Party Popping Puzzles

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first crossword and now picross puzzles?? 🥹 im so extremely happy since i love doing those as a pasttime LOL

Don't think I've seen this type before, but maybe? Looks familiar, like maybe an old game type puzzle or something. Looking forward to figuring it out!
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This is a hidden art pixel puzzle! To solve this you need to look at both the rows and the columns that contain numbers. Each number you see represents a set of colored in squares (ex: 10 means there are 10 colored in squares touching in that column). Using logic you must determine which of the blank squares are to remain blank and which ones are to be filled in with color. There is at least one blank square between each number in a row and at least one blank square between each number in a column (remember there may be more blanks between numbers, but at LEAST one). Color in the correct squares to reveal the image and then submit! Good luck!

(**Note: You can use an X in a square that is to remain blank if you would like (that will not count as being "colored in" but "colored in" squares should be filled in as reasonably possible. Please use one color of your choice for this puzzle.)

ETA: For those who are not familiar with this type of puzzle, do not be intimidated. Look for symmetry and use logic in order to solve. You can do this! It's okay to trial and error!
YESSS I’ve played hundreds of hours of picross I’ve been training my whole life for this
Soooo....i think I'm done, but I'm not really sure. Looks like it might be right. I think.

I might hang on to it for a bit, lol. Check it over tomorrow when I'm not sleepy. 😅

Pretty neat puzzle!
I've never done a picross puzzle before tbh. 😅 I definitely took Kaiaa's advice on using symmetry and logic to figure it out (heavy on the logic...). Pretty neat! Gonna hold off on submitting though so I can look it over when I'm more awake.
I’ve never done this type of puzzle before but I’m looking forward to giving it a go - I’ve been so excited for the next puzzle to drop !! My favourite activity so far!
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