What's Bothering You?

I went to the doctors today as for a few days after coming home from travelling, I've been very unwell.

Turns out I have sever tontillitis and chest infection~

So hard to sleep with it, but the new tablets are helping. They say if I get a rash, I would need to go to A&E (due to something from the place I travelled to) but I am fine on that front, and not overally worried on that.

Only problem is, won't be able to go to work for a whole week, and my work doesnt exactly pay me sick or holiday :')
I've just been missing my mom a lot. I still can't believe that she's gone.

Something that's been bothering me is that my brother told me a few weeks ago that I should be over her death because "it's already been 2 months". I know he tends to mask his emotions, but that doesn't mean his comment was right. I honestly wonder what goes through his stupid little head to tell his own sibling to stop grieving for their mom when it's still fresh in my mind.
That was a really insensitive comment for your brother to make. I have experienced this from people I have known a long time and even my Uncle. There is no time frame as to how little or how long someone should grieve. What gives anyone the right to dismiss someone's grief? My Mum passed suddenly in October 2022 and even though I manage to function, everyday is still extremely difficult. I still have a cry on a daily basis. I miss her so, so much. She was my best friend aswell as my Mum. Tomorrow would have been her 70th birthday. Sending you lots of love and if you ever want to chat/vent then feel free to DM me. ❤️
I've just been missing my mom a lot. I still can't believe that she's gone.

Something that's been bothering me is that my brother told me a few weeks ago that I should be over her death because "it's already been 2 months". I know he tends to mask his emotions, but that doesn't mean his comment was right. I honestly wonder what goes through his stupid little head to tell his own sibling to stop grieving for their mom when it's still fresh in my mind.
I’m so sorry. No one should make those kind of comments especially coming from a sibling. Grief take a long time and there is no time limit of how you should feel . Grief comes in waves . Sending you healing thoughts and strength.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I didn't even know. I have a elderly neighbor who I sometimes help because she is so old and can't do things herself anymore. So she usually calls me whenever she needs someone to do some yardwork or lift something or whatever. Anyway, she is in her 80s and she has told me that she still misses her parents at her age. I am not sure what or how the conversation came to that point, but there isn't a set time that 'you will be over it' like so many insensitively try to reason or give their unwanted advice. Everyone grieves at their own pace. My messages are always open if you need or want to talk.
Pretty sure my mail went to my neighbours place and he threw it immediately in the trash. Super tempted to dig through his trash. The mail man people just put any letter in any mail box. Its really frustrating
It has been snowing off and on here. Some of it was freezing rain but didn't hang for long. As a result of the storms, my hands and feet have been hurting ALOT. Like they are bruised and they ache. We are getting a blizzard later I heard, so I don't really look forward to that, but I am happy I can rest and move slow when I feel like this and that I don't have to try to drive like this. I find my self clenching my teeth without doing that and it would be worse if I had to use my hands to grip and do whatever.
But yeah, my hands and feet are hurting...
Neither of my parents know what tonsil stones are and my dad acted like I was insane just now. I'm suffering and he tells me it's just allergies and I'm wrong? This is NOT allergies. This is not even close to allergy symptoms. This isn't something I could be mistaken about. He has no idea what I'm even feeling. I thought I could talk to him because things were fine a few months ago when I told him I was struggling, but now?
I don't have anyone in this house that could make me feel better mentally about this. My mom is always unstrustable (or also thinks I'm crazy) when it comes to health issues and my sister is just simply not the type of person that can comfort me. I tell her things and if she can't do anything about it, she doesn't give a caring response.
Anyway, I feel so discouraged I stopped trying to solve the problem and now my throat has gotten sore, probably because I stopped in the middle of failing miserably then wanted to cry after talking to my dad.
I guess I'm not sleeping this morning (I would say tonight but it's not night anymore)
Edit: Nevermind, I was apologized to.
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My bunny Leo passed away in the night. My partner found him sleeping in his bed. I only had him for less then 2 years. He had been disabled since the beginning but he looked so healthy that I thought he was gonna be able to live a full lifespan. Were gonna drop him off to be cremated later today. I had just stocked up on fresh herbs for his salads.
My bunny Leo passed away in the night. My partner found him sleeping in his bed. I only had him for less then 2 years. He had been disabled since the beginning but he looked so healthy that I thought he was gonna be able to live a full lifespan. Were gonna drop him off to be cremated later today. I had just stocked up on fresh herbs for his salads.
Noooo I am so sorry for your lose😭 The loss of a family member (fur or not) is always hard. I hope your little bunny is now in a better place and wish you a lot of strenght 🫂
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Noooo I am so sorry for your lose😭 The loss of a family member (fur or not) is always hard. I hope your little bunny is now in a better place and wish you a lot of strenght 🫂
Thank you so much ❤
My bunny Leo passed away in the night. My partner found him sleeping in his bed. I only had him for less then 2 years. He had been disabled since the beginning but he looked so healthy that I thought he was gonna be able to live a full lifespan. Were gonna drop him off to be cremated later today. I had just stocked up on fresh herbs for his salads.
I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️
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