What’s your current opinion on this site?

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I hope Staff considers it relevant that the conversation about whether or not, moving forward, something akin to “marriage is between a man/woman,” or any similarly covert, harmful dog whistle should be moderated, is itself feedback relevant to the topic of this thread and recent discussion on the forum.

I see folks here pushing back against complacency towards indirect harm as voicing their opinion—one that I understand has been inappropriately moderated by staff in recent history—not debating.
Opinions on moderation (or the lack of) are constructive feedback, and clarifying what topics you think require moderation is fine!

But a lot of the current discussion* seems to be a mix of feedback relative to that as well as discussion on political and religious perspectives that, again, we aren't equipped to handle.
(* from what I've skimmed -- again, work hours. ;; )
If your "structure" includes the discrimination and oppression of a group of people it's time to go against that structure. Religion is not justification, it's a copout.

This is exactly what I was talking about. We have someone insisting on playing devil's advocate for homophobia and it's seen as okay because it's "polite" when in reality it's not. These posts have the power to influence people to adapt, change, or justify bigoted beliefs. It is a form of violence and shouldn't be tolerated.
Opinions on moderation (or the lack of) are constructive feedback, and clarifying what topics you think require moderation is fine!

But a lot of the current discussion* seems to be a mix of feedback relative to that as well as discussion on political and religious perspectives that, again, we aren't equipped to handle.
(* from what I've skimmed -- again, work hours. ;; )
I appreciate it. Thank you :lemon:
Post automatically merged:

We have someone insisting on playing devil's advocate for homophobia and it's seen as okay because it's "polite" when in reality it's not. These posts have the power to influence people to adapt, change, or justify bigoted beliefs.
And I think this succinctly and accurately describes the grievance expressed in the conversation, and what we would like to be considered by the staff. I appreciate you putting it like this
With AI art moderation, I think it can be done with enough training on Staff's end. False flags will definitely happen if it's left up to AI detectors since those tend to flag any softer art styles, so there needs to be multiple pairs of human eyes behind it for sure.

A huge part of it can also be made easier on staff if there was an enforced rule that all fanart used for avatars/signatures needs to be properly sourced and credited. It's a long shot but personally I kinda wish there was something like this in place,' cause for the couple months I did commissions here, I saw my art go uncredited often enough that I kinda don't want to bring my comms to tbt anymore. It goes in hand with the overarching issue of a lack of respect for artists.
Personally I love this site! It has an awesome community with some of the nicest people I have ever met on the internet period. However, like others have stated, it's definitely not perfect.
(A Tldr will be at the end)

I do definitely agree with what people have said about a stronger stance need on homophobia/sexism/racism, etc. Due to... certain events going on that I won't get into here, there's a lot of hate going around on social media which makes me and many others uncomfortable. There are plenty of LGBTQ+ members on this site, (myself included) and I think this site serves as a great safe-haven where members of our community can connect with each other over our shared love of Animal Crossing. Because of this, I think there should definitely be a zero tolerance policy/formal warning given to people who are being hateful towards any group of people. I know sometimes they might not understand what they're doing is wrong, but that doesn't change the fact that it's still hurtful nonetheless.

I also agree with what you have said about AI art. It's a great concern to me as an artist about the rise of AI art. While art made by a human takes real passion and effort, all AI art is is just you typing a prompt to a robot, and the robot making "art" based on that. I think art should definitely be held through checks to make sure it's not AI generated, especially if it's for an event. I doubt anyone here would ever use AI art like that, but you never know.

I also strongly agree about Collectible scarcity. Yes I understand some collectibles should be more uncommon, but I feel like some of them, especially the ones that sell for 10k tbt+ are very difficult to obtain. I just wish that there were more chances for people to obtain them.

Tldr: Tbt is an awesome site and I have made many friends here, but it's definitely not perfect.
I thought that this thread was going to get locked so I didn't really want to chime in about things
I only have the mental capacity to talk about the contests and rules right now but I read the thread and some of this is so incredibly frustrating to read, to say the least.

I'm sure my response will get lost amongst everyone's posts but I wanted to put it out there:
> I agree that the same people win the same things over.. and over again.
I personally think the problem is with the selection of judges. Each judge has their own taste and bias- might it be towards art style or people , and it's always the same pool of judges so yes, the same people are going to consecutively and constantly win.

I've judged for things before and I'm sure the TBT staff uses a rubric but very loosely. Not to say that the people who've won thus far didn't deserve their wins- they definitely do! But there are always entries that I see that I thought would've blown the water away with the judges.. not even get mentioned. Odd. (Again, has to do with taste and bias)

Honestly, this can't be helped since this is not an art site. And not to mention- the staff are not being paid. This is all just for fun.
I hope there can be a solution where the staff feels like they're not slaving away for no coin.

> I strongly agree that someone with an art background should be hosting the art events. It always feels weird when it isn't. Or maybe get a co-host who has an appropriate background and equal standing to the host.

> I agree that there can be categories but as I said before, it doesn't really matter because once you get a few of those "Most Funny" categories rolling, you'll get the same types of entries to be selected over time.
I feel like there should be categories and like others have mentioned, there will be problems if there are "Beginner", "Intermediate" and "Expert".
What I would do personally would be to make a test and to see where your placement sits.
BUT WHO WANTS TO DO THAT!! THAT'S LITERALLY JUST SCHOOL!!! And like I said- the staff isn't being paid!!!! So why the hell would they even want to do something like that!!! And also I'm sure maybe only one or two of the staff members are qualified to do this but TO DO THIS IN THEIR FREE TIME.. UNLESS THEY ENJOY IT....that's hell.

For me, I participate the events for the event currency. I know fully well that there will be bias for certain individuals , art style and skill sets. 100% I make my entries for fun. I know that I could cater towards people's tastes but that's... horrible. I hate that. Anyways-It is annoying knowing that you will never win certain events but the fact that there's even events on this site? Thank you for that. It is much appreciated.

I think this site is too serious for it's own good. I understand why they have to be this strict though. Rules are set for a reason. Although, the rules here are weird and feels odd:
> It's extremely sad to hear that there are things being reported via CTS and there's no response. Especially things that have to do with the rules and upholding honor.

> A lot of the things being discussed in this thread right now is just downright sad. I understand wanting to be accepting of people of any type of mindset but some of these mindsets are harmful and the staff should've addressed all of this literally years ago. It's 2025 now

From my experience with this site, the staff is always helpful and are willing to at least somewhat acknowledge your side of the story. Ultimately it doesn't matter though cause everything has been settled and there's no changing their minds no matter how wronged you were.
All these things pile up and it's no wonder people leave despite this site being a good site with flaws. I really do like it here and I still do appreciate the staff and everything that they do despite the grievances.
I should've stayed away from the events when I had the chance. I should've just stayed in my gross sludge swamp (Twitter). Darn those tasty balloons!!!
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I know staff have considered potentially implementing a ban on political discussions in the future (while not considering human rights part of that ofc), so I also want to add that if we do go in that direction, I think it is especially important to implement a zero-tolerance policy for any such dog-whistles. To avoid getting into the politics around why I found both statements in question equally harmful as an LGBTQ+ person, I would've had to end my opinion at "both are bad and should be moderated equally"; there'd be no way for me to back up that statement and explain why I feel both are harmful, without touching upon the ways LGBTQ+ people's lives are politicized where I live.

I'm not... actually sure if part of my post was considered as veering off-topic/getting too much into the politics around the subject, but I often struggle to understand where lines are drawn exactly in cases like these, so I wanted to clarify where I was coming from a bit ;;
I love this site! It's had its ups and downs as did I throughout the years.

I'll drop my two cents here, particularly on gen AI, and will say that I do agree on a total ban of it of it. It always saddens me when I see AI imagery used anywhere, there really is no excuse for it if you ask me. I will admit that I played around with it for a bit back when it was emerging but I soon realized that it was a creativity killer that has many negative impacts. It's one of the biggest reasons I left a youtube channel I used to moderate in the past (the owner had fanart drawn of them and yet they use AI generated images for thumbnails?! Utterly disgusting) I always love supporting artists when I can and appreciate the hard work they do to make cute, beautiful etc pieces.
> I agree that the same people win the same things over.. and over again.
I personally think the the problem is with the selection of judges. Each judge has their own taste and bias- might it be towards art style or people , and it's always the same pool of judges so yes, the same people are going to win consecutively and constantly.

I've judged for things before and I'm sure the TBT staff uses a rubric but very loosely. Not to say that he people who've won thus far didn't deserve their wins- they definitely do! But there are always entries that I see that I thought would've blown the water away with the judges.. not even get mentioned. Odd. (Again, has to do with taste and bias)

Honestly, this can't be helped since this is not an art site. And not to mention- the staff are not being paid. This is all just for fun.
I hope there can be a solution where the staff feels like they're not slaving away for no coin.
I’m beginning to wonder. Are they biased in favor of the same people, or are they biased against the same users? I had a hard time winning these events for the past 18 months, and I’m beginning to think that the staff have a bias against my entries after reading these posts.

I’ve also noticed that it’s not just the art events that are having the same winners, but also the raffles are picking the same winners.
To start with, my opinion of the site overall is favorable, but I've been reading through/skimming this thread since it started, and here are my thoughts on some of the points that have been raised:

-Bigotry of any kind, be it racism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, xenophobia, or whatever, definitely shouldn't be tolerated. There's already enough of that outside of TBT. Zero tolerance.
-I do think the use of generative AI should be discouraged and not allowed, but like others have mentioned, I've seen people on other platforms be falsely accused of their art being AI and be subsequently witch hunted for it, so tread carefully with that. Just don't make accusations of AI without knowing for 100% certain that it's actually AI.
-As for the effort thing with event entries, people have different levels of art skill. What may seem low effort to you may have taken the person in question a lot of time and effort. As long as the entry fits the theme, has the user's username, and meets other basic requirements, then I think it should be accepted. But if the staff truly thinks an entry is too low effort to be accepted, then at least discuss it with the user privately rather than publicly.
-I don't really know how different categories in terms of skill level for art events would work. It's a nice idea, but as others mentioned there would be a lot of subjectivity involved, and I could see it causing arguments with users getting accused of intentionally entering a category that's below their skill level.
-Team events were mentioned. Personally, I enjoy team events, and I don't really care where my team places or if we win the special collectible prize. However, since I saw someone else touch on this, what I don't like is when my team is stuck with another team for the duration of the whole event and members of said other team continue to exhibit poor sportsmanship and make comments that demoralize my teammates and makes their desire to continue participating in the event decrease. Events are supposed to be lighthearted and fun. Be kind. I already gave feedback on that in the feedback form after that event though, so I'll just leave it at that instead of being a broken record. I prefer team events where the team your team is paired with changes each week.
-Some collectibles being ridiculously rare and highly priced... I don't know. I feel like I'm just used to that at this point. I used to be on sites like Gaia Online, forum sites where you had a human avatar to dress up using items you could buy with forum currency, and there were always some items that were super rare and expensive. I do think the artificial scarcity in particular is a bit odd though. Limiting certain collectibles to only one per user during events, making the Celeste Plush cost more than the White Star Fragment during the rerelease even though they were originally the same price, and such. Also, more rereleases of older collectibles wouldn't hurt. I mean, even those avatar sites I mentioned would eventually have users complaining about the rarity of certain items, and the solution was always decided to be more rereleases and recolors of old items. Every time, on every site.

I have a migraine, and I feel like there might have been other things mentioned in this thread that I wanted to comment on and forgot about, but these are some of my thoughts at the moment~
I love TBT, this site takes up a lot of my time and mental space. It has been such a relief to have a corner of the internet that's not constantly filled with unmoderated hate speech, especially compared to the major social media sites. TBT certainly isn't perfect, but I appreciate that the staff has made an effort to keep it a friendly space. That being said, I think an overall ban on talking about politics should be avoided. As someone who was born and raised in the US, where we are not allowed to discuss politics or religion in school, I've always thought it only serves hateful conservative ideology and doesn't allow people to speak up against harmful ideas that attempt to justify the oppression of marginalized peoples.

Generative AI imagery is a scourge of our time. It's 100% art theft and honesty should be considered copyright infringement. It's bad for the environment, and it really has no ethical place anywhere, and I would like to see a ban on its use here.

As for the collectible market, I believe a lot of the issue stems from there being no easy ways to regularly earn tbt, and people not wanting to sell their collectibles because they were only able to afford what they wanted from an event so they hold on to them.
I really hated limited restocks and I think they give some users a clear advantage, especially considering the same person won the ultra rare standees the two times they were available. ( Absolutely no hate to this user of course! it's just a fact. ) I think the extremely rare and coveted physical prizes like that should really only be raffled.

Like Milly mentioned, I also have experienced a lot of FOMO when it comes to events, they are the only real chance to earn collectibles and tbt and I feel that if I don't participate in literally every aspect of every event with maximum effort than I'll never be able to acquire what I want from them as people aren't willing to trade afterwards. If we're really not expected to participate in every aspect of an event, then we shouldn't be incentivized to do so. I also agree that I would like to see the tbt shop being utilized more for access to past collectibles that weren't meant to be rare but not many of which are in circulation.
I do think it may be wise to ban some aspects of politics. While people may argue what is considered politics, asking who voted for who so you can do x or talking about who you voted for or lack of is probably best avoided. Luckily it doesn't pop up often, but when it does.. it is ugly. It's to the point of x didn't vote like you did even if they didn't vote for the direct opponent to the person you voted for and it doesn't benefit anyone or bridge understanding when demonization happens. They probably just picked who they honestly thought was best for the job. Benefit of understanding could happen if demonization doesn't happen.. but I mean, is it necessary to be asking people or posting hey I voted for this person on the first place?
Actually in certain spaces in the US it is illegal to ask who did you vote for. Not online though that I am aware. I am thinking more about the work place.
I do wish that this forum had a public and easy access space for designated feedback. (similar to how there's already an official thread for asking questions about the forum).

It's apparent that many people here have held opinions that are finally being shared en masse. This thread probably isn't going to stick around forever though.

Not all feedback is negative or on a severe scale. There are smaller aspects of this place that I appreciate. It would be nice if that could be encompassed somewhere. I think most people would like to know they can be heard. Contact the Staff is the closest thing I suppose and that feels rather interpersonal.
I have a lot to say, but I am struggling to articulate myself in a way that will not be misunderstood, so I will leave those words for later and address what comes easier for me.

I really hated limited restocks and I think they give some users a clear advantage, especially considering the same person won the ultra rare standees the two times they were available. ( Absolutely no hate to this user of course! it's just a fact. ) I think the extremely rare and coveted physical prizes like that should really only be raffled.
Three times, if you want to count the custom acrylic charms. Although the last instance had 5 winners, since it was their third time winning, it can no longer be brushed off as luck. There is a strategy to it, and while I respect them for being able to utilize it, I disagree with the notion from staff that it is an equal playing field when we have evidence that it is not.

- Event FOMO is... difficult. I know this is ultimately a 'me' problem, but like others have said, there is a compulsion to get maximum currency *because* it is the only time you can earn meaningful resources to trade/sell for other things that you want. Scarcity is silly. There were a handful of new items from the Halloween event, but because there were also returning items to grab, fewer new items were purchased. No one wants to sell the new items for cheap because there's so few of them, but no one wants to buy them for an extravagant amount of TBT because we know their original event currency value.

- AI should be banned and it makes me depressed that many don't consider it theft. It seems like most of TBT is in agreement here, but I'll be honest - as a mostly mobile user, I haven't seen much AI art. I pay attention to AI posts on how to spot it and have read seliph's guide, but the only time I can say where I saw it a lot was during the mushroom event.

- I would love to see more active staff. Some staff members I have never seen outside of an event, and some I have only seen post once in my 2.5 years being active lol. As someone who has moderated an active forum and been an admin before, I know the intense amount of work behind the scenes. We all have limited free time, and I'm grateful they devote some of theirs to making TBT a place where people feel safe to be themselves. But it also feels weird to not see more of them in passing. I think making ~Kilza~ and LadyDestani mods was a step in the right direction, but the overall staff feels distant and unapproachable. That makes it more difficult to feel comfortable bringing up issues, and it makes people feel worse when reports go unanswered. When there was poor sportsmanship during the last Camp, there were a lot of people unhappy with the staff's response and lack of open communication. Maybe they feel like a degree of impartiality is necessary for professionalism, but surely, there can be more of a balance.
I do wish that this forum had a public and easy access space for designated feedback. (similar to how there's already an official thread for asking questions about the forum).

It's apparent that many people here have held opinions that are finally being shared en masse. This thread probably isn't going to stick around forever though.

Not all feedback is negative or on a severe scale. There are smaller aspects of this place that I appreciate. It would be nice if that could be encompassed somewhere. I think most people would like to know they can be heard. Contact the Staff is the closest thing I suppose and that feels rather interpersonal.
This would be nice. I'm not sure how often people would even post in it because I feel like even right now-people are afraid to speak up due to the high chance it ends up with a warning and affecting how the staff sees that particular member.
- I would love to see more active staff. Some staff members I have never seen outside of an event, and some I have only seen post once in my 2.5 years being active lol. As someone who has moderated an active forum and been an admin before, I know the intense amount of work behind the scenes. We all have limited free time, and I'm grateful they devote some of theirs to making TBT a place where people feel safe to be themselves. But it also feels weird to not see more of them in passing. I think making ~Kilza~ and LadyDestani mods was a step in the right direction, but the overall staff feels distant and unapproachable. That makes it more difficult to feel comfortable bringing up issues, and it makes people feel worse when reports go unanswered. When there was poor sportsmanship during the last Camp, there were a lot of people unhappy with the staff's response and lack of open communication. Maybe they feel like a degree of impartiality is necessary for professionalism, but surely, there can be more of a balance.
There definitely does need to be some more new staff. Some haven't been online in at least a year or more. It's not like we can fault anyone as people have lives and this isn't a paid job. It's all volunteer work, which so many of them do put a lot of effort into. But it might be time to add to the rank so they can have a safety net when life, health, or whatever happen or just to help soften the workload. Especially when it comes to overseeing events.

And yes, I only vaguely touched on it in my original post, but it personally turned me off from wanting to bother with future team events. Add to it that staff told us to not discuss it which caused a lot of my teammates to go outside of the forum to discuss what they felt they were being silenced for. It didn't sit right with me and still doesn't. It's a shame since a handful of those teammates haven't returned since then. I would've bailed on that event if it weren't for the fact that I would be hurting my team more by doing so. I was taking care of my failing grandmother with dementia at the time so I wasn't in the best mood or mindspace at the time and how it was all handled exacerbated my mental health. I took a long hiatus from here after that.
Generative AI imagery is awful. I whole-heartedly believe that it will never be able to replace artwork that a human artist can create because it lacks the passion, precision, and intent that real human beings put into their work. Every brushstroke has a purpose and reason for being where it is. We use our hands, our eyes, and in some cases even more senses like smell, taste, etc. to create our art work. AI is soulless and lacks any kind of creativity, and it's great to see that many other users on here agree. With that being said, to be honest I'm not really expecting a full ban for AI imagery on this site. I would like to see the rule against using AI more strictly enforced at the very least, but I'm not sure how doable it would be to enforce a full-on ban. I also have concerns of users being wrongfully accused of using AI imagery when it may not be the case (circling back to how some artists have been wrongly accused of using AI).

As for collectible matters, I want to +1 the idea of the Shop being utilized more as @/Millysaurusrexjr mentioned. It made me realize that I actually don't bother to check the shop at all beyond events. It would make so much sense to include stuff like villagers/NPCs, and the newer fruits to start, even if they were seasonal/limited stocks.

I also meant to mention this in my first post and have seen others voice this already, but the lack of tbt is also definitely an issue. There really should be more ways to earn tbt. When I joined in 2015 there seemed to be an abundance of tbt in circulation. I remember prices for collectibles were higher in the 2015-2017 range (ex: Regular Apples were 2k, Peaches were 1k, houses were all in the thousands aside from the light blue house), and even ACNL trades were more pricey. I recall some villagers going for as high as 300-600 tbt on the regular, but there was never really an issue with how this worked because everyone seemed to have the funds they needed, and the markets were always on the move with constant buying/selling. I know we had the beginner bells or whatever which definitely helped, but it's just wild to compare the market from then to now. I really don't see the harm in providing more ways for members to earn tbt, and I'd argue that the lack of tbt also falls under this idea of forced/fake scarcity. The occasional links/codes from the directs and events (like the advent calendar) are nice, but who's to say there can't be more? I feel something like a link/code for one of the directs to provide 1k tbt instead of the lower amount we usually get would be a noticeable change. The links tend to expire fairly quickly as well, so hopefully there'd be less of a chance for members to take advantage of that compared to something like the beginner bells which had no kind of time limit. (Kind of just spewing ideas as they come to mind here so apologies if I've overlooked certain aspects).

I still do believe that the fake scarcity is an issue with collectibles though. The imposters especially are still such an odd case for me personally, because to me, I would have thought that reskins of original collectibles would be more accessible and/or cheaper, but it's the complete opposite when there's genuinely no good reason for them to be. The imposters had the potential to be more obtainable options for members who couldn't afford the original versions, but instead I feel like the imposters just sort of fueled the idea of overpaying for one collectible when, as mentioned before, we've already had that problem with collectibles like the original glow wands and a few other high tier collectibles. It's even weirder because we've gotten other "imposters" that have been easily accessible, such as the pink toy hammer from the Farewell to NL event which was available with the event currency at the time. The original imposters should have had the same kind of accessibility, but I digress.

I'm also gonna +1 on the idea of having a more formal, public thread for constructive feedback, as CTS threads can be intimidating and there's no one to back you up + it's a little disheartening to be left with no reply/feel like you've been ignored. Also +1 to the idea that there should be more staff. I know that's probably easier said than done, but it has always kind of felt like there's not enough staff for the amount of work and moderation that needs to be done. Hopefully an increase of staff members would lessen everyone's work load, while also creating a better environment and safe space for regular members.
I have a lot to say, but I am struggling to articulate myself in a way that will not be misunderstood, so I will leave those words for later and address what comes easier for me.

Three times, if you want to count the custom acrylic charms. Although the last instance had 5 winners, since it was their third time winning, it can no longer be brushed off as luck. There is a strategy to it, and while I respect them for being able to utilize it, I disagree with the notion from staff that it is an equal playing field when we have evidence that it is not.

- Event FOMO is... difficult. I know this is ultimately a 'me' problem, but like others have said, there is a compulsion to get maximum currency *because* it is the only time you can earn meaningful resources to trade/sell for other things that you want. Scarcity is silly. There were a handful of new items from the Halloween event, but because there were also returning items to grab, fewer new items were purchased. No one wants to sell the new items for cheap because there's so few of them, but no one wants to buy them for an extravagant amount of TBT because we know their original event currency value.

- AI should be banned and it makes me depressed that many don't consider it theft. It seems like most of TBT is in agreement here, but I'll be honest - as a mostly mobile user, I haven't seen much AI art. I pay attention to AI posts on how to spot it and have read seliph's guide, but the only time I can say where I saw it a lot was during the mushroom event.

- I would love to see more active staff. Some staff members I have never seen outside of an event, and some I have only seen post once in my 2.5 years being active lol. As someone who has moderated an active forum and been an admin before, I know the intense amount of work behind the scenes. We all have limited free time, and I'm grateful they devote some of theirs to making TBT a place where people feel safe to be themselves. But it also feels weird to not see more of them in passing. I think making ~Kilza~ and LadyDestani mods was a step in the right direction, but the overall staff feels distant and unapproachable. That makes it more difficult to feel comfortable bringing up issues, and it makes people feel worse when reports go unanswered. When there was poor sportsmanship during the last Camp, there were a lot of people unhappy with the staff's response and lack of open communication. Maybe they feel like a degree of impartiality is necessary for professionalism, but surely, there can be more of a balance.

I definitely agree with this. For some time, I have felt like some of the staff members are unapproachable since I never see them post or interact with the members except on the rare occasion when they host an activity in an event. I understand the timezones and being busy all the time may play a big role in that though. I hesitate a lot to reach out to staff even if something is a serious concern part because I worry about bothering them, another because I worry about getting myself in trouble, and the rest because I’m uncomfortable and don’t know them well. Also I know some are really blunt and it sometimes comes across to me like I’m annoying them or made them mad 😅.

Having the TBT friendlies games has helped loosened my perception of some a lot and seeing them post and interact with us too. 🙂 I really like that LaBelleFleur and Justin comes to Among Us sessions when they can. I feel much more comfortable with them.

More staff and more staff interaction with members would really be nice 🙂. Maybe have events where staff members participate and team up with members. I know we have team events already, but maybe something where staff have to make entries too and not just host activities (ofc I understand that might be too much work for staff and stress).
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