Why is talking to extended family so awkward for me eeeee... I do not know these people, I feel like I’m making awkward small talk with a stranger rn
I have that problem too sometimes. It's even worse when I forget their name and have to rely on my mom or dad to remind me of what their name is. I've never been good with maintaining social connections with my own extended family, and it's mainly because I don't really know what to talk about that isn't sensitive to me.
ended up not getting to sleep til after 12:30, and I still woke up multiple times in the night for good measure. I've been awake for an hour now, since about 5:45, and I just want to go back to sleep but I don't know if I'll be able to
I hate waking up in the middle of the night on a workday to look at the clock, knowing then that I have to wake up. It then lingers in my mind until the actual alarm goes off, and I wake up all groggy and miserable because my mind became hyper-focused on not oversleeping. It really doesn't help that it's 4:45AM I usually wake up at...
I’m still angry at that one moderation I received 15 years ago. After I received my first warning, I couldn’t go a whole month without receiving another warning. But when I tried going a whole month without a warning, only to receive a warning for flaming at the last minute, I was angry. I’m never going to forgive TV.com for giving me a warning at the last minute when I tried going a whole month without one. Whatever I was moderated for wasn’t even listed in the TOS.
That reminds me of those random moments that pop into my mind that make me feel embarrassed, despite said events happening so long ago. For example, I just remembered publicly writing on one of those little portable whiteboards in my 8th grade Spanish class that a girl I liked was awesome. She liked my message, but nowadays that's a thing I wouldn't feel comfortable doing.
Punishment-wise, I got warned here on TBT a few months ago for sharing a comedy YouTube video that had a specific bad word in the title, uncensored. All the video was, was a cover of the
Star Wars theme done poorly on a recorder. Someone saw my post that had the word, reported it, and subsequently got my post edited by the mods with a warning posted to my account. Seeing that big long message (that takes up a whole page) pop up that day made me twitch and feel uneasy. I then posted my apology, and didn't post anything else for the rest of the day. I got over it quick, however, and I'm no longer bothered by that warning being there. Lesson learned: Don't post swear words on TBT.
I'm a little irate at my job at the moment. First off, that promotion I applied for didn't come to me, and I never even received a second interview session. I was told it's because of my lack of experience, despite me being a quick learner. Whatever. Shortly after I got the interview boot, they decided to shove an entire bus route in the middle of my (actually decent) two-school run, as the driver that normally does that route is on long-term leave. This "new" 3rd route makes me insanely late to the school I normally do last, and they're refusing to give this to a different driver. When I asked why they wouldn't change it, it was because they needed, and I quote: "...a driver who the children can consistently expect.". This was told to me by my boss after only the first day doing the route, and basically meant that I'm stuck with it for the long haul. They're very well aware that I'm getting to my normal school insanely late, but they don't seem to care about those children now getting home late every day. The worst part is that I don't know any of these new kids' names, and it takes me a
very long time to remember names. All the stops on this route are multi-student stops, so that won't help me remember anyone at all. I wrote a long letter of concern stating that I'll even refuse to do this afternoon run if nothing changes, and I hope it doesn't come to me intentionally calling off to get my message across.
Normally, I don't mind subbing every now and then, but this is a major time conflict that bothers me greatly. The fact that they're essentially telling me to deal with it is even worse. I'm not happy about this at all.