How do you feel about winter?


Sep 20, 2013
Depending on where you are in the world, snow is already here or it will soon be approaching. Do you like the cold weather or are you not looking forward to it? Do you have any plans for the upcoming season?

I don’t look forward to winter at all if I’m in a location where it snows. Despite being born in the winter, I hate strongly dislike cold and snow. I stay in lots of different places, but I tend to stick to warmer cities in the winter. I’d rather be too hot than too cold. I prefer heatwaves over snowstorms any day.

I remember that polar vortex from a few years back. I was in Arizona for it. To my surprise, we got it as well, but it wasn’t cold enough to become snow. It was just nonstop rain for a week straight. It was interesting. My dad said I was lucky to be away for it, lmao.
Yuck. It's cold, dark, and going outside anywhere is such a hassle. Owning a car and having to drive it in the slippery roads is awful. You gotta hope it starts, wait for it to warm up, and then brush and scrap it off. Sign me out. Plus here we get it from November to April.

The only good part of it is having snow for Christmas. Otherwise, get outta here.
a sunny winter day with glistening snow is actually quite beautiful, but unfortunately where I live, snow is occurring w a lot less frequency compared to when I was a kid.

temp wise gimme the cold any day. when im overheated i get cranky and lethargic
I'm one of the few people who actually likes winter. Snowfall can be a very beautiful and pleasant sight and I love snuggling in my blanket during wintertime. I also like to turn on my heater if it gets too cold for me. I still prefer autumn though because it's less cold. Personally I HATE IT when it gets like over 100 degrees in the summer, it makes me feel sluggish, sweaty, and exhausted.
Winter owns. It's easily my favorite of the four seasons. Christmas (my favorite holiday) falls during winter, plus I always take a big holiday break from work around that time so I always get to look forward to the formal start of winter signifying the end of work for the year, lol. I like snow and it definitely makes things pretty. Can suck to drive in, sure, but most of the time winter driving isn't too bad, plus working from home means that's much less of an issue for me these days. I also get to enjoy hockey all throughout winter. I also don't mind the cold and find it a lot easier to deal with the cold than to deal with the heat, which is why summer is easily the worst of the 4 seasons for me.
I love the first couple months of it. I think the snowfall is beautiful and I like being able to stay cozy inside and wear my warm clothes. The beginning of the season is always really exciting for me. I just don't love it as much as the other seasons because it can go on for so long, where I live it sometimes feels like it lasts a good half of the year and it gets tiresome having to drive in it or walk around in the cold every day. It hasn't been all that cold here yet this year though and I'm kinda eager for it to come.
Aside from autumn, winter is my second favourite season of the year. I love the cosiness the season brings with shorter days and longer nights and there's no better feeling than waking up to everything covered in frost and the air feeling crisp and cold on a sunny winter's day.
I don't like, can't handle cold weather well and our apartment is cold on top of that. And I'm not that young anymore so I can't really enjoy slippery slopes with a sleigh lol.
I woke-up to snow this morning. I don't like snow.

I live in the middle of nowhere, I'm dependent on public transport, and I've poor circulation and joint pain. Winter is extremely inconvenient for me - especially living in a country with a cold and wet climate.
I hate it. If I could live anywhere I want, I'd choose a place with no winter. I can handle fall, but once the temperature gets below 50F I'm miserable. My face and hands get painfully numb, my skin cracks and peels, my throat stays sore and I'm always congested. It's not a fun way to live for months on end.

I don't even feel warm enough in my house with the heat on and wrapped in blankets. I'm like a reptile. I can deal with heat, but I can't handle cold.

Then, there's the snow and ice. It's pretty for all of 2 minutes until you have to go shovel it or drive somewhere or walk the dog. I've had 3 major mishaps on ice.

1. My car slid on black ice and I got in a wreck. I was without a vehicle for weeks while it was being repaired.

2. I fell down my porch steps taking the dog out for a walk. I landed hard on my butt, couldn't sit or sleep properly for a month. This was nearly a year ago and I still have a deep, 4 inch long indention across my rear end. I think I may be stuck with it for life.

3. I fell in my driveway and landed on my jaw. It hurt to talk or eat for weeks. I couldn't even think about yawning. The pain still comes back occasionally, especially when it's cold.

So, yeah, if given the option, I would pass on winter every time.
i don't like winter. it's my least favorite season. i'm sensitive to temperature change, and i get cold incredibly easily. (the radiator also doesn't work in my room because my sister turned it off, so there's no heating for me.) snow admittedly looks pretty when it falls, but it's only a hinderance when it settles. thankfully, that usually doesn't happen here, and we're lucky if we get any at all. (ironically, we did get some earlier this evening.) september is already cold enough for me. december is a nightmare. i don't mind heatwaves depending on how hot they are, since i can usually withstand higher temperatures than most brits seem capable of asdfghjkl, and it's easier for me to cool down than it is to warm up. i can wear my fluffiest/fleeciest pyjamas and socks and still be cold even on what most would consider "warm" for a winter's day, and on an average day my hands can go stiff/sore even while i'm in my own bedroom. i'm also a bit of a scrooge (it's the depression lol) so not even christmas can save the season for me now that i'm older and don't really want/need physical gifts anymore.
Winter is my second favorite season, with Autumn/Fall being my favorite. I tolerate cold better than heat, and also find methods of combating the cold, like wearing warm clothes, sitting under blankets, and drinking warm drinks, to be more agreeable than the inverse when it's hot outside. Speaking of, there was a particularly chilly night recently and I happened to pass a heating vent and thought to myself what a simple pleasure it is to hang around a heat source to warm up.

Wintry roads suck to drive on, but snow makes for nice scenery and enhances the experience of Christmas, which is my second favorite holiday behind Halloween. New Year's is an enjoyable time for me as well, not sure why since I don't really do anything special for New Year's, but it just has a nice vibe to it. I'm also fond of night falling earlier in the day as I'm more of a night owl.

I greatly dislike Summer due to the heat, humidity, and storms, and Spring is just like Summer but more boring.
I like winter for the most part. I prefer colder temperatures and insects going away somewhere and the sky getting darker at an earlier time but i could see y some of these things could be a hassle for some ppl. It snows where i live but it never sticks around for long as it almost always turns into mush within a couple hours. Kind of unfortunate but also kind of a livesaver
i like it a lot! especially now that im in a dry climate and not a humid one. ive always been hot natured so its nice to finally not be sweaty all the time haha (grew up in the south where its hot and humid and winters are humid too making them not as enjoyable)
Winter is kinda based because for three to four months it's socially acceptable to obstruct as many features of your face and body as possible, there's always an excuse to stay indoors, and bugs are basically extinct.