I couldn't be bothered watching it since I've had a tooth removed and wanted to sleep it off. BUT looking at the TL

R roundup of what was announced:
- Banjo released today? I'm nipping home on my dinner to buy the fighter pass and download that. THE character I've always wanted finally here!
- SNES titles. Finally, the online sub is somewhat worthwhile now. Hopefully this is pathing the way for N64 and maybe Gamecube titles too. I've seen Super Metroid and Yoshi's Island are both in the 20 game launch, and they're both good enough for me. Hopefully some Super Mario World will be in there too.
- Xenoblade Chronicles. Yea, I'm down. I was hoping for Xenoblade Chronicles X so I can pack up my Wii U
(pretty much the only Wii U game I have left to be ported to Switch), but hopefully that will come in time.
Arguably though, the original needed a 'definitive edition' more. The Wii and 3DS versions didn't get enough support, both having pretty small amounts of copies shipped and the 3DS version being exclusive to the N3DS. Add to that, it's just a very pretty game and neither of those platforms really helped showcase that, the Wii with it's 'even for the time' low resolution and the 3DS's tiny screen, which also didn't help portray the sheer scope of the game.
It's nice they've updated things like character models too. I'm excited for this remaster/remake more than others that have come out since Xenoblade is an excellent game and really deserves all the attention it gets.
- Luigi's Mansion 3. I dunno what they've announced with this, but I'll be buying this anyway so whatever.
- Trials of Mana. Never played it so might give this one a go. Looks neat.
- Town
(or whatever its called now) I'm unsure of. I might give it a go since it's a new RPG from Game Freak that's really being pushed, so Nintendo must have some faith in it...However, it's a game by Game Freak and they tend to be pretty lackluster outside of Pokemon...Which have declined in quality themselves.
- Tokyo Mirage. Never got this on Wii U since I never really knew what the hell it was with its terrible marketing. I'll give it a go though.
- Divinity Original Sin 2. I'll likely buy this. I love the Divinity series and it would be nice to have a portable version of this. It might also help me to finally get my friend to play Divinity.
- Daemon X Machina. I don't really know anything about it but it keeps getting mentioned. I'll probably try the demo.
- Overwatch. Ehhhhhh, I've not played it in so long, I'm not sure if a Switch version is going to renew my interest. I'll keep an eye out for it getting closer to release and see how I feel.