PSA: The new series 5 amiibo cards pre-order have started!!!

It wasn’t this hard to buy Amiibo cards before… You’d just walk into GameStop and they had a big bucket of them.

And of course the Walmart cards are gone waaaaay too soon. I wish they had them at other places besides Walmart. 😤

It seems like they aren't mass producing much like they use to. Limitations with outside resources perhaps? It's a shame really.
And of course the Walmart cards are gone waaaaay too soon. I wish they had them at other places besides Walmart. 😤

Agreed—I’m kind of cranky about making a Walmart account. Gross. I just figured that way my info is already all set, and I’ll have a better chance of snagging a pack.
weird Animal Crossing Black Friday
This is exactly how it feels @Sheando you're right!

I think the scarcity may have a bit to do with the global shipping delay due to the pandemic. I mean they quietly re-stocked the Sanrio & reg series 1-4 amiibo cards last month in NA without a lot of promo so I'm hoping this is the case and this is just the first wave of shipment and we'll have more.

Regardless, my 10th villager is a rotating one, so if I'm lucky enough to get the new popular ones like Shino (crossing my fingers again!) or whoever the RNGods destined for my hands, I will cycle them out for free here for those who couldn't get the cards. I hope it's not like the Sanrio villagers who are locked to the island.

*If anyone hears anything abt availability in Europe, pls post here!
I have a family emergency so I may not be able to post should there be any update tomorrow.
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Wow! :eek::eek::eek:

While the majority of the west coast of America was not online, Walmart does a sneak attack. :sneaky:

I am going to think positive on this one.

The odds are high. AC has gone mainstream and the bots are going full on PS5 mode, but it's not impossible (my husband did manage to score a PS5 and we got the Sanrio cards).

It's really difficult to navigate the AC world a la digital. I also remember the days of going to my local GameStop and buying the game, the ACNL 3DS special edition, the guide, and of course the amiibos. Really makes me feel sad that we don't have release parties at my localities.

Regardless, my 10th villager is a rotating one, so if I'm lucky enough to get the new popular ones like Shino (crossing my fingers again!) or whoever the RNGods destined for my hands, I will cycle them out for free here for those who couldn't get the cards. I hope it's not like the Sanrio villagers who are locked to the island.

*If anyone hears anything abt availability in Europe, pls post here! I have a family emergency so I may not be able to post should there be any update tomorrow.

Thank you, CanuckChick. I will also continue to update this thread if I see any news/releases, and if I score a duplicate of any of the amiibo cards, I will put on here for trade or do a giveaway. This is something I will do for the best community, TBT!

Totally agree and thankful that the villagers are not island locked as well. I have three switches and I am willing to reset two of them. I will island hunt. I scored Raymond with my third mystery island trip back in March 2020. I have discipline, perseverance and overall good AC Karma. Nintendo nor or anyone else can take that away from all of us!
Healthy mind = healthy hunting and scoring!
Good Luck Everyone!
I didn't want to....but finally ordered 1 pack from Bestbuy "in case". When Welcome Amiibo came out, I had just taken 2 packs thinking I would get more later but they got sold out at my store right away and never came back. The shipping is almost the price of the pack but it's still less than the bus fare, so...Just annoying I can't get more than one :(. I will ask my sister in law who has Amazon Prime to get me more later...if possible.
Ach i wish the one who are in europe could also preorder some 🙄
If I click the walmart link the listing for the cards comes up but not if i go to the site directly, anyone know why?

Also I clicked the link for canadian bestbuy. It automatically redirects me to the us site but the amiibo cards do come up. It lets me put themin my cart but when I click the cart it says it's empty. If I click add to cart again it says I've reaced my limit. What is going on?
How long does the 1 per household usually last? Cuz I can't complete my collection with 1 pack lol

Maybe it's going to be like the Sanrio cards and there will be more later. Half the collection is NPC so we will need several packs to complete it.
If I click the walmart link the listing for the cards comes up but not if i go to the site directly, anyone know why?

Also I clicked the link for canadian bestbuy. It automatically redirects me to the us site but the amiibo cards do come up. It lets me put themin my cart but when I click the cart it says it's empty. If I click add to cart again it says I've reaced my limit. What is going on?
The Walmart app is weird. The ACNH amiibo cards Series 5 will not come up in a general search. I have to open the link provided on this thread and then it will redirect me to the Walmart app and then it will come up. However, if I do a general search for ACNH series 5 amiibo cards on the Walmart app it will show other amiibo card packs. I think that is because they are currently not in stock.

I would not recommend using a the app at all. I would def use a desktop if possible. It is really coming down to beating the bots and using my desktop is so much faster than the app (again I was able to beat the bots with a desktop/PC while battling for PS5 and the Sanrio cards). Also, have all of your information stored and ready to go, so you just can check out without putting anymore information at the last second. One last thing, if they do become available at Target, I recommend having stuff in your cart because the app will slow you down sometimes if they require a minimum $35 delivery. Extra pop-ups slowed me down in the past.

Oh, and does anyone know if Walmart has a feature when they will notify you when the item is back in stock? Target and Amazon has this feature, but it doesn't look like Walmart has it.
Oh, and does anyone know if Walmart has a feature when they will notify you when the item is back in stock? Target and Amazon has this feature, but it doesn't look like Walmart has it.

Google told me that it has a notification feature for some items, but not all. It doesn’t look like they have it for the Series 5 cards :(
Oh, and does anyone know if Walmart has a feature when they will notify you when the item is back in stock? Target and Amazon has this feature, but it doesn't look like Walmart has it.
Google told me that it has a notification feature for some items, but not all. It doesn’t look like they have it for the Series 5 cards :(
It’s not the same, but what I just did is I saved the link as an icon on my phone’s homepage, so I’ll just check it every so often even though I’m guessing any restocks wouldn’t be for at least a couple of days.
So, my husband just came home and said he bought me the Series 5 (25 pack) on ebay!!
The earliest it can get here is Tuesday, November 16th and the latest...... Monday, January 3rd! It's shipping from Australia (I live in US).
My worst fear is it being stuck in a crate!
I considered it, but those shipping prices are insane—even my current obsession can’t justify the cost.

(If some Australian wants to buy an extra pack for me, I’ll gladly send you the money and a stamped envelope to send back my direction though lol)