemorate them and I cried about it for like a week, it still makes me tear up just how sweet it was to make something like this. He's such a talented artist and such a sweet guy and I guess a few of my friends talked about making this gift to make sure I'd be okay with it. It sorta made me realize during an already pretty horrible time in my life (besides losing my aquatic sons) that I have such an amazing group of friends and I wouldn't trade them for anything. I made it my icon on discord, my desktop background, and now my icon on here simply because I can always be with my fish. Now that Fuit Gummy has fallen ill as well, I just can't help but look at the picture and know he'll always be commemorated in it in a way.
Sad stories aside, I now extend the question to you! What's the nicest thing someone's ever done for you? It can be big or small- as long as it left a lasting impression on you. If anyone has any stories to tell I WILL read them.
(full icon image here)
This one in specific was my icon, which was made by a friend for me as a gift. It features my favorite oc in the world, Taffy, with four of my fish. The one she's holding is Fuit Gummy, which is my only living fish, while the other three are Cheesy Alfredo, Squid Ink Spaghetti, and Marinara Sauce, who all passed away between December and June. Alfredo I had for two whole years, the oldest fish I've had to date, and I raised him from a baby, so of course I was heartbroken when he finally passed away (though peacefully and simply of old age which is rare in bettas ngl). My buddy Bear dropped this picture on me as a gift to commemorate them and I cried about it for like a week, it still makes me tear up just how sweet it was to make something like this. He's such a talented artist and such a sweet guy and I guess a few of my friends talked about making this gift to make sure I'd be okay with it. It sorta made me realize during an already pretty horrible time in my life (besides losing my aquatic sons) that I have such an amazing group of friends and I wouldn't trade them for anything. I made it my icon on discord, my desktop background, and now my icon on here simply because I can always be with my fish. Now that Fuit Gummy has fallen ill as well, I just can't help but look at the picture and know he'll always be commemorated in it in a way.
Sad stories aside, I now extend the question to you! What's the nicest thing someone's ever done for you? It can be big or small- as long as it left a lasting impression on you. If anyone has any stories to tell I WILL read them.
(full icon image here)