Party Popping Puzzles

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Thanks to everyone who said they had to guess a little, I think I got something now. I was struggling because a lot of instruction websites I ran in to said "if you're guessing, you're doing it wrong" but then I was stuck with no where to go BUT guess.

I solved it. But personally, it wasn't as satisfying as I'd hoped it would be.

My issue with this puzzle is that, you can start solving it using standard nonogram rules until it comes to a dead end. Then you have to proceed with guessing based on symmetry. Then you go back to using nonogram rules.
I agree with this a lot, something about it felt not very satisfying.
got so close multiple times but always had one single stray block missing. still not sure if i have it right, but all the numbers at least fit now, so i'm gonna submit it anyway asdfghjkl
I’ll be honest, my brain genuinely will not work on this one. I don’t get it at all. Does anyone know where I can start? I’ve seen some comments saying to start with the big numbers and I have no idea how to even work those out

Yea the more I stare at it the more confusing it’s gets . I have no idea if what I do have is anywhere close to right.

Me trying to explain this- sorry for all the Picross heads who reads my explanation.. yesterday was my first time seeing this type of puzzle so I'm sorry if it's a bit scuffed..



I hope this isn't too much of a hint/spoiler but if you're familiar with pixel art at all, that could help you with this puzzle when you are forced to guess!
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Me trying to explain this- sorry for all the Picross heads who reads my explanation.. yesterday was my first time seeing this type of puzzle so I'm sorry if it's a bit scuffed..

TYSM for your help! I'm not good at explaining stuff TBH so I appreciate it. :D
TYSM for your help! I'm not good at explaining stuff TBH so I appreciate it. :D
i'm also really bad at explaining so i hope i didn't miss any crucial information x_x; i hope it was easy to understand as well since.. yah.. i was also having troubles understanding the concept of picross when looking at a bunch of videos and articles last night
I recall doing some picross in my life many years ago, but overall I don't have much experience in those type of puzzle. This one took me almost exactly 2 hours to finish and it wasn't very fun. I agree with what has already been said: there's too much guesswork where rules and logic should be followed. I don't think that's the point of picross?...
I think I’ve finished, the rows/columns all add up and it makes a pretty picture but I have no idea if it’s the one they’re looking for LOL
i love these puzzles! this one took me a little more to figure out but im like 99% sure i got it
I solved it. But personally, it wasn't as satisfying as I'd hoped it would be.

My issue with this puzzle is that, you can start solving it using standard nonogram rules until it comes to a dead end. Then you have to proceed with guessing based on symmetry. Then you go back to using nonogram rules.
yeap! i personally hate the 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 rows/columns (in general) because you definitely have to rely on other rows/columns to solve it, and if you have multiples of those it becomes less and less intuitive (hence relying on guessing) 😭
i have another comment for this puzzle and how it might be improved, but it'll probably reveal the answer so i'll wait until the timeframe is over. :] still, very cute pixel art!
yeap! i personally hate the 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 rows/columns (in general) because you definitely have to rely on other rows/columns to solve it, and if you have multiples of those it becomes less and less intuitive (hence relying on guessing) 😭
i have another comment for this puzzle and how it might be improved, but it'll probably reveal the answer so i'll wait until the timeframe is over. :] still, very cute pixel art!
As a nonogram newbie, the 1s are absolute killers.
not me actually now doing random picross/nonograms in my spare time.
Dont get me wrong, I havent been completely great at it, but im getting better. I think i uesd to see these in newspapers.
yea, you may as well just ask me to solve the kryptos cipher

even with mrbox's explanation, I've not a lick of a clue where to start
Yeah x_x; I apologize, my explanation doesn't really help with this puzzle.. That was more like a .... "What's Picross......." cause last night I didn't understand the concept...

To start this puzzle tho:
I'd go with the columns that have the highest number (not totaled numbers but like the actual number) and count the respective number (s) (This is including all the numbers and spaces) top to bottom and bottom to top to see where a guaranteed filled out box would be..! Then maybe try to go from there
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