• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What's Bothering You?

Last night while I was trying to sleep, I heard this buzzing around my ear and I totally freaked. As I sat up while checking to see what it was, I feel something crawling on the back of my neck and freaked out again. I couldn't sleep much after that because I was fearing of the bug (or whatever it was) returning.

Lately I've been feeling unproductive, with my slow process of writing one paragraph a day with my fics. At this rate I'll graduate by the time I'm done. (Reckless exaggeration, but you get the point.)

I also found out that I've been using the word 'dubiously' incorrectly the whole time. Apparently when you're looking at someone dubiously (which is the almost-exact phrase I've been writing), it means you're uncertain or doubtful, but I thought it was the equivalent to "are you serious?". I mean, the word kind of still works with the phrase I wrote in my latest fic, but now I'm trying to look for a new word to use and I have no such luck.

Continuing on with my incompetent writing skills, I wrote "in the process" in the same paragraph?? I wrote specifically, "... this time getting on top of him in the process." and "... a smirk forming on his face in the process." I hate it when I repeat things like that. I mean, I could just change it, but I'm having trouble thinking of something at the moment.

One last thing, there are some girls at my school who are very annoying, but people like them anyways because they're cute/pretty/hot. I find this reality disheartening, but alas there is nothing I could do about it.
yesterday i asked two of my friends to go play mini golf with me on saturday which took a lot of courage for me to do since i was putting off texting them for a week and now im kind of regretting it. im comfortable with the first friend i asked because he’s texted me almost every other day for two weeks. i think maybe he’s kind of lonely like me, we used to go to the same elementary/middle school but now he goes to an all boys school where a significant amount of people who used to be at our old school go there now. my mom and i ran into his mom at target once a year ago and she said that everyone that was once his friend kind of became cliquey and were mean to him. i don’t talk to my other friend a lot because i always assume that she’s busy. she seems popular and is involved with her school, i invited her because i went to her halloween party in october. she hasn’t responded whether or not she could go but im hoping she says no because im assume she has better things to do and im just wasting her time.
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my guidance counsellor standing me up yesterday has really made my mental state and my feelings towards school even worse. like, the fact they changed my guidance counsellor without even telling me and then he stood me up? when he approached me about needing to talk to me, and asking me to make an appointment? i hate him. i hate this. this school ****ing sucks. every school in this city sucks. this city sucks. my family sucks. everything ****ing sucks. i just want to go to sleep and be left alone.
really hope the doctor gets back w me about my bloodwork soon, i really need to know why i feel so tired and lethargic. I can't even get out of bed this morning. I'm supposed to go to my internship today but I'm not particularly comfortable driving for 35 minutes when I'm feeling this tired.
I texted a friend, and she doesn’t reply. It’s important and it’s been a couple hours now.
2 days later I decided to text her again. She forgot about me. I don’t know if I am happy or sad. At least it was not that she didn’t want to text me. But it seems that I am also not really important to her.
Man I love my new rabbit Leo but he is such an ass. I can't blame him though cause it's spring and he still has his love spuds. He sprayed me this morning with pee and keeps trying to bite my toes/ankles. He will even chase we when I run away from him trying to bite me. He doesn't do this to my partner though so this little bunny is trying to boss me around and it's working. Time to get you neutered son.
2 days later I decided to text her again. She forgot about me. I don’t know if I am happy or sad. At least it was not that she didn’t want to text me. But it seems that I am also not really important to her.
Wow....she forgot about you. That reminds me of one of my ex-friends who didn't remember who I was and I remember feeling angry and sad at the time. Let me just say you don't need a friend like her. I know there are messed up people out there, but you just need to be around the right people. I wish I would've realized this sooner, because I was around the wrong people during my childhood.

Just so you know I understand where you are coming from because my friends did the same garbage to me and its not a good feeling.
my throat feels weird and i cant really breathe properly
if this ends up being covid, im gonna jump off my freaking BALCONY
my throat feels weird and i cant really breathe properly
if this ends up being covid, im gonna jump off my freaking BALCONY
You should get a Covid Test just to be sure. I tested negative for Covid (thank god) when I was in the hospital getting treated for really high blood sugar.

One last thing, there are some girls at my school who are very annoying, but people like them anyways because they're cute/pretty/hot. I find this reality disheartening, but alas there is nothing I could do about it.
There’s going to come a time when you realize looks don’t matter as much as people think they do.
Wow....she forgot about you. That reminds me of one of my ex-friends who didn't remember who I was and I remember feeling angry and sad at the time. Let me just say you don't need a friend like her. I know there are messed up people out there, but you just need to be around the right people. I wish I would've realized this sooner, because I was around the wrong people during my childhood.

Just so you know I understand where you are coming from because my friends did the same garbage to me and its not a good feeling.
Thank you, you really are a nice person. :)
I really don't know how else to say this, but my uncle died today... The cancer took over and stopped his heart. I cannot believe the sheer amount of bad luck, having two family members die in a week. My uncle meant a lot to me, and now he's gone. I can't stop crying now, he died at 51 years old too...