Mushroom Season Is Here!

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Wait. What happened? I'm out of the loop.
staff was supposed to release new mushrooms in the shop today since they're resetting which are poisonous/non-poisonous, but the addition of new shrooms is causing the site to crash so they'll figure it out in the morning. :] staff is trying to find out which shroom was poisonous to tbt /jk

anyway, rest in peace lil shrooms. embarrassed shroom forever in my heart. :T
Looking forward to seeing what other creative mushies were thought of. They must be pretty neat since the site is having issues. It cant handle another awesome batch.
Welp, in the mean time, I'll enjoy more sauteed shrooms. 😋
Please don't tell me my beloved Booton and Porkini are gone forever?! I need them back! 😢😢😢
Edit: Booton has put a curse on the Shop!
I came into this thread intending to comment that I’m happy I don’t need to rush Spore gathering today, since being so active is exhausting for me, but I wasn’t expecting all of this. What a turn of events! At least it's two easy days now, so yay for me, I guess?
I was wondering why the site was going so slow! Hopefully it's an easy fix and everyone can go back to mushroom foraging soon :)
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