Party Popping Puzzles

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you picross correctly incorrect submitters should share your wrong right answers with the rest of us

I wanna see the variety of visual nonsense that was possible
I submitted my puzzle a few hours ago - pretty confident I got everything right! 🎉 These puzzles have been so fun to complete so far (though the picross one killed my last surviving brain cell i fear), but this round's is definitely my favourite! I've loved logic/elimination puzzles since I was introduced to them in middle school - I even have an app for them on my tablet! Very happy that my favourite kind of puzzle was included in this. 🩷 I'm super excited for the last puzzle!

please don't let it be a mirror
I will try this later today, fingers crossed

Was praying for another Kriss Kross personally🤣
As an expert in logic problems, I got mine finished on the night it went live.

I wish there were order clues (i.e. “Oblivia joined the forum some time before the moderator promoted in October 2023, but some time after Jeremy”). Those are my favorite types of clues in logic problems.
I finished the puzzled a few hours ago, though I'll submit it when I wake up. Idk why I've decided to do them late at night. 😅 I've never done this type of puzzle either but it was pretty fun, and definitely much easier than the last one for me.
The new one looks super interesting! Can't wait to work on it today.
Ooh okay, I’m interested in trying that puzzle. First impressions it reminds me of something you’d find in the professor Layton series.

Side note on the last puzzle, I was getting so frustrated on the symmetry rule seemingly not applying in the top corners until I realised why 😂 figuring out it was a number 20 validated to me that I was definitely on the right path
missed the last puzzle bc i’m camping rn but i’ll be damned if i miss this one too
Wait, can a villager bring more than one food and item…. Or just one of each😩
Each villlager can only bring one snack, one gift and wear one color of hat. No villager can bring the same snack or gift or wear the same color hat as another villager. Good luck! This was my favorite puzzle to make!
this one was fun!! i did it before bed so i’m going to double check in the morning to make sure it all makes sense
Oh my gosh, I have done a bunch of these types of (Puzzle 3) puzzles. I think my mum got them in magazines when I was a kid? This was the fastest for me to solve by a lot, but it's quite fun! 🎉🎉🎉
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