haven’t been too active these past couple days as i’ve really been struggling a lot. i’m trying to get back on track, though, and i’ve still got quite a few things to be happy about. :’)
also, sorry for spamming ya’ll’s notifications LOL.
monday (04/25)
♡ did some self-care.
♡ slept on my side for the first time since my teeth extractions! i wasn’t planning on doing it anytime soon, but i guess i rolled over during the night because that’s the position i woke up in haha. it wasn’t uncomfortable at all, though, so i’m glad that i’m able to do it comfortably since sleeping on my back is just… not it lol.
♡ my amazing friend
@Kirbyz finally returned to tbt!! i’ve missed them so, so much, ya’ll have no idea.
♡ read a new fanfic that i enjoyed.
♡ discovered a couple new favourite tiktoks and watched one that made me laugh.
yesterday (04/26)
♡ my dad picked me up some things i needed when he went to the store.
♡ did some self-care.
♡ dealt with and solved a difficult and stressful situation on my own for the first time!! i’m still so proud of myself. <33
♡ read 2 new fanfics, one of which i really,
really enjoyed! it’s definitely a new favourite of mine.
♡ went to class for the first time since my teeth extractions, completed an activity for one of my classes, and my philosophy teacher even said hi to me for once while doing attendance (she doesn’t engage her online students much lmao).
♡ watched a tiktok that made me laugh.
♡ got 2x nook points in the NSO app.
today (04/27)
♡ did some self-care.
♡ discovered a new favourite tiktok.
♡ read a new fanfic that i enjoyed.
♡ cuddled with alize, and she let me kiss her head and face a bunch. <33
♡ had my follow-up appointment with the dentist today, and she said that the extraction sites look good and are healing! chewing food is also slowly getting easier, and sleeping on my side is much more comfortable than it was on monday!
♡ my mom and i saw a groundhog on the way home from the dentist!! i sadly couldn’t get a picture of him as i was in a moving vehicle, but he was so cute!! fat as ****, though LMAO.
♡ my mom picked me up a few things from the store, and she bought me a smoothie from booster juice as well! i was also able to drink it through a straw without any problems. :’)
♡ tidied up my room a bit.
♡ started talking to my best, closest friend again after taking an almost 3-week-long mental health break (not because of them!! our mental health just gets really bad sometimes to the point that socializing is hard, so when that happens we take a break from talking until we’re in a better mindset and feel better). i’ve honestly missed them so, so much, and talking to them again has already started to make me feel better.
♡ i think i may have received a sign from my late kitty today. the grief was really bad yesterday/early this morning, especially since she’s been gone almost 6 months now, and in the car a song on the radio came on that had the lyrics “it’s been 6 months since i saw you” which?? is very likely just a coincidence, but idk. thinking of it as a sign from her makes me feel better, so i’m sticking with it lmao.
- I got some pictures of our third cat, Pippi, finally (she's a Hemingway cat, so she has extra toes)!
oh, she’s so beautiful!!