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Here’s my magical time door.

My file size was WAY too large for most file sharing platforms, (4000x5000) so I had to make a deviant art account and post it there.

Anyways, here is my magic portal! I actually felt the magic while drawing it! (Edit made with permission)

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Deep in this oceanic crystal cave you find a hidden, enchanted door raised above the waters. Now, this isn't just any enchanted door. When you open it, the pink stars light up, as does the door, and transports you to another world! Which world you might ask? Well, that's for the adventurer to find out. :giggle:

Here is my submission:


"What could lie beyond this mysterious white door floating on the water surface?
The magic seal is already starting to lose its effect as a fragment of the world behind is emanating through the closed door."

Reference used: door from Suzume no Tojimari movie
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