• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What's Bothering You?

Well my parents have totally shot down the idea to say anythin to my coworkers about them needing to give me clarification when giving me VAGUE instructions, guess I'll just continue to have people get mad at me for stuff that's kinda their fault anyway. I wanna say they'll learn the hard way when I mess up with somethin but I'm sure they won't learn. Then they'll get mad at me like they ALREADY seem to do, but now worse when I make a mistake.

Once again I have to be the bigger person in a situation and it pisses me off.
whenever things go up, things come crashing down more

my grandma is paying for my uncles car (that he gifted us) to be fixed and i am so grateful you dont know it. i am just so happy that someone can care so much to get us our own car so we can give that crappy truck back to my brother in law.

but my gfs work has been so rude to her these past few days it makes her upset and so she is so snappy at home and its affecting me bad. like shes one of two managers at a fast food chain, the other manager keeps getting sick and nobody from other stores will come in and fill for her, so my gf works open to closes a lot (so about 12-13 hour days), not to mention she has to drive 30 minutes to get to this store because the one in town is getting updated, and when it does if my gf quit they would have NO managers for it. shes worked there for 5 years so far and the owner likes her a lot, but everyone else has been utter trash to her

plus i want to start taking walks again and eating better, ive gained a lot of weight over quarantine and its affecting my health. plus i want to clean the house but im just far too depressed to do anything but a small section a day
It's so annoying how politicians are so incompetent when they need to do their job, especially during these times. 90% of the time they're doing is just moving their mouths and not being proactive. This doesn't help especially when some are hypocritical sending the message of limiting the spread of the virus. Some even have the audacity to take a vacation in another country and keep it quiet until they get caught. That is if they do end up being caught. Since the pandemic isn't enough to make them do meaningful actions, I don't know what will. To add insult to injury, the election is still a long way to go so a lot of people have to continue putting up with their lack of leadership.

So I switched on the news again in quite a while and I remember why I stopped watching it... It's because all they just do is talk about the numbers and only telling parts of a story to make things look like doom and gloom. Oh, and the quality of journalism on the news channel has been steadily declining. I've seen some mistakes a little too often get broadcasted on TV. How hard is it to proofread just two lines of sentences? Nothing but causing constant panic 24/7 in that channel. Sure, I'd miss out on important news reports in terms of updates, but could you blame that person (like me) for not tuning in because of the scare tactics they've been focusing on?
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I'm really ill and I have a fever tonight. I live alone and I'm miserable that there's no one around to give me a comforting hug or make me cups of tea, which is really silly because I'm a grown adult, but man, when you're sick, it's so nice to be looked after a bit. I wanted to build my new monitor stand this evening and I'm annoyed I couldn't because of these stupid vaccine side effects making me feel so awful.
Also, I can't sleep.

(Please please please don't let this post put you off getting vaccines, side effects are still preferable to contracting an awful, possibly life-changing or life-threatening illness!)
seems like every evening after wind ensemble I get a headache. couldn't possibly be because the loud percussion and obnoxiously loud metronome drill into my sound-sensitive ears for an hour straight. def not that :)

anyways it's Friday evening and I really want to play SMG1 but honestly my head hurts so much I might just have to go to bed.
bruh wait what fans are complaining about Pokemon BD/SP???? no way 😆😆😆

I hate when people beg for stuff like this and then get mad when it doesn't look exactly like they want it to. I think the art style is perfectly fine! It's just like ORAS where the characters on the overworked map are small and then in battle they look more realistically proportioned. that's literally how the original game was so why are people complaining??

I will admit some of the animations are odd but overall the game looks very nice.
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Hey, Origami. Just wanted to say that you’re not alone in feeling this way. I have felt at times that I was the cause of all the conflict in my life as well. That I was the cause of other’s problems. I’m glad you were born because you seem like a pretty cool person (even though we haven’t talked that much). I like hearing you talk about what you’re interested in and what kinds of games you’ve been playing such as the Yakuza series. And how you’re doing your best in college even though all the crappy things that are happening while there. I feel like I have issues I’ll never get rid of as well (I feel like some of mine have to do with my Aspergers/ASD though). I don’t know what advice I can give for all of this other than when you stop worrying about if you’re a burden to others and stop worrying about not feeling normal, you actually end up feeling a lot more normal. It has worked for me. I honestly don’t know what normal is anyway since everyone in life has their own quirks or things that make them different. Anyway, I won’t ramble on any longer and just say that people care about you and you are important (This is Midoriya btw, in case the weird username threw you off, lol).
everyone at work is getting other jobs and quitting and i feel happy for them, jealous that i can't find ANY way out of this ****ty job, and a bit sad that i'm getting left behind. i don't really know anyone anymore.
I was in the same position for at least 2 years. I watched so many people come and go, at least 15 I'd say. It's really sad when you get fairly attached to some cool ppl and then they leave lol. But I finally got a new job a few months back after applying for so many. Keep trying and don't give up, I know you can do it too :)
I think I just upset a friend 😕 idek if "friend" is the right term

This "friend" of mine, let's call him Chris, is definitely interested in me. I don't know why, why anyone would be interested in me, I can't think of one reason lol. Anyway, that aside, I don't think I have feelings for him. We've made it pretty much right the way through the bases of a typical relationship. And the whole time, I didn't really feel...anything. I wasn't repulsed, or enjoying anything. I enjoy his company, and he truly seems like a nice guy, but I feel nothing at all.

I don't know if it's because my hormones are absolutely ****ed, which could definitely be a valid reason as medications im on can cause a drop in interest in relationships, or its just my aro-asexuality really starting to show itself in its truest, most honest form. I think I'm the type of aro ace who does feel those things only after certain conditions have been met, but it just takes time for them to develop. A lot more time than an alloromantic allosexual person.

And BOI is Chris a very alloromantic allosexual person. I fear that he might not understand the way I feel, or might just straight out invalidate me. The way I see it is that he can either give me time to try to reciprocate those feelings, or perhaps just drop it altogether and stick to being friends if possible. I just don't want to be that person who leads someone else on. I've seen it happen way too many times with friends, and it always ends in a mess.

TL;DR relationships are weird man, I don't understand them, I'm too aro ace for this ****

yeah I have literally n o o n e to talk to irl so yall can have fun reading my personal life rants
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I've just opened my patio door in to let the cat in and my neighbours have got family members visiting them who are not part of their social bubble. I had no idea they were exempt from the lockdown rules that most of us have been diligently following for over a year. :mad:
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I’m dreading the rating of my performance right now. I slacked off so hard this year and my judge will probably rank me low. I’ve never gotten anything lower than a certain score and I’m just scared I’ll beat myself up.
The fire alarm at my building went off at 3am on Thursday night (Friday morning?) which of course really disrupted my sleep but I wasn't going to complain about it because you know it happens sometimes.

But then the fire alarm went off again last night at almost the exact same time (3:10am) and now I am VERY not rested and VERY annoyed by this. This week has been a week of awful sleep for me 😪
i made my girlfriend a small art gift and she put it in the discord chat and it gets covered by effing magic cards

i wish theyd make another subchannel for mtg because the same three whales for mtg are always posting the $100s of mtg cards they buy a month and they cover the regular people who just want to share what they got
so i was sat with my dog and my dad pointed out that there was some fluff on her back so i picked it off with my bare hands and it was so squishy and i was pretty grossed out and flicked it at the floor
i was pretty confused as to what it was so i went over to it and it was a legit slug and i actually legged it to the bathroom and washed my hands like 20 times
it will never be enough...

little fact about me, i am terrified of snails, worms and especially slugs
they're all such nasty little creatures, i can't even look at them 🤢