• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What's Bothering You?

I spent ages trying to look for the lever to open the fuel cap on my ute as I've haven't filled it up before...only to release that you have to push on the fuel cap to open it lol.
Work responsibilities make me freak out at the moment. My team leader has been on sick leave for a month now - again. I am new to the department, and now there is no one to really teach me anything. I just have to do the work that I am given and hope I don’t make a mistake.
I don't binge eat like I use to but I still have a noticeably unhealthy relationship with food. I always feel guilty when I eat (unless I absolutely need to) because I'm so terrified of gaining all that weight back. at the same time I'm really picky and we don't have much money (lemme rephrase that, my dad is **** with budgeting). I don't fell particularly well even when I do eat healthy, and if what I eat isn't healthy I feel an immense amount of guilt.

I also still have to try really hard to keep myself from binging because I'm used to having little or no food so when we actually have some I keep wanting to eat as much as possible so it doesn't all go bad. I guess you could say my wild animal scavenging instincts kick in. I also feel really bad when something does go bad, because I remember the times when we didn't have any food and I always tell myself "you'd be happy to have that when you guys have no money."

but like right now it's 9am and I think eating rn would be reasonable but because I still have body image issues (plus I've felt a lot better physically since I lost weight) I'm basically trying to keep myself from eating until it gets to a point where I can't wait any longer. I don't starve myself but I also tend to just eat whenever I want to (which unfortunately is a lot even after losing all that weight) so it's a constant struggle, trying to decide when and what I want to eat. plus I tend to overeat a lot so I usually feel sick afterward, making me even less likely to go and eat until I have to.

idk I need to get this stuff sorted out ig.
Contacted DPD, the store and whatnot still haven't heard about my package anywhere. Sadly I don't think PostNord will help anything cause they will probably say the same. Started to believe it is really MIA at this point.

Edit: Store replied and they'll check on it tomorrow... crossing fingers..
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when good things happen to good people my stupid monkey brain is always jealous, it ticks me off so much and I really wish it would stop. I don't get angry easily but me being jealous for stupid reasons is one of very few things I'm genuinely mad about. I think maybe it's bc I've had to work tremendously hard for everything I have and I can never seem to get enough credit, so when something amazing happens to someone else out of nowhere it just makes me feel kinda left out, idk.....

also hate that I'm actually in a decent mood rn (well... I was) but I've been half asleep for the last 6 hours and my mind just keeps saying "go to bed" "go to bed" "go to bed", like bro I have things I need to get done or I'll get called out by my dad (and ofc gaslight myself bc why nottttt). not to mention things I want to do and have no energy for.

also also still mad that Wii Party is so expensive and I only have like $14 to my name rn when the game is consistently listed at $40+ :,,,,,,,)
I feel you on this. I get jealous easily as well, but I just wanna be happy for people. It's mostly a big concern with my brother, because it's like he's so much better than me; He's smarter, has more friends, gets better grades, and doesn't have speech problems like I do... I wanna be happy for him, but I get jealous instead and take my anger out on him.

And dang, I'm sorry to hear about the Wii Party thing, that must really suck. Hopefully you'll be able to get enough money for the game soon.
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People can't ******* wait two seconds out here on the roads. I'm making a U-turn at an intersection where it's permitted darn it! Do you really expect me to go 30km/h at that turn!?!?!
Well my dentist appointment went much worse than I expected. I have a really bad cavity and have two choices... I either lose the tooth or get a root canal. A root canal I heard is INCREDIBLY painful, with multiple appointments, and in total will cost me over $3,000 dollars. Then, when I got back to work, I was completely overloaded with emails and orders despite the past week being incredibly quiet. They hit me hard at my weakest moment. To top it all off, my trainee quit on me today making them the third one in a row. What a hellish day today was. I'm probably just going to say goodbye to my tooth. It's one way in the back and it's just far too expensive and stressful to try to fix it.
I couldn’t get anything done today, and I feel like I’ve wasted a day of my life doing absolutely nothing relevant.
"oh i did notice, i just didnt care until now, no offense"

That's what my online friend said when I was talking about Poofesure.
I'm not even mad about it, just kinda upset, I guess.
I feel like I'm pushing my interests onto people who, like my friend, don't care...
Very minor bother: Still no news on pre orders of limited edition of FE Three Hopes in the US; I saw an artist mention something about it being available to pre order in New Zealand though. I really hope they announce it soon since my mom wants to know what I want for my birthday; I just wanted to know the price so I could see if I could even get it. I have other ideas of what I want if it is too pricey so would love to know asap that way i could order the other stuff in the event it is too much. :/
I'm scared of growing up and failing as an adult. I feel so unprepared and I'm not doing so well in school.

Also I was typing Poofesure quotes and accidentally pressed CTRL + V (paste) instead of CTRL + C (copy), and I lost all my progress. I don't wanna re-watch the video just to get back the quotes. I knew I should've written it down on paper...
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