Pin the Tail on the Villager

This one isn’t all that hard… that’s a little scary.

Anyway, submitted and I put something really stupid in the body paragraph. I’m doing that every time I submit a guess for this kind of thing now.
I am now second guessing my answer. LOL could be right, could be wrong; either way I really should have took some time to thoroughly look at the picture first.
I am now second guessing my answer. LOL could be right, could be wrong; either way I really should have took some time to thoroughly look at the picture first.
For a second I misread this and thought we got multiple guesses per round! I might need that lol. I can only imagine that they get harder as we progress. Well, will do my best with this first one!
i’m a little confused and hope it’s alright to ask here but are we submitting where we see the villager we’re looking for, or where majority of their body would be? i’m not sure which of these i should submit as my final answer o:
i’m a little confused and hope it’s alright to ask here but are we submitting where we see the villager we’re looking for, or where majority of their body would be? i’m not sure which of these i should submit as my final answer o:

From the How to Play section of the first post:

If the villager appears to be located in more than one cell on the grid, choose the one that you believe contains the majority of the villager's image.

I'm pretty sure I have my guess but I'm gonna wait and look it over a few more times before I submit just in case I'm missing something.
I've submitted, but think I've got it wrong.
I took the time to look at the picture, but man am I unsure about my choice XD
Can't wait for the next round
This was pretty fun actually. Even if I am way off, I feel confident and it was kinda fun like Where's Waldo! Thanks for this kinda task. It was pretty cool! 🎉
I loved this event last time it was hosted and I'm excited to play this one too! I'm also very afraid because it doesn't seem too hard so idk if I'm completely off or what but I'm pretty confident in my guess. As of right now anyway '>.>
Oh, this one will be a ton of fun! I feel like I know what almost all the villagers look like, so hopefully this will be a breeze.
Famous last words
I think I found Twiggy! Definitely prefer this over a brain wrapping mirror.

By the way, I think mirrors would be more fun if they were limited to animal crossing characters. The biggest part of the stress of mirrors (to me) comes from not even knowing what game the character is from PLUS not knowing if you have ever seen the character. If it was limited to AC characters, which there are a lot of, it would be less stressful, like a visual puzzle like this.
I almost forgot to submit an answer for this. I still feel like my initial guess is correct, fairly confident, though I'm not 100% on it. Fingers crossed, I guess. 🤞
I made my guess.

I do love deciphering who/where the targeted person I’m looking for in mirrors, so this one might have been not too hard.
This was enjoyable, and much, much, better than those nightmare Mirrors. Also loved looking at all the birbs! I'm feeling confident in my answer but we'll see soon.