What Are You Happy About Today?

Those all look really good. You made some really amazing meals 🎉 I started getting more experimental with my cooking and it's so fun to try different things. I made a pumpkin soup that's more hearty like potato soup. I wasn't sure what to expect, but wow it was really good.

I made homemade cookies. Chocolate chip and peanutbutter with jam/heresy kisses in the middle. I already ate all the strawberry jam ones 😅

But I've been dying to make these sugar cookies forever and finally found the time earlier today. I couldn't even wait for them to cool down. I had to test-taste one right away. They were so good!

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Those look adorable and they sound tasty too! I spy Munchlax 🥹.

My mood could still be much better but I have some things that made me happy 🙂.

My mom made some more Christmas cookies today (I have stopped baking since I was a kid, sadly 😅; i have zero patience) and they were delicious. I haven’t been eating Christmas cookies much though the last few Christmases. I love when she burns them a little (not charcoal black but just some brown on the bottom). She made some other cookies too a week or so ago too that I likec shortbread cookies; I think she still has to make the peanut butter ones with the hershey kisses in the middle.

Last night I got some more lights from friends :D. I loved the messages ☺️.

I went a bit crazy on the fortune cookies in pocket camp last night but I got a lot of nice things.

put them in a collage to save space

I was trying to get the carousel horses but I’ll definitely take the five star halloween float. 🥳 I was trying to get the three star bear (I thought it was a handheld for some reason; I’m still happy with it regardless), but I will gladly take this too; it is really cute! I’ve been trying to get the gingerbread tower for two days or so and I finally got that :D. I was trying for the smaller bookshelf and seat from molly’s cookie but I did want the five star eventually :D; I was disappointed to find out I cannot use the seat. I was thinking of using the bookshelves in my trailer, but not sure if I want to since I can’t sit down (this one does actually fit lol). I got the calico statue that I wanted 🥳.

I played some Genshin; got my dailies done today 🙂 and more materials for Zhongli’s final ascension.

I got plenty of snuggles and kisses from Spanky while I was sleeping earlier; Jewels had unfortunately had to be locked out of the room since she kept knocking down my nendoroid and banging on my bathroom door since I locked the advent calendar in there 😅. I had no idea Spanky was in my room though, so I think Jewels was upset with me for awhile.

I finished my myths last night! I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. I wish I could draw better than this but I’m happy with what I could do for now since I felt like I got something out of it - more experience and practice, not to mention the fun trying to interpret someone’s written ideas. 🙂 I kinda need a short break from drawing, but I definitely still want to keep drawing. I still got Xara’s request to do in draw that user above you 🙂.

I’m happy Jewels is behaving right now; she is sleeping on my bed. I know she will later try to knock down the advent calendar again 😅.

That’s it for now. 🙂
Happy today because I got to binge more Fairy Tail and then slept in. Talked with someone for awhile about things that have been bugging me, and they were very kind, patient, and insightful with me. The Dallas Mavericks also defeated the LA Clippers last night 113-97 for a bounce-back victory to keep them in a comfortable playoff spot. It's now only three days until Christmas as well, and I'm working from home this week and don't have martial arts again until 2025. Hope everyone has a great week ahead! :blush: 💚
- my dad came home from the hospital this week after spending 3 weeks there. He had a surgery to correct his heart and he's looking a lot better. He's on like 8 meds for the rest of his life but at least he didn't die

- we decided to keep my mom home even though my dad is a lot weaker now. We're gonna increase her home care aids so now my dad won't have to transfer my mom from wheelchair to bed as often.

- I've been playing harvest moon 64 on the switch. It's definitely old school but I've been having fun

- I have my gifts ready for my partner for Christmas. Now I just gotta wrap them. I got them some clothes, a steam gift card, cologne and slippers. And a box of those ferrero rocher chocolates
Yesterday evening/night, I had a blast since I went to my grandparents (paternal/on my dad's side) for a Christmas gathering. My Nana threw me a ham steak on the skillet since I do not like roast (my dad was going to get me one while we were at the store on our way there, but he forgot). I also had some rolls.

My grandparents also got me some Christmas presents that I really enjoy. They got me a two dresses and some Bath and Body Works products. The scents they got me were "Into The Stars" (lotion, body spray, and shower gel) and "Butterfly" (body spray and shower gel). I've had the former, "Into The Stars", a couples times before, but it smiles absolutely wonderful. "Butterfly" is a one new for me, but it also smells really good. <333
They also got me a hair brush and a shower loofah. ^,^

We also played this game called "left-center-right-" where you roll dice and pass money down to people. The "L" is for left, the "C" is for center, the "R" is for right, and the dot is for keeping the money. Let's say you have three dollars with you -- and you roll a C, L, and a Dot...this means you keep a dollar, you place a dollar in the center, and you pass one down to the person on the left. The last person who has money with them is the winner. I actually won when we played last year. ^_^

But yeah, I had a good time yesterday. <333

Last years' gathering ended a bit disastrously due to a massive misunderstanding between me and my dad right before leaving (I rather not go into detail), causing him to lecture me on our way back home, so I am glad nothing of the sort happened again. ^.^

. . .​

Today was nice, because my maternal/mom's side grandmother called me to see how I was doing and to wish me a Merry Christmas, I briefly discussed with her about my writing projects with her and she was telling me how I was a one-of-kind person and how she is proud of me. 🥹💕
I hope my dad will take me and my brother out to Houston next year, so we can go out and see her and my maternal grandfather. <333
My dad said he will also pick my mom up, so she can see her parents. ^^

I also ate some Whataburger for lunch while my dad and brother had pizza hut. ^-^
My parents and I watched another episode of Demon Slayer this morning, and also Haikyu: Talent and Sense!! Or rather, my mom and I watched Talent and Sense and called my dad in for the new stuff lol

I played Pocket Camp Complete for a good while! I made some more progress in the scavenger hunt event, crafted some more of the other limited time Toy Day items, and spent my Complete Tickets on some more clothes!!

Also got to see Grian’s new Minecraft Guess the Build video this evening!! Ohh my god it was absolutely killing me too, I could not stop laughing 😭 not the giraffes again—

And I worked on some personal art today!! I think I might try to do some more before I call it a night too d( •ω•๑)
I was out and about running some errands today and there were a few things that made me happy!

-Since it's the holidays we have Santa Claus at our mall. It was super sweet seeing all the little ones running around!

-Additionally with it being the holidays my usually very empty mall has a few pop up shops. This year they let some local vendors rent out some empty store fronts for weekends which was really neat!! I am my own worst enemy so I ended up picking up an adorable articulated dragon



She makes a really lovely clackety sound when I wiggle her! Her wings are moveable and she has some small arms that are moveable as well.

-The ~fancier~ grocery store has been getting some fun dairy free creamers!! I tried the peppermint mocha oat blend last week and it was really yummy. This time I picked up.... cinnamon something!! I'm excited either way.

-I'm almost done my recent amigurumi crochet adventure!!!
Today we're going somewhere and we're eating breakfast in the car! I'll talk more about it in another post.
So we went to the beach because my dad wanted to get sand for our aquarium, but he didn't like the consistency so we went back home. Kind of a waste of gas if you ask me... ^^; But I got to see the waves crashing, so it was all good. 🌊

After that, we went shopping and I got truffle fries as a snack (which smelled awful but tasted great. TwT) Then I took a nap and woke up to notice that I got more Christmas lights from my partner!! They're just the sweetest. 🥹💜

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this earlier (I'm so sorry T^T) but thank you @Shellzilla_515 (lol I don't know how to do karate but if you wanna test me... hehe, you know the rest!!) and @jadetine for the Christmas lights!! 🎄
I'm glad I don't feel any worse than I did yesterday. Lemmie explain, since I had been unwell beforehand, but this was different and why after I posted my entries why I wasn't on as much.

Eevr since I woke up yesterday, my stomach was hurting, I wouldn't say REALLY bad, but painful enough that I couldn't concentrate on a lot of stuff, and honestly since I took too many pain killers for my cold before, I didn't wanna over do it on the painkillers.
The pain felt about the area of my bellybutton and above that. For a bit, it was fine, but it continued to pester me the whole day and night. Even laying flat on my back in bed, it was painful.
In the late night I went to the toliet, and that's when I was sick really bad.
I was still in pain after that, my mum helped me and I got back into bed to get get to sleep but I just couldn't. I decided to get up to grab this spray I got a while ago that was suppose to help with sleep; spray it on your pillow.
Thats when I was sick again a few times in the bin. So glad I have that bin. I didn't have cough medicine till like a day or two ago but I could taste it. My youngest cat was worries.
Glad to say after that, I seemed to be a bit better, and when I woke up this morning, no pain!!
I have no idea what that was, but I'm glad I am not in any pain no more. That was worse.

My mum was just happy I didn't need to be sent to the ER, and so was I since I was trying to look up things last night when I couldn't sleep. I believe my stomach felt a bit bloated with this pain too?
My youngest cat even did his routine jump onto my stomach to wake me up.
- Got to go home 2 hrs early from work yesterday! We had too many people in for Sunday lmao

- Speaking of work, it's my final shift today before I start my new job in January. I think I'll actually miss it, too!

- Managed to sleep about 7 hours today, longest I've slept for a while, and happy I swapped shifts with a colleague so I don't start until 11:45am today 😅
  • Got to see my bf last night again! He brought me my Christmas presents.. he is SO mindful and thoughtful! He knows I love Hello Kitty. So he got me a big soft Hello Kitty blankey, and a pair of slipper socks; cuz he knows my feet are always cold ;w; He was gonna get me a HK oil diffuser, but knew I'm sensitive to specific smells and decided against it T^T AAAAuuhhhh! I love him so much ><
  • I'm pretty much done Christmas shopping for all of my family members. I have a few other things to get but.. ye :3 I got my little brother a PSN gift-card, and something else. I got my older brother a Wobuffet action figure, Bambi socks, and a few other trinkets :3 I got my stepdad a few dark chocolate oranges, my aunt some candles.. I'm just super excited to give out my gifts ^_^
  • My mom got me 6 pairs of compression socks to hopefully help the pain in my legs and feet. That made me happy, because she's probably the only one of my parents who cares enough to try and help :')
  • My little brother is home, I don't know if I ever said that. He's from the military, so his leave got approved to spend Christmas with us! :3
I think that's all for now :3
It's baking day. Mom is coming over to make pb fudge with me and I need to look into getting and making jello to experiment with some molds I picked up.
The leg contraption that came in is helping! I feel like the measurements were not right, or my muscles are too sensitive to have it as tight as it should be? But I put it on loose and it's working for me. And lucky for me, it was on sale. Expensive, but doable. This leg thing makes it less painful to exist.
i finally finish my slayers amv of xellos's other image song ''secret (dareka no message) '' on lightworks! : D

i started it on the 14th of december... & now, today, it's done : 3
that's my 16th fully finished now... & all of my current slayers amvs done : D now i can move onto another slayers one if i wanted to ^^
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Today's been pretty great! I've been sipping on my favorite coffee drink while working and playing games. I just finished the most recent Bangboo event in Zenless Zone Zero, and earned a perfect score on every stage, even the upped difficulty ones! Minigames like these are some of my favorite. I also maxed out the current tribe reputations in Natlan in Genshin Impact, and therefore earned the Wings of Soaring Flame! They look A-MAZING on Arlecchino, and I'm so glad I put the extra effort in to earn them. I also caught my kitty curled up in a ball and sleeping in her favorite spot. Last, but certainly not least, the Dallas Mavericks play the Portland Trailblazers tonight in Dallas. Whether they win or lose, it should be a good game. Hope everyone has a fantastic Monday! 💚






I'm officially on holiday until January 3rd! 🥳

I actually got to finish 3hrs early today. It wasn't planned. We had a gas inspection and the boiler was condemned. An hour after the janitor informed me the heating and hot water were out one of the big bosses chased me down (I wasn't even in the building as it was lunch!) to let me know it was an emergency closure and we had to leave. Not my problem to deal with so I was happy for an excuse to go home! 🎉

My cats automatic feeder arrived last night. I'm leaving them overnight Christmas Eve/Day and being 4 months old they can't really go long without food. I tested it today and it worked - it even gave me notifications that it had successively fed them while I was at work! I've never left them before so I'm feeling a lot more confident about it now. 🐈


Also had lots of cat cuddles this evening. Leaving my boys for 30hrs+ is going to be hard. 🐱

About to settle down for the night with a cup of tea and an episode of The Umbrella Academy with my partner. There is something nice about having a show to watch together. 📺