What are your hopes for the AC Direct and upcoming updates?

I have plenty of hopes for Nintendo to dash.

Brewster to return. I kind of wish he'd have his own building, but I don't see that happening.​
More buildings in general, maybe a permanent little shop for the visiting merchants like Leif and an expansion on the Able Sisters for Kick's.​
More villager plots on my island. 12-15 as a max # of villagers sounds reasonable to me. I only have one player character so my island feels very empty. This could be totally optional for those who don't want them.​
Improved, expanded villager dialogue. A lot more dialogue. Villagers visiting my house or inviting me over to their houses.​
Easier terraforming and bulk-buying.​
Fence customization.​
New villagers or some old villagers returning. It would be so cool to see a new villager type or species, but I also just miss Aziz a lot.​
We really need some more non-event furniture sets like in New Leaf. I miss rococo furniture and regal furniture and princess furniture and so many more sets that just aren't in this game.​
General store upgrades.​
I also want lockers at the airport... Or on the plane. Any thing extra to carry things back. Or if not, then expanded pocket storage.

That would be so nice! Just imagining that scenario is beautiful! Haha
Considering there also releasing S5 of Amiibo cards, maybe possible we get a few new characters? Or atleast a few new events if there dedicating a whole direct to it🤞
When is the direct suppose to be? Or if there is no date announced when are people expecting it to be?
The one thing that bugs me the most is just how painful decorating is, especially for a game that focuses so much on this specific feature over everything else. Terraforming, placing down items, putting down pavement or even replacing it is so damn tedious in this game I think it might be what will make it age so poorly in the future. I wanted to make my pavement brown for autumn since mine is grey, but it would be so tedious to replace every single tile in my island, it just makes me not want to do it or pick up the game in the first place. They need to address this in my opinion, so a sandbox kind of editing would be a major thing for me, as well as more detailed or interesting furniture. Pocket Camp hits it out of the park with every single set, so NH has no excuse giving us these bland furniture sets.
I just want the Direct to come out already. If this Direct is going to give us info that will really change the game I'll be happy. If its just Brewster and the Roost it wont be enough for me to get back into the game. NH just still feels imcomplete to me idk why
I think they will show 3 main things:
  1. Brewster + The Roost mechanic: they'll probably go into how you can work in The Roost and earn rewards. They'll introduce pastries to serve your villagers and unexpected visitors! No cooking mechanic and no veggies/fruits, only pastries like cupcakes. Brewster will also probably hint the return of gyroids (I don't fully expect them to return just now, but he'll be a key part of that in a future update). They'll spend most of the direct in this segment.
  2. New amiibo cards: including the new villagers and NPC's. I don't expect villagers from past games, like GCN.
  3. New visitor NPC: either Katrina or Lottie (I'm leaning more towards Katrina, since she's already been hinted at in the app). If it's Katrina, it'll be something unrelated to the luck system and more about the point system in the app. If it's Lottie, maybe something related to changing our houses/villager houses appearance (and on a more ambitious note: maybe even the Town Hall?). If it's Lottie, I can see them including the fence customization.
I don't think they'll show more villager interactions (i.e. villagers inviting you home/playing more games w you), but I do think it'll be either shadow dropped on Twitter or just included in the update (but not shown in the direct). If they do show a 4th thing, I'm inclined to say they'll tease a new Nook's upgrade.
I think we will get the Roost for free, but they will announce a big paid DLC pack (given AC sales numbers, big cash grab for Nintendo) that makes use of the boat dock and will add many more items. As long as the Roost is free I can live with a paid DLC.
I dont know if they would dwell on something like this and I dont know if something like this has been mentioned already, but, i would not mind also giving poor Isabell more of meaning, depth and involvement in our island 😅.
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Haha I keep adding stuff as I play.

2 more useful features I would love to see happen with this update is the addition of a list of recipes we already learned on the Nintendo switch app. There's a catalog there so I don't see why they can't put this on it as well. The 2nd thing is a portable ABD or if it is added to the nook phone as a separate service. I wouldn't mind Tom taking a very very small fee for withdrawing from the app for the convenience. 😉 Of course, the bells will then magically appear in our pockets. 🙃
Therefore in this imaginary world where my assumptions about Nintendo are correct. We will get the update between October 10th and 16th. Getting more specific I think between October 12th and 14th. Finally if I had to guess one specific date I would say October 13th because Directs most commonly happen on Wednesdays...even though the Smash Bros. one is a Tuesday, but whatever.

I absolutely hope it is earlier, but this is my predication and I hope this doesn't age poorly.

Well I was sorta right at first, but then when I narrowed in on a date I was wrong by two days. Oh well! I honestly didn't think Nintendo cared about characters' birthdays, but glad to know they do and we get to celebrate Brewster's birthday with a Direct. Can't wait to see what's in store!
I'm finally back! :) Thanks to the direct I finally have a reason to go back to AC:NH (and here, too! haha).
Any hopes for the updates and Direct scheduled for October?

Personally, in addition to confirmed Brewster + The Roost, I'd say gyroids!

More upgrades for the Nooklings' store.
Let's see, for the Direct itself, I'm hoping for:

-Something pertaining to the datamined crops.

-Minor quality of life upgrades, especially a cart for the Able Sisters. Another storage upgrade would also be incredibly appreciated—I'd rather not make extra player characters solely for added storage space. I like collecting clothes though, so this is... desperately needed in my current situation.

-Fence customization!!

-Any news regarding the mysterious HHD update... DLC... whatever it winds up being, if anything, I just know that I want it ahahahah.

And things I'm hoping for in future updates, but that I don't necessarily expect to see in this Direct:

-Some sort of workaround for all the color-locked items (Nook Mile redemption ones included) that doesn't involve Nintendo Online or pure random chance. I'd love it if they brought back Reese and Cyrus outside of the wedding event for this, but I'll take anything really.

-The missing fruits, and preferably perfect fruits as well! They would add so much color and variety; I miss them. Similarly, I want violets, carnations, clovers, and dandelions back too. Dead trees would also be really awesome to see again—I love the spooky tree, but I like having dead trees around in late autumn through winter as well, to add to the wintry atmosphere, and it's too Halloween-y to work for that.

-Also, the missing furniture sets and items from New Leaf!! I miss the Rococo and Princess sets a ton, as well as a few of the miscellaneous flower set items and food items that didn't make a comeback. ;; Some of the PWPs from New Leaf (wisteria trellis! windmill!!) would be amazing to see converted into furniture items, too.

-Permanent shops for Leif, Kicks, and Label. I'd also love to see some more NPCs return, like Gracie, Booker/Copper, Katrina, Blanca, the list goes on.

-At least one more upgrade to Nook's Cranny, if not two. If that involves any of what I've listed above, even better.

-I didn't think this was terribly likely and I'm still not getting my hopes up too much, but since we might be getting some returning or even brand new villagers in the fifth Amiibo card series... more optional villager slots. 🤞 Ideally, I'd like 6 more, so 16 villagers total—that's enough for two of each personality type (and one of each sub-type, for those who take that into consideration). I'd love if Series 5 gave us more new villagers (I especially want some lionesses, and missing species/personality combos), but it'd be a little painful to have to rethink my dreamies. Even if we don't get any new or returning villagers, though, I'd still absolutely love to have six more villagers on my island. I can already think of a few villagers I'd love to have, if only I had more room for them.
I'd just like to see some other things return from previous games (including Brewster but we know he's returning). Perfect fruits/tropical island/NPCs/old furniture sets(esp from GracieGrace), plus introducing a new set of DIYs would be cool.
Oh more things to hope for! I hope we can build more than 8 bridges and 8 inclines. Trying to design and plan around the limitation is tricky. I hope they bump this up with the new updates. :D