Oh no! Do you happen to know which mushrooms you displayed?
You can review your transactions tab (and filter for Spores and Shop Purchases) to see a list of mushrooms you have recently purchased:
View attachment 587058
And maybe the most recent 9 were the ones you chose to display.
As others have noted, if even a single mushroom on display is not on the safe list, it will poison the rest.
But even worse, if you displayed ONLY items from the safe list, then it would be good for us to identify which one might be mislabeled.
I can confirm that the 10 I displayed were all safe:
Stony Elephant |
Stained Trombone |
Booton |
Porkini |
Pink Poyopuffball |
Embarrassed Blushroom |
Zero-G Commander |
Monumental |
Mythical |
Shiny Foongus |
So the other 3 on the list were:
Bronzed Bushwhacker |
Red Brushroom |
Blue Brushroom |