What's Bothering You?

So much social interaction this week. I don't get to "recharge" for a full day either because my weekend is fully booked. Kinda bummed.
i broke my earphones which is very epic how am i supposed to survive the bus journeys now
Was hoping I'd adjust to this new medication already but it's still making me tired and dopey as hell. Make it stop
shoulda brought 2 pizza slices for lunch this 1 isn’t gonna sustain me
Interesting lecture but god we got so much stuff to read glad i'm not reading this 100% pace lol
I'm a fairly light sleeper and my dad does duolingo right in front of my room so all I can do is just stare at the ceiling while he's repeatedly yelling at the app in german
ridiculously tired.. hope i sleep good tonight

I hope you get the sleep you need. Sometimes I can't fall asleep for months and it's definitely not something I'd like to hear about
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My laptop crapped out on me yesterday. :( All these streaks appeared on the screen and won't go away. It's not making the startup sound either.
I have a sore throat. I may have caught my dad's sickness from just standing next to him :D

Time to purge this with fruit I guess\_ <:_/
Definitely got a cold starting. And I'm getting a new tattoo on Saturday. Timing sucks.
My dog has been diarrheaing everywhere! I don’t know what’s wrong because nothing changed in her diet. I think she might have eaten something in the trash. She hasn’t done this since she was a puppy so I’m concerned : ( Going to have to take her to the vet tomorrow if it continues another day.
Weather here where I live sucks so much right now, not sure what I should wear because everything seems to be the wrong choice somehow...