Pin the Tail on the Villager

It'd be interesting to know how many people will think of this activity when you see Graham in game, and whether or not you'd find him, the lil grudges XD
I haven't found him yet either.
Good gravy, I wouldn't be surprised if we have to find a villager in one of the next rounds based on their colour palette alone. I'm stumped!
bold of you to assume I know what to do XD
I might just do a random guess ack
A very worthy successor to mirrors. Well done Jer.
You know, I prefer this over mirrors.

Oh, and Jeremy, can you not make us pin the tail on Butterfly Peach? She already haunted the Mirror event. I don’t want to see her in the pin the tail event.
Oh I also thought it was going to be revealed tonight. Pretty sure I’m correct but the chance is still there…