Sad about the online won't be free anymore Nintendo Switch

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Is it going to affect new leaf that you can’t go to others towns without pay as well?
So you love buying chips then anything else?

Well, I'd say a majority of my extra cash goes to the purchase of edibles (that may or may not count as real groceries), I do like chips so I was using them as an example. ;)
I just started buying snacks again last month.

You missed the entire point of her post. She made a sacrifice ( tasty snacks ) in order to afford a luxury ( game system.) If your entire argument is that $20/year is too expensive and you want it you should make a sacrifice. Maybe offer to do extra chores for your parents so they will buy it for you?

Exactly. :)
That might be a good plan, that's what I did, I even worked for the neighbors sometimes.
Or maybe you could sell things you can make, or lemonade, or if you get birthday money, set some aside.
My mom was a credit manager for 10 years, I could budget better at 9 (and I didn't get an allowance) then most adults!
I think I bought a dirt scooter, I loved that scooter.
Maybe with the advent of paid subscription, the online communication features will improve? I dunno, I'm not a very social person when it comes to gaming, unless it's with my friends in the same room.
I'll probably never get a switch, at least until they're not cool anymore and are cheap. ( I saw a wii and like 5 games the other for $70)

I really hope they'll improve, that would make it much more worth it to me. They haven't indicated that yet though.
i was once in disapproval of it but nintendo have been giving us the luxury of free online even after other big companies charged for it. It costs lots to host a server, and it might pay for LESS DISCONNECTIONS IN SPLATOON. Either way, look at the bigger picture.
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Is it going to affect new leaf that you can’t go to others towns without pay as well?

You don't need to spend a single cent to play Animal Crossing: New Leaf and all of the Nintendo 3DS games online, since they rely on Nintendo Network Service instead of Nintendo Switch Online Service.
I'm not rude, that Monkey D is the one who is being rude.

Oh Bore off, I literally haven't posted in this thread in a week. Also I'm not rude for disagreeing with you when your only argument is "no it's dumb"

Only dumb thing is if you think that's a good reason to moan about it.

Pretty sure I haven't insulted you at all whereas you start calling me rude and bossy so bye

Oh Bore off, I literally haven't posted in this thread in a week. Also I'm not rude for disagreeing with you when your only argument is "no it's dumb"

Only dumb thing is if you think that's a good reason to moan about it.

Pretty sure I haven't insulted you at all whereas you start calling me rude and bossy so bye


My fight isn't just about dumb. I don't want to swear on here you stranger.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Well, I'd say a majority of my extra cash goes to the purchase of edibles (that may or may not count as real groceries), I do like chips so I was using them as an example. ;)
I just started buying snacks again last month.

Exactly. :)
That might be a good plan, that's what I did, I even worked for the neighbors sometimes.
Or maybe you could sell things you can make, or lemonade, or if you get birthday money, set some aside.
My mom was a credit manager for 10 years, I could budget better at 9 (and I didn't get an allowance) then most adults!
I think I bought a dirt scooter, I loved that scooter.

Is that why your name is a half food name and human name? Ably.Saucey is a nice name, I see a lot of people naming there user names Pizza and other names with pizza. Can't stand it, I wonder if they changed there user names.
Considering how dependent it actually is on your Wi-fi and environment, unless everyone gets flawless connections that won't be too affected I'd assume. Unless that paid thing improves your Internet with more than just connecting and letting you stay on (and don't punish you for other's DC etc.) just no just let it be free.
Maybe with the advent of paid subscription, the online communication features will improve? I dunno, I'm not a very social person when it comes to gaming, unless it's with my friends in the same room.
I'll probably never get a switch, at least until they're not cool anymore and are cheap. ( I saw a wii and like 5 games the other for $70)

wii games are much cheaper then 70$ today, if your looking for to buy a brand new game then it will be 60 or 50 dollars. Wii is a super old console anyways, but I still have my and I have a lot of fun games for it.
My fight isn't just about dumb. I don't want to swear on here you stranger.

I can't be that much of a stranger and you can't want to swear that much when you sent me a friend request after I was supposedly " rude. "

Back on topic though I understand being against it if the servers don't improve, hopefully they will but I'm not all that optimistic about it
I can't be that much of a stranger and you can't want to swear that much when you sent me a friend request after I was supposedly " rude. "

Back on topic though I understand being against it if the servers don't improve, hopefully they will but I'm not all that optimistic about it

I never send you a friend request, I mean what are you talking about. I just met you on this thread never anywhere else, so I really don't know what your talking about. I only add people on here when they are nice and when they are friends with me and if they are looking for friends I add them on the 3ds and on belltree.
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I never send you a friend request, I mean what are you talking about. I just met you on this thread never anywhere else, so I really don't know what your talking about. I only add people on here when they are nice and when they are friends with me and if they are looking for friends I add them on the 3ds and on belltree.


I'll just leave this here

I can't even get back on topic cause no one else has replied. QUESTION: Do people think the internet service will improve after the payments start? Or are we literally getting the same stuff for more money
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I sure hope the servers improve or ill be pissed
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The servers should improve, I agree. Lots and lots of people paying $20 a year? Nintendo can't POSSIBLY ignore that and just keep their servers utter trash.

...Can they?
im sorry mate but literally no one was rude to you in this whole thread. Just because they have a different opinion than you doesnt mean you have to start calling them names ( :
I can't even get back on topic cause no one else has replied. QUESTION: Do people think the internet service will improve after the payments start? Or are we literally getting the same stuff for more money

I mean the in-game servers are P2P. They're not going to magically improve because we throw money at Nintendo, and Nintendo does not even begin to need the money to improve their services. The fact that they have done absolutely zilch to show that they're attempting to improve their online services in any way, shape or form in the year and a half since they revealed the service would become paid is exactly why people like me are not happy.
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Everyone lets just have peace and no more fighting about the online thing anymore, because people are getting tired of it. So lets just talk about something else, like what is your favorite game.
Everyone lets just have peace and no more fighting about the online thing anymore, because people are getting tired of it. So lets just talk about something else, like what is your favorite game.

There are various other threads available if you wish to talk about something else :).

I mean the in-game servers are P2P. They're not going to magically improve because we throw money at Nintendo, and Nintendo does not even begin to need the money to improve their services. The fact that they have done absolutely zilch to show that they're attempting to improve their online services in any way, shape or form in the year and a half since they revealed the service would become paid is exactly why people like me are not happy.

You don't really pay for the improvements however, let's keep in mind that this whole time we have been playing online with a trial version of 'Nintendo Switch Online'.
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I mean the in-game servers are P2P. They're not going to magically improve because we throw money at Nintendo, and Nintendo does not even begin to need the money to improve their services. The fact that they have done absolutely zilch to show that they're attempting to improve their online services in any way, shape or form in the year and a half since they revealed the service would become paid is exactly why people like me are not happy.

Yeah, why should we pay more for our own internet when yeah they will probably never improve it unless they go away from p2p stuff, yes.

Also if we don't pay for improvement, what do we even pay for? More money in their pockets for nothing and their bandwagon jumping? smfh.
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