Mysteries of the Monolith - Ended!

i found this super fast (well, assuming i'm even right), but i didn't realize it was a "first to answer" one rip. should've been on at launch smh. oh well.
This was fun and I did my best. I listed answers as last time, without a comma in between? Hope it was ok. I always input the letters and numbers the wrong way around 🥺💜
I got stuck on the glasses for SO LONG and then wanted to smack myself when I found them. Ah well, minds work in mysterious ways
I found each of these pretty fast. I spent more time making sure I'm correct than really finding them in the first place. I'm like 90% sure I'm correct, but if the glasses mess me up then oh well.
Round 2 of Mysteries of the Monolith has ended!
Hopefully you were able to sift through that mess of a room!
Either that, or you might need glasses. Teehee.

The answer was T5B6L5F5W3M8

Congratulations to @BungoTheElf for submitting the correct answer first to win the Enchanted Bloom Collectible!

Submissions will be accepted within the next 24 hours.
I will post once again after submissions are accepted.

Correct submissions have been accepted!

If you had the correct answer but your submissions wasn't accepted yet, please post in the Contact the Staff board and let me know.​

Round 3 will begin on Sunday at 7PM Fair time. See you then!
What will it be? It's a mystery!
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Ahh... I wish we had one more hour. 😭 We are on vacation and I just got back to the hotel. 😅 I found all but two of the hints earlier today but I didn't have time to finish. 😕
Dang it. I got the glasses wrong. I picked the stacking cups thinking it was a play on words as instead of an actual pair of glasses.

Congrats @BungoTheElf!