The Internet's Worst Advice Column

Take one bottle of vitamin D supplements per day. The whole bottle, eat it like a snake.

How can I pay more attention in school?
Adderall. Eat it like you would candy. Or grind it into a potion, to add some flair.
I, however, am not liable for any negative outcomes. Seriously do not do thi-

How do I "get good"?
You got to get good! You have to physically chase after good. Use a plane, use a boat, use a train, whatever it takes! And once you have caught good, you will have finally gotten “good”.

How do I write a novel?
Okay here's what you do, first you order a block of marble off the internet and wait for it to arrive. Next, you carve the block in to the letter/symbol that represents A+. It will look really fancy but it will of course be heavy so you'll probably have to get that A+ on wheels, load it on to a moving truck - ideally you'll want to secure the A+ in place, maybe throw a couple moving blankets on it. Don't want all that hard work to break. Next you drive down to your local school, any school will do actually, and then break in, and wheel the A+ in to a prime spot. Maybe in a hallway, or the cafeteria. The hard part will be getting the statue off the wheels. You may want to enlist the help of the janitor - maybe bribe him, and he'll probably have the necessary tools to help lift the A+ off the wheels and on to the floor. Once you are satisfied with the sculpture's placement, you can then confidently say that you got an A+ in school. Hope this helps

How do I make a cheesy chicken quesedilla?
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Buy a live chicken, wrap it in a giant quesadilla, and sprinkle some shredded cheese on top.

How can I make myself wake up early without feeling exhausted for the rest of the day?
Do what Johnny Test did and resurrect people from long ago. Then ask them about historical events in detail as they try to eat your brain.

How do I fly?
Lift up your arms in front of a giant fan. You'll start to fly..... In 10 years.

How can I keep myself cool in hot temperatures?
just like I’m “reviving” this thread, revive the ice water bucket challenge from 2014. tried and true method

How do I reheat McDonald’s French fries?
Take a container to your local gas station, fill it up, douse the fries in the gas, light a match, and watch them reheat instantly! Works especially well if you like your fries extra crispy.

How do I get better at speedrunning video games?
Hire an Olympic runner, give them the desired video game and have them run while holding it. Store bought is also fine

What should I make for Sunday brunch?