Stop putting yourself into situations where you’re so busy. School work? Don’t go to school!! Work duties? Don’t work! Stay home and play Animal Crossing, and hope to inherit a windfall of money one day.
I want to get a pet but not sure I am up for the extra responsibilities right now.
If you mean the plant, just tape blades of grass together till it resembles what you want. And if you mean the toy, just tape blades of grass together till it resembles what you want
You have to describe how the tent will help people who buy it. Also how it will be innovative. Make sure that the executives are pleased (what, you wanted to pitch a tent, right?)!
Take your arms, and find an animal. Any animal. How about that ant next to you? Do what you would with a human, no need to be awkward. Just wrap your arms around th- OH MY GOD YOU KILLED HIM.
How do I organize a memorial service on a $0 budget?
Using your hot glue gun, completely trash someone else’s funeral and force them all to leave. Then yeet the body outta the coffin, throw in the recently deceased, and profit.
How do i find the cyber planet keys to summon Primus