Fairy Rapunzel ✿
Considering this seems like mirrors, I’m scared of how difficult they’re about to get 

For a second I misread this and thought we got multiple guesses per round! I might need that lol. I can only imagine that they get harder as we progress. Well, will do my best with this first one!I am now second guessing my answer. LOL could be right, could be wrong; either way I really should have took some time to thoroughly look at the picture first.
i’m a little confused and hope it’s alright to ask here but are we submitting where we see the villager we’re looking for, or where majority of their body would be? i’m not sure which of these i should submit as my final answer o:
If the villager appears to be located in more than one cell on the grid, choose the one that you believe contains the majority of the villager's image.