What's Bothering You?

I've been having a weird feeling in my chest the past couple days. :/ I'm taking spironolactone for acne, which is potassium sparing, and I admittedly haven't been taking as much water as I should lately (it's hard to at work), but I legitimately thought I was having a heart attack at work yesterday lol.

It's also possibly stress but idk. Lots of things to consider. I've made an appointment with my doctor.
I've been having a weird feeling in my chest the past couple days. :/ I'm taking spironolactone for acne, which is potassium sparing, and I admittedly haven't been taking as much water as I should lately (it's hard to at work), but I legitimately thought I was having a heart attack at work yesterday lol.

It's also possibly stress but idk. Lots of things to consider. I've made an appointment with my doctor.
I'm not sure what kind of job you have, but I always keep a big thermos of water near my work station. You should really find a way to make it work. You can get into a lot of health problems with not drinking enough.

Nothing major, but I had a slight scare. My Switch Lite wouldn’t turn on for a good bit. I had to hold down the power for two minutes to get it to turn on. Hopefully it’s nothing.
Sometimes you have to do that for consoles. I think I had to do that for my Switch and my Xbox (both one time) It's a hard reset and I wouldn't worry about it too much unless it's very frequent. If this was a one time thing, your Switch probably just needed to be powered back on.
i think i have a cavity or something. i think it's one of my left molars :( kinda embarrassing because i got some dental work done for them like 5 months ago :/
I'm not sure what kind of job you have, but I always keep a big thermos of water near my work station. You should really find a way to make it work. You can get into a lot of health problems with not drinking enough.
Unfortunately that's not doable for me because I work in a medical lab and have to be gowned up and wearing gloves at all times-- not to mention we can't keep drinks in the workspace anyway. I do try to leave to the locker room to drink as often as possible, but depending on what's going on and what department I'm in it's not something I can do with any great frequency.

I do appreciate your advice, though! It's just not something I can actually do in my current situation.
still on hiatus but I wanted to come here and say every day I hate my job more and more. wish I could just quit. it's not worth sacrificing my mental health.
I don’t know if you wanted a reply to this but no job is worth staying at if it’s causing you that much stress. I worked at a busy 7-Eleven for over a year. I’ve quit twice and was manipulated into coming back by my manager both times. My third stretch, I was fired. I closed the store down midshift and just left.

The point is, I needed to get myself fired. I knew what I was doing. Otherwise, I would’ve been manipulated a third time. The manager was too persuasive and it kept playing with my emotions.

That was one of the most stressful jobs I’ve had, and it was the job/manager itself. That place had new employees every week because nobody wanted to work there. It had one of the highest turnover rates, at least from what I’ve noticed. I was working 50+ hours. It was amazing money because my hourly rate was $13, but it was definitely not worth it. No amount of money is worth your mental health.
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still on hiatus but I wanted to come here and say every day I hate my job more and more. wish I could just quit. it's not worth sacrificing my mental health.

Yeah, I have to agree with Croc on this one. Before I landed my current role, one of the jobs I had was working at Starbucks. The employee turnover rate was very high and at one point it was literally just me and one other guy manning the place. I'm so glad I got out of that when I did, even though I didn't have a job for a couple months. Literally no place is worth sacrificing your mental health. I hope you feel better soon, friend. 💚
I've got a flare up of my eyelids being inflamed again, it looks like I've been crying for 24 hrs straight 😩
Update: took some antihistamines and it's helped with the swelling, but now I feel like **** because I'm nauseous and drowsy lmao
On Mario Kart, someone slowed down at the end and purposely let me pass after I accidentally went off-road. Came in second instead of third because of this. Not complaining, just confused. Maybe it was laggy…
I hate doing the last part of a drawing not being sure of how to shade it because the shading i had blocked in before looks bad
still on hiatus but I wanted to come here and say every day I hate my job more and more. wish I could just quit. it's not worth sacrificing my mental health.
I've had many jobs and yeah, even if the money is good it's really not worth your health either physically or mentally. If part of the reason for your state of health is because of your job, is the money really worth it if you can't spend and or enjoy it? Hopefully this all gets sorted out for you soon.

I remember working a sidejob where it was decent money. Basically I would go to a store where a big pallet of special product would be delivered. I would merchandise/put the stuff out and then go to the next place. The main person would go around and make the orders that they thought the store needed or at least that's what they should had done. Instead because they were commission based they would over-order to up their % and pay. They wouldn't even go in the store to see what really needed to be ordered. They would just pull up at the parking lot of the place so that their device/gps showed they arrived at the location and generated a order and then rolled out without even setting foot in.

I would then get yelled at by every store because there was too much stuff, too many things expiring, no where to put it all ect. I gave my two weeks to the guy and on the third week I got an angry phonecall why I wasn't doing the job anymore. No job is worth it. And it's always the entry level/retail jobs. I just don't get why it's that way and why were are conditioned to accept and be brainwashed to treat people like that.
think one of my teeth are starting to abscess again. the left side of my face is so swollen. :) not vibing
I just bought my new phone in November and it just BROKE. All the repair shops are quoting $300-600 repairs that I cannot afford. Idk what to do, im panicking.
You don’t need to be a dick on Mario Kart, lol. Nothing like waiting at the finish line and dropping a bomb when people get closer. I just don’t see the point. Yes, I know it is a competitive game but don’t be that much of a dick.

Also, the water pipe in our apartment complex has been making weird noses for a week straight. Not sure what it is, but it’s annoying. I’m surprised it hasn’t burst yet.
My island journal is turning out more bland then I had hoped. I need to add some doodles or borders to spice it up but I'm not the best at that kind of stuff. Maybe I'll go clean up my current posts and try to make them look more uniform
I'm looking into grad school programs and I feel like there's nothing that really translates readily into a job, at least not in my area. My job pays pretty well, but with the way inflation and the housing market is right now, I can't afford to move out and start a single income household. I also just don't want to stay in my job for the rest of my life or even the next couple years tbh. I'm beginning to feel very taken advantage of and resentful, and I know it's probably starting to become obvious to some of my coworkers. But idk what else to do. I love biology but it seems like just a bachelor's is basically useless.
I just bought my new phone in November and it just BROKE. All the repair shops are quoting $300-600 repairs that I cannot afford. Idk what to do, im panicking.
I ended up having to get a new phone ;-; financing through PayPal. Sigh.
I don’t know why I even try when I’m just going to go back into trauma

people would tell me hurr why didn’t you do this or that BECAUSE I HAD OTHER PRIORITIES AND WAS DOING STUFF THAT BLEW UP IN MY FACE.

my boyfriend is still falling asleep without saying anything and yesterday was the loneliest ive been in ages. He promised me soemthing special if i finished my drawing and i dont even care anhmore.

genuinely feel like im never going to be happy, need new and closer friends and i have this one friend Who is extremely unhelpful and just makes things worse when i vent but has not abandoned me so idek wether to keep them in my life because i think they genuinely care on some level but our conversations suck

i cant make it through a single day anymore without becoming physically ill

i dont want everything to go back to trauma but no matter how hard i try it does and genuinely nobody understands and when people say they do its the most insulting possible thing to me
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