What's Bothering You?

There is a lot bothering me right now, but I don't feel like listing it out will make anything better :/
It's just one of those things that suck but whatcha gonna do? What's done has been done. Not everything can be pull up your boot straps and fix it. Sometimes it's just pull up your boot straps and nothing happens or the straps snap.
Snipping, responding to spoiler.
God, Chris, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I really hope you're able to take care of yourself and seek the help you need to cope with it.
my anxiety is even worse now after hearing that the Human Rights Campaign has declared a state of emergency for LGBT+ people living in and traveling to the US. pretty horrible stuff going on here 🥲
Today was a bad day already, now this? Counting down the days till I can leave this ****show of a country.

Sometimes I feel like I just... exist. Like I'm nobody's favorite person and it's somehow my fault. I try my hardest to get people to want to hang around me, but somehow I always feel alone and left out of things. Maybe it's my anxiety, maybe I have too much going on, I dunno, but it's making me fall back into a depressive spiral and I can't let myself get any worse. Now all I gotta do is make sure not to worry the one person who I think actually cares about me somewhat.
Constantly sneezing all day and it won't stop. I'm guessing it is from the smoke drifting from the north because my allergy pill that always works isnt helping.
I just got some really heartbreaking news... one of my cousins, whom I and my mom and brother have always been really close to, passed away.

I'm handling it okay right now but idk, I'm afraid it might start hitting me harder eventually 😔
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Not gonna see my favorite person at all this week since she’s busy with school and other stuff, unless I stop in to see her on Sunday. I might have to. My only relief is that we text sometimes.

Also, apparently I talk in my sleep and I want to stop. I can’t be talking about how much I love her in my sleep, lol.
I'm sorry for your loss. I think I mentioned it here in the bothering thread a few years ago, but there was a friend I was close who passed from a motorcycle accident. It's a surreal feeling because it was such sudden news and there wasn't any real closure. It just happened. I didn't even know it had happened until like days or a week later.

update: my last friend bailed on me. it's not gonna happen. my birthday dinner isn't happening. i literally spent so much money on getting stuff for it and now it's not even happening. i cant stop crying right now im literally so upset i just want to scream
Kind of an old post, but I wanted to comment regardless. I still hope you managed to treat yourself to a good birthday regardless (happy belated) I don't know how close you are to these friends, but honestly cancelling on a regular planned dinner is one thing, but someone's bday get-together is an entirely different matter. They could've made the time.

If your relationship with them has always been rocky, take this as the best b-day gift they could've ever given you. That they aren't worth your time. I'm really sorry for this and how they made you feel. You deserve better.

I used to have a 'friend' who had a bday coming up and so I wanted to get them something nice. We both liked NL a lot, so I spent a good few hours grinding through Club Tortimer to get silver tokens to buy the entire mermaid set for them. Took a lot of mini-games to get the medals and then a lot of resetting for the island to load all the furniture pieces 1 by 1.

When the day came they rushed me give it to them when we played and then later when it came the day of my bday they went radio-silent. Later on (like weeks or whatever) they mentioned how they were really busy during that time. I hate that word. I'm busy all the time with my life, but I can take 5 seconds out of my life to wish someone a happy birthday. It literally takes no time at all.
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Went to the grocery yesterday and I thought the food would last a week and had menus planned but today, half the food is gone! If not more.
Some of my family members are magicians, they can make disappear a week of dinners and snacks in 24h.

I'm a bit mad because I'm already skipping meals or just eating rice to let more for others.

I think I should eat all the mandarines.
i stretched this morning, and my leg cramped SO BAD. i sincerely thought i was like DYING because of how bad it hurt, full body sobbing and stuff. it took 10 minutes for it to calm down enough for me to take pain killers and put tiger balm on it, but it STILL hurts so bad. idk WHAT I DID TO DESERVE THIS :,)
^Ugh, leg cramps! I feel ya...those are HELLA' painful! They usually happen to me if I stretch my legs out too much. It sucks.😕