Wonderous Wardrobe

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I call this outfit pink birthday chic. 😅

character entry zerous.jpg

When I thought about what outfit I'd want to wear for the site's 20th anniversary, I decided I wanted it to represent as may of the jokes and memories I have on this site. Unfortunately I wasn't able to include nearly as many as I was hoping for due to the design restraints. but I have my Zipper dress, along the bottom of which is an oarfish. On one sleeve I have Kracko, and on the other a cow from Moomoo meadows. I'm wearing a Princess Peach crown, representing the Ha-cha meme, the amazing team I was recently on, as well as the dreaded mirror from 2017. I'm holding a star wand as a representation of the collectible, and I tried to make the colours bright for a party!
character entry zerous nametag.jpg

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character entry zerous 3.jpg

It was so much harder to draw on the sleeves than I thought 😭
I was going to celebrate in my pyjamas but decided I'd dress up for such a major event - stuck with the slippers though cause if I'm partying for 4 weeks I'm doing it in comfort! Pictured is my irl reaction to the prize booth..


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