I keep thinking its like Monday or Tuesday but it's actually Thursday and I still haven't got my dad a Father's day present
he's so hard to buy for and it doesn't help that shops are closed right now. Aaaaaaa idk what to do

Hey! This has been a topic consuming our lives for the past year so I understand how tired and frustrated you are. Family can be super frustrating when they speak about things like that (especially parents lol). I'd give you advice if I could, the only thing that stopped my parents always ranting about [xyz] was moving two hours away. I just want to say I hope you hang in there & can avoid those conversations with him as much as possible. I'm sorry you're going through all of that. ❤I really want to stay away from this topic as much as possible, but I just can't take it anymore. I was almost finished eating my breakfast this morning and of course, my dad goes on a rant about vaccines and vaccine passports. Like, why do you always have to be negative about the topic? Haven't you ever stopped to think why this is happening in the first place? Don't you see that people are still catching it? So we can try to keep others safe and limit the spread of the virus? Come on, where is the critical thinking here? You work in healthcare for goodness sake!
I do not want to catch it and get sick. There are some people that are long haulers, some lost their senses, and many unfortunately lost their lives. I do NOT want any of that to happen to me. If the virus catches us out, then your ignorance is what costed us. Of course, vaccines are not 100% effective just like many other things such as seatbelts, medicine, and other things. On top of that, they also come with some risks. It's not exclusive to one thing and I don't know why you're flipping out about it. I'm pretty sure you need to get a yellow fever vaccine if travel to certain places such as Africa and South America, so what's the point with your argument? The delusional thinking of some people really drives me up the wall. And no, this isn't directed at anyone on here or I wouldn't have made this post in the first place. Ugh, I want to get off of this ride and never hear about this again.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Moving out is not an option because I don't have a job and would only make things harder for myself, but I appreciate your advice regardless. I'm doing my absolute best to avoid these conversations as much as I can.snip
Dude, I so feel you on this. My dad is one of those nuts that thinks that the vaccine that is going to put some tracking implant in your or decide to off you whenever the government feels like it.I really want to stay away from this topic as much as possible, but I just can't take it anymore. I was almost finished eating my breakfast this morning and of course, my dad goes on a rant about vaccines and vaccine passports. Like, why do you always have to be negative about the topic? Haven't you ever stopped to think why this is happening in the first place? Don't you see that people are still catching it? So we can try to keep others safe and limit the spread of the virus? Come on, where is the critical thinking here? You work in healthcare for goodness sake!
I do not want to catch it and get sick. There are some people that are long haulers, some lost their senses, and many unfortunately lost their lives. I do NOT want any of that to happen to me. If the virus catches us out, then your ignorance is what costed us. Of course, vaccines are not 100% effective just like many other things such as seatbelts, medicine, and other things. On top of that, they also come with some risks. It's not exclusive to one thing and I don't know why you're flipping out about it. I'm pretty sure you need to get a yellow fever vaccine if travel to certain places such as Africa and South America, so what's the point with your argument? The delusional thinking of some people really drives me up the wall. And no, this isn't directed at anyone on here or I wouldn't have made this post in the first place. Ugh, I want to get off of this ride and never hear about this again.
I feel sorry for people living in Texas right now.. or any state with that strict abortion laws :c
Koopa, you are always very kind and generous with your collectibles and TBT, and I know you like to run contests. Maybe you could take a break from contests for a while so that you can save up TBT and sell spare collectibles to reach your Cool Feather goal!Just very frustrated. I want to get a cool feather soon, but I can't afford it. I could trade a blue or green Jellyfish or possibly pink, but that's the prize for my drawing zipper event, and I don't want to make anyone made by taking out the prize.
People who have lots of tbt/lots of expensive collectibles that they don't want, are lucky because they probably don't have to deal with this
Thanks! Though I don't have that many expensive collectibles I'm not using, I think the most expensive is the popsicle tessa gave me which I don't want to sell. I kind of feel bad for not throwing these contests because people definitely deserve to have something I don't need. Though I'll see if I can get at least one more Jellyfish that I can trade for a cool feather/purple bat potionKoopa, you are always very kind and generous with your collectibles and TBT, and I know you like to run contests. Maybe you could take a break from contests for a while so that you can save up TBT and sell spare collectibles to reach your Cool Feather goal!![]()