Party Popping Puzzles

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i struggled for a while but was able to somehow solve it before seeing MrBox’s wonderful explanation! i can’t say i really fully understand how these puzzles work as this was my first time working on one, but your visual explanation made a lot of sense @MrBox thank you for taking the time to make it!!
yes- happy to help! when i first was attempting the puzzle... i was reading a lot of articles but... i needed a visual explanation .. so after i understood the rules a bit more- i thought that maybe if i made the guide , it could help someone else who relies on visuals...!!
When I was doing it, I kept getting frustrated and restarting because I was trying to lean heavily on the logic and not make any assumptions. But in the end, the only way I was able to get it was to lean heavily into assumptions, even though it went against my instincts.

If the numbers look like they'd make a pattern, go with it even if you don't have the evidence yet. In the end, I found it was much easier to make a bunch of mistakes and correct them as I went than to try to get it perfectly right away.
I've finally finished 😭 This was also my first time doing one of these, and I'm genuinely curious how to do it besides from guessing based on symmetry. Thank you to MrBox and everyone else who helped explain what I was looking at HAH
After submission are closed, I would like someone to explain how they logically solved this entire thing that didn't involve guesswork.
Cause I got to a point where there was no logical next move and had to guess.
I don't think there's a logical way to solve this. I answered it twice and both times I hit a dead end, and this is from someone who loves doing nonograms 🤔 unless I'm completely wrong and there is a logical way that I just didn't see lol
I've alr mentioned this but the rows/columns with all 1s makes this less intuitive and more reliant on the "symmetry" clue aka having to guess
Read all the guides, absolutely stuck and cant even resemble an image, ditching this puzzle.
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Yea I’m still stuck on this one. I tried but can’t figure it out and don’t have the time or patience to keep trying. Maybe I will do better on the next one.
yes- happy to help! when i first was attempting the puzzle... i was reading a lot of articles but... i needed a visual explanation .. so after i understood the rules a bit more- i thought that maybe if i made the guide , it could help someone else who relies on visuals...!!
I’m definitely a visual learner, so this was great help for that reason 😁
I vowed too myself not to go back to this a few days ago as it was overwhelming me. I'm more caught up with things now so may have another look at it today. I'm doubtful though.
ok, solved and submitted

I'm sorry, but that one was bad bad
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I've finally finished 😭 This was also my first time doing one of these, and I'm genuinely curious how to do it besides from guessing based on symmetry.

I mean, they're supposed to be logic puzzles. you shouldn't be having to blind guess based on symmetry or anything else
@LambdaDelta your words give me encouragement that what I just submitted may be correct.
I have done it twice and came up with the same thing, thinking it can't be correct. 😅
I'm positive at least mine is correct, since I can make out what it is and it makes sense. but also, even if it's wrong, it'd still be "right" in terms of matching up with all the numerical hints. I made sure to thoroughly check that first. from top to bottom, and left to right

hopefully you got it right as well
Oh my I never even seen an image in there until now and yeah I got it correct. 😅

Now for this lego software thingy :confused:
I'll be surprised if the thing I even solved is correct or nah.
I couldnt really what it was XD Hope everyone else will get the spark and solve it~
Submitted, I had it right apart from a few lines so I had to redo it but it made more sense the second time symmetry wise
I submitted mine, I realised I missed a square afterwards though so I'm pretty sure I've probably missed a couple more. That was HARD
Submitted! When I first completed it I accidentally deleted my file instead of saving it 😭

This was also my first time of doing one of these. Thank you for the symmetry hint, as others have said it was very useful in completing this puzzle!
Puzzle 3: Logic Puzzle
A vast majority of you got the correct answer for round 2, despite its...illogical solution. Let's just sweep that one under the rug!
Picturesque Pixels Answer Key.png

Anyway, here is the puzzle for round 3. You should not have to guess at all for this next puzzle!

Happy Birthday TBT.png

Using the clues, fill in the grid with an "X" mark for incorrect(False) and an "O" mark for correct(True). When you are finished and each villager has the correct snack, gift, and hat, submit your completed grid! Again, you should not need to guess at all for this puzzle, I will post a detailed solution at the end of this puzzle. I have also chosen to give you a day more time for this puzzle since these can take some time if you aren't used to solving them.

Here is a resource that may help you.

(ETA:I have posted this a day early in order to give you more time.)
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