Have you been to the ocean?

Have you seen the ocean for yourself?

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Mar 23, 2021
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Following on from my "Do you know how to swim?" thread, I need to know how many of you have been to the ocean! Have you seen the ocean with your own two eyes? I've never lived somewhere landlocked before, so I'm curious to hear! 🌊
I went to a beach for vacation once but I don't actually remember the experience, so I'm not sure if it still counts. I just know I really hated being there.
Yes, a lot of times!! the Philippines is a cluster of islands so it's surrounded by water, so it's not difficult at all to go to the beach c: last i went to a beach was last year, we have a family friend who is super rich so they own a beachside house and invited us over for dinner at sunset, it was really nice. I'm definitely going at the end of this month when my bf comes to visit me c: i live about 2 hours away from a nice public beach so we are driving there!!
Yes, I've been to the ocean plenty of times despite not living close to any (I live in the central US). I have family in both Florida and California, so I've had the pleasure to see and even step into and swim in the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean.
Oh yes actually often. We used to make vacation in italy a lot. 2-3 weeks only the ocean. It was perfect!
During my childhood, I've been to Ocean City as my vacation many times, so yes I have been to the ocean before.
I will say I mostly hated it, but my most favorite part of being at the ocean was viewing it by walking on those ocean rocks. Man was it so cool and mesmerizing to do so.

I haven't been back to Ocean City since 2010, I would love to go back there, but I'd rather stay away from the beach unless I get to do that rock thing again.
Probably from a distance, although that's probably not entirely accurate considering I haven't been outside of the United States. I'd like to go overseas someday. My dream destination has always been New Zealand.
Yes! I have been in both the Atlantic ocean and the Pacific ocean. I kinda can't imagine living in a landlocked area now, though i don't go to the beach really anyway so I guess it shouldn't matter that much to me. But idk, the idea of not being able to go see the ocean if I feel like it kinda weirds me out
I’ve seen the Pacific Ocean from when I was very young. Last time I went to the beaches along the Pacific, I was 18 years old.
I grew up in Hawaii so yes. It's actually weird for me to be somewhere too far inland where I can't see the ocean because on the island I live we often use the mountain + ocean as a location marker as the major roads and highways are located near the coast.
I've been to the beach a few times and I really love seeing the ocean!! ;v; I wouldn't want to live that close by because storms make me nervous enough as-is, but I'd love to visit the ocean again sometime. 🌊 I can't swim, but I usually do wade out into the water a bit—I've been knocked down by waves a couple times too LOL so maaaaybe not the smartest thing I've done, but it'd feel like a shame to come all that way and not get in the water at all.
Although one time there were a bunch of jellyfish washing ashore so... I didn't wanna spend too much time in the water for that very reason 😭 Though I did get to see one with a partially digested fish in it so that was something
I live on the East Coast of Scotland so pretty close to the sea and beaches. If we ever got any sun it would be lovely.
I went to a coastal beach back when I was quite young, but I'd kind of like to go again to experience it more fully in my adulthood. I'll have to learn to swim first and then see about arranging a beach visit in the future.
Nope. I have been nowhere close to an ocean in my life, since I'm landlocked where I live and the rare times I've traveled haven't been to somewhere near an ocean.
I’m not sure if this counts, but I have been to the Wadden Sea in the number 4 area on this map. Even if it’s not considered “the ocean”, it still connects to it. And it had jellyfish in it too!

That’s the only time I’ve been to a beach that might be considered on the ocean. I’ve definitely seen it in the distance though!
I went a few times with my parents but it has been a long time ago. I loved it, that's sad that I don't live near the ocean but I see the mountains every day, so that's ok.
Yes, I have been to the ocean many times. When I go on holiday I love to go to the sea. It is my favourite place and I find it so relaxing. I have not been on holiday in a few years and I miss being by the sea. One day I would love to live by the water. It is a dream of mine.