Unpopular Opinions

Tackle football is an awful game. Yes, in theory and on paper it's an awesome game. However, it's basically a blood sport to a degree when actually played and the reasons for keeping it around are ignorant and greedy at best and completely inane at worst.

I feel like in 20 or 30 years, if not sooner, the idea of playing football will be stigmatized by a majority of people. You already see NFL stars retire in their prime because they are scared of the effects of playing and don't deem it worth it to continue. I wonder if/when the rest of the world will think the same way.
I feel like in 20 or 30 years, if not sooner, the idea of playing football will be stigmatized by a majority of people. You already see NFL stars retire in their prime because they are scared of the effects of playing and don't deem it worth it to continue. I wonder if/when the rest of the world will think the same way.

Fair point really. I always felt like this about boxing.

I kind of like the NFL, so I could be biased. Still think NFL players shouldn`t be treated like semigods though.
Fair point really. I always felt like this about boxing.

I kind of like the NFL, so I could be biased. Still think NFL players shouldn`t be treated like semigods though.

Yea I think athlete and celebrity worship in general is something else that needs to be addressed. But that's too long of a discussion for me to get into lol
Earth Hour is unnecessary imo. Like, do what you can everyday rather than having it one day only.

I agree. Same goes with Valentine's Day. Show the people you care about how much you care every single day.
i support animal testing as long as it's helping us learn and discover important things such as medicine (so not for makeup etc)
I think that Nutella tastes absolutely horrible, and I don't understand why people like it.
Don't get me wrong, I love everyday junk food.. but Nutella is just disgusting.
I think that Nutella tastes absolutely horrible, and I don't understand why people like it.
Don't get me wrong, I love everyday junk food.. but Nutella is just disgusting.

I've only eaten Nutella once, but I agree
The collectible hype is amusing and white feathers are ugly.
except his hands were proven to not be in a surrender position

and he never actually said that


also this is completely different from Blackout day so I guess I kind of beat your point there huh

so that undermines the total point of a cop shooting someone!!!! I get it now!!!

Also I love mellow yellow and hate soda :///
soda can clean car parts but can't clean my soul

i support animal testing as long as it's helping us learn and discover important things such as medicine (so not for makeup etc)

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I like pickles on burgers with mustard/onion/ketchup. I actually like pickles on a lot of things, but I always seem to be the only one in my immediate peer group. No love for the bread & butter chip and no hope at all for the dill. Relish with tuna seems to be 'gross' with a lot of people but I like that the most.
Cats are better than dogs. Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum weren't very good. Those are mine. Eheh, I can't think of that many right now... ._.