Wonderous Wardrobe

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It's party time!~ ⭐✨

Partyyyy time XD 🥳


Hi @Nika, the lighting in your screenshots are unfortunately too dark and the camera angle wouldn't work well with the banner. Please resubmit a new screenshot taken in the daytime or inside a house with the brightest light setting, with your character facing forward and zoomed in as much as possible. Thank you!

I got my birthday outfit ready.

View attachment 572935

Time to bring out the party devil!
View attachment 573293

Hi @Alolan_Apples, @Snek, and @Mars Adept, I cannot accept your entries due to your characters appearing a tad too small in your screenshots to be in acceptable range for appearing in the banner. It's preferred if you submit a photo of them as close as possible, as smaller characters tend to look badly pixelated when increasing the size. Please resubmit a photo of your character facing forward and zoomed in as much as possible. Thank you!

Celebrating 20 years with some face paint!

View attachment 572947

View attachment 573108

View attachment 573109View attachment 573109View attachment 573109

Thought it'd be fun to dress up as a cake for the big day! What could possibly go wrong? : D
I hope the actual cake gets served soon...

I'll be catering some fancy drinks that your thirst craves, courtesy of Club Wahu.

View attachment 573375
View attachment 573376(Mods, if the background is too distracting let me know and I'll take a new picture)
Hello @Mutti, @Xara and @TN4U, I unfortunately couldn't accept your entries due to the lighting in your screenshots appearing too dark. They would end up not looking as nice on the banner because of the overlays that would be placed over them during the different times of day. Please resubmit your screenshots with the lighting in the room at it's brightest and without a different color hue. Thank you!
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