And... I'm done replying to everyone, or I'd be here all day

(and I can't do that... I'm still working on my island remodel

Yeah I also don’t be feeling like cleaning up my island when I go back to current date. But that’s just part of the price to pay when I TT. I still love it and I’ll wear my badge as time traveler proudly. I remember seeing comments on another animal crossing website and people were just bashing time travelers saying that Nintendo needs to add a badge that says “cheater” for people like us. It trips me out that people were really bothered by this.
I just... seriously, how does it affect them? I'll never get it. Again, when someone's cheating in a game AGAINST someone, I totally get it. That's not cool. But my game has no effect on them whatsoever.
Sometimes it seems like they actually want to time travel, but don't have the guts or whatever, so they just... get really, REALLY mad that it's an option but they're not taking it? IDK.
I imagine tutors are in the same boat as paras, with much less to do than normal due to lack of students. Hopefully things will pick back up (safely) in the fall!
Well, I work through an outside agency, so I DO have to do some stuff just to get time on my timesheets (and get paychecks, I'm really fortunate I've been paid this whole time) but it's mostly watching videos online for about an hour a week. Pretty sweet deal, really, and it also leaves me with A TON of free time
Which is required to craft the frozen set. And you can have 4 on your island at a time. So getting 4 large snowflakes a day, assuming you keep building perfect ones in place of the one that had melted the day of, is pretty nice. Losing all of them because you went back 1 measly minute... not worth it.
Oh, that's good to know

To be honest, I don't time travel backwards very often (only if there's a real life event that's added and I may miss it, I time traveled less, and backwards more, during Bunny Day... which, I may be weird, but I actually really enjoyed) but I'll have to remember that!
...In, like, six months. Wish me luck, my memory is terrible
Probably they locked the holidays because of timetravellers who ruin and spoil the whole game & fun for non-timetravellers
I saw people arguing that and it was like... what. Some people were like "Oh, well, it's so time travelers can't spoil things for everyone else!" But... I'm willing to bet THE VAST MAJORITY of time travelers... don't. I know I don't. If I'm gonna talk about a mechanic or event or whatever that not everyone has experienced, I'll give everyone a heads up, so if they don't want spoilers they can ignore it completely.
Plus, I always APPRECIATED time travelers when I'd get to an event! For instance, I was stumped by the Thanksgiving event in NL- how did I get things like flour? Thank goodness for time travelers having made guides I could find online, I got an answer right away

(AND I figured out I could totally abuse that event to get free exotic fruit, which was nice

Frankly, I think the main reason is the reason they're releasing updates... because they released an unfinished game. Which, not gonna lie, I NORMALLY like- in the sense that, when I'm starting to get bored with a game, it'll release an update that draws me back in. But I still miss being able to visit holidays. Halloween is my favorite holiday EVER and... I mean, sometimes you just need to experience it in July, ya know?