My mom's side of the family is doing alright. My dad is staying put for the weekend, unlike what I mentioned earlier in that other thread. I now know that she will finally return home sometime next week, so that's pretty good.
I’ve been having a rough week but I still had some things that made me happy .
I had a nice chat with @Yanrima~. I really appreciated that she checked up on me and chatted a bit ; it helped cheer me up a lot and put me back in the mood for the fair . Thanks so much ☺!
In Pokemon Violet, a few days ago I found another shiny Iron Valiant and it had a mark .
I evolved my shiny tadbulb today and evolved it into Bellibolt so I could use it for the seven star raid. It’s so derpy and cute ☺.
I beat my second seven star raid. I had tried it one or two other times before I had Bellibolt and failed them since none of us seemed to know what we were doing. I looked up a build after and good counters to the raid pokemon and that’s when I brought out my tadbulb to build it. I honestly wasn’t planning on doing this raid but I’m glad I did since it was fun .
I got a shiny inkay today! I had failed a raid a couple weeks ago for a shiny malamar which has been bothering me since then. I clicked on this raid hoping for a shiny inkay and it was .
Look how derpy it is
I got my second Ogerpon in Pokemon Violet; I’m in the process of trying to trade for one in a different language that is also level 20 . No luck yet, but hopefully soon . I’ve gotten some more trades done on Pokemon home and had some nice finds .
I got most of the summer event in Genshin done. still have puzzles to do, some side quests to do and finish the epilogue but I got a large majority of it done and most of the origami toys. I need two more; i’m having trouble clearing the battle simulator portion of the even for the final objective (i think score of 5000 points). Hopefully i’ll be able to clear it eventually . I’ve been really enjoying this event and the story (I’m a bit bummed no cameo from my favorite boys though ; been greedy for more extra content with one or more of them in it ).
In Fate Go, I finally got Morgan to level 100. Also have been able to max another skill of Avalon’s recently. I finished leveling up Ibuki Douji too and am now working on her skills and Ashiya Douman’s skills. I got most of the event done. Just need to get the last two copies of the freebie servant and the remaining rewards.
That’s it for now! I hope everyone is having a nice week!
- Today I impulsively booked a trip to Budapest for December Okay it wasn't that impulsive I did think it through for a few days before booking... It will be my second solo trip. I figured if I want to travel by myself long-term, taking shorter city breaks within Europe is good practice. I'm hoping it goes just as well as my trip to Krakow last March. Budapest is a city I've wanted to visit for a while!
My crochet club/group on Facebook does a wish-list gifting thing every Saturday! I can't wait to participate, as this is my first one c: I received a few things already, I'm so excited to give back to my fellow crocheters <3 It makes me so happy there are so many generous people in the crafting community T^T I can't wait to get my yarn scissors :3
I'm drinking some coffee, with sweet cream creamer! It's soooo good :3
Played a bit of Genshin this morning. Still trying for Navia; no luck yet! I WILL get her though! >:3 I'm determined!
Woke up relatively early.. I slept decently! In the middle of the night though, my brother needed something while I was half-asleep. I think I started a conversation with myself about crocheting in my sleep, which confused him so much, LMAO. I think when he called my name again, it woke me up and I was like 'OH GOD. WAS I TALKING ABOUT YARN AGAIN?!'
I hatched a really special Bulbasaur on a Pokemon site I play ^^ The baby! Not sure what to name him yet. I yelled so loud when I saw the sparkles lol
Listening to BTS as I burn my favorite scented candle! This is a GREAT morning! :3
Happy because I managed to get up early on a Saturday, which is rare for me. The TBT Fair also starts today and I plan on playing more of the Genshin Impact summer event. :3
☾ All of my stitches came out for my extractions. I pulled the one out last night (awful idea in hindsight, I know), but it otherwise healed nicely and the hole is almost closed. The final stitch came out this morning once I woke up. I was able to just grab it out because I noticed it dissolved. I’m back to eating normal foods once again. ☾ I am scheduled for 20 hours next week. The union guarantees me at least 15 hours, so I won’t be getting less than that. I’m also seeing if I can get my job back as overnight stock once this lady I used to work with retires in January. She already has the date set, so I’m going to ask about taking her place tonight. I wanted to say something before they opened up applications publicly. ☾ I have Tuesday off so I’m able to watch the newest episode of Disventure Camp once it premiers.
☾ Watched an episode of Hunter x Hunter and Delicious in Dungeon with my parents this morning! The necklace centipede... I found a huge centipede under my pillow just the other night... I know the feeling, Marcille.
We also got to catch up with ZombieCleo’s newest Hermitcraft episode later on! The ability to scale armor stands along with everything else they can already do with them is so powerful... I hope there are many armor stand pranks, big and small, this season.
☾ The birthday Fair has begun!!! Got my Count Inside the Bottle guess and first puzzle completed for starters (as far as puzzles go I love crosswords too aaa), and I’m excited to work on more event entries tomorrow!! ;w; So many of my dream collectibles are up for grabs I have absolutely no idea how I’m going to choose, but I’m excited to hopefully make at least one more of my collectible dreams come true!!
☾ Also had fun coming up with a lineup for the Fair! Still gotta work on my pfp and signature, but I’m super happy with how it turned out! ;v;
Today started out a bit rough but ended up being a good day ; the tbt fair starting today really helped boost my mood. I’m so excited about everything! I’m going to give the drawing activity a try; I know I won’t win but that’s okay! Honestly the participation tickets is enough for me ; I want so much! it will be nice to draw something again too; I’m just nervous though about posting it .
I got my eyes set on the shaker charm ; I was really excited about the invader and blue inky returning but I love art merch so much and Mistreil’s art . So many other prizes I like too .
I had fun making my signature and avatar . It made me really happy that some of my friends that I showed them too liked them too!
I told my mom earlier how upset something she said yesterday made me, and she said she was sorry and would try not to say things like that again in front of me. I hope she isn’t thinking of divorcing still though.
I talked to her about something else that was anxious about and I feel a bit better about it now too.
Gl everyone with the fair! I can’t wait to see everyone’s entries; that always is part of the fun . I hope everyone had a great day today too!
I am happy that when I wake up, I will be going to the movies with my Dad and brothers to see Deadpool and Wolverine. Movies seem to be the only time we get together outside of mandatory holidays.
We finally launched this year's TBT Fair! It was a massive job, a number of us gave up our entire Saturday to get it ready on time, but we pulled it together. I love working with this team. Still feel bad I fell asleep at my computer for 3hrs oops.
In my early-mid 20s I worked as a cameraman. Last night I got to take a step back into that world with a photoshoot. Excellent model, needed little direction. I sent her some quick edits of a few of them after so she had an idea of what to expect, promising her the full edits within a couple of weeks. I woke-up to my phone buzzing incessantly. She sent me a half dozen messages raving about how confident and pretty she felt. She's been battling with self-esteem / self-image issues for years and I'm thrilled I could help her!
My mum and I communicate through food. I sent her my idea for a healthy homemade pizza and she gave me some useful feedback on the recipe I'd come up with. Looking forward to making my first attempt Sunday.
I'm happy I'm feeling better from last night's spell. Yesterday I got some stuff done that I'm happy I was able to get to. I plan to finish the project up more later today when my nausea is fully gone. I'm happy I'm at home right now and it is quiet and calm. I'm glad the fair is happening. The activities seem really cute and the prizes are neat.
I'm happy to see the return of the bell tree fair, the prizes look amazing and the events look like a lot of fun - the staff have put together another brilliant event! Also love the theme, 20 years is such a major milestone and the fair is a lovely chance for everyone to celebrate together, just need to try and juggle it with work
From the beginning of last week I was over the moon to become an aunt for the first time to an adorable little nephew, my sisters first child! It ended up been a pretty traumatic birth with infections, distress and an emergency c-section but very happy to say everyone is doing brilliantly after a trying time and have eventually made it home, I've had some lovely cuddles and can't wait for the many happy memories and years ahead
Happy today because I had a lot of fun with the Genshin Impact summer event last night and finished the main story, even though it made me sleep in, lol. I also had a tasty dinner tonight consisting of chicken drumsticks and a salad since I got groceries, and I managed to talk things through with my dad.
☾ The new One Piece episode AAAAA!!! I’ve believed in Koby and his dream since I was thirteen, and I’ve always known he was going to have a vital part to play in the final arcs of the series, and now more than ten years later I can see it’s starting to come together I have so many feelings after this last episode and it’s hard for me to express just how happy and full of admiration I actually am afkjlsgjffkls... I know I’ll keep believing in him and the future he’ll create for the world of One Piece through the very last page.
☾ My family and I also watched another episode of Haikyu today!! Later on we watched GoodTimesWithScar’s new Hermitcraft episode and a few livestream vods too. c:
☾ I got my entries done for Wonderous Wardrobe and Pack for the Party! Also started working on my pfp + signature for that portion of the event and finished the sketches for both, and I should be able to get some balloons tomorrow for the first round of Party Prepping Station!
We went to a tourist spot in CA. There, I saw a seagull up close and took a photo of it.
I also got to try out some yummy seafood there. In the restaurant we went to, they serve the platter with a bowl of dry ice, so it's as if the dish is hotter than is really is. I thought it was pretty cool. And don't worry, the seafood wasn't raw.
I found a store selling stuffed axolotls and cows and snapped a photo because they reminded me of a well-known user on the forums.
OK, back to the fair stuff. I got a few events down and now I'm hard at work on my entry for the TBT memory contest! I'm having fun with it so far. But I had a bit too much fun with one event and accidentally forgot to mark my entry photos. x_x I get all panicky thinking about it, but I'm sure things will work out in the end. I hope, at least.
☾ The new One Piece episode AAAAA!!! I’ve believed in Koby and his dream since I was thirteen, and I’ve always known he was going to have a vital part to play in the final arcs of the series, and now more than ten years later I can see it’s starting to come together I have so many feelings after this last episode and it’s hard for me to express just how happy and full of admiration I actually am afkjlsgjffkls... I know I’ll keep believing in him and the future he’ll create for the world of One Piece through the very last page.
☾ My family and I also watched another episode of Haikyu today!! Later on we watched GoodTimesWithScar’s new Hermitcraft episode and a few livestream vods too. c:
☾ I got my entries done for Wonderous Wardrobe and Pack for the Party! Also started working on my pfp + signature for that portion of the event and finished the sketches for both, and I should be able to get some balloons tomorrow for the first round of Party Prepping Station!
I still haven’t started watching it again. I really need to and get back into the manga (I was on the Wano arc). I appreciate you posting about it here because it makes me kick myself to find some time to get back to it . I’m so glad you’re enjoying One Piece and that you had a good day .
Today was a good day! I finished the crossword activity, did my wardrobe entry and am working on another entry right now. The crossword activity ended up frustrating me a little because I was using picsart to do it and I chose to put the letters in one by one and with the image text limit, it was very time consuming . Most important thing is I got it done . After that, I messed up on my wardrobe entry, I forgot to zoom in. Then, in my correxted entry I forgot to turn the guide off when I took the picture; my brain was so fried lol. I’m happy with how it turned out though and had fun putting the outfit together .
Right now I’m working on my other acnh entry and I got carried away . I was working on what was going to be a small backdrop for a picture but I think I ended up with a room that I’ll keep after the event and maybe eventually tweak it some more (if not replace it entirely). I have so much fun decorating and its been awhile since I last played acnh. I’m happy since I only had one room in my main character’s house decorated .
Jewels snuggled with me under the blankets and fell asleep under the blankets with her head and paw on my leg and when I wanted to get up too ofc .
I started playing HSR again; not much since I’m focused on other games and I can’t focus on too much at the same time . Still, nice to see my favorite character/unit again and play a bit.
I got to chat to a couple friends .
My mom made two meals that I really like recently: chicken salad (it has grapes, celery, chicken in it) and green bean potato salad . they’re both so delicious!
- Super happy I am done with work for the day and now have 2 days off
- My request for one day of annual leave in December got approved, which means my trip to Budapest is all legal Was a bit concerned since December is our busiest month
- Happy I have finally eaten after like 8 hours of no food, now chilling with a coffee and feeling a lot better